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Melting The CEO's Heart

Melting The CEO's Heart



Marriage happens when two souls in love come together, vow to love each other to heights and conditions both good and bad, but what if it's not based on that rather on a contract. This happens when Jason Hunter a cold arrogant aristocrat prince and CEO of M CORP GROUP OF COMPANIES who is rumoured to be gay offers a contract marriage to Leona Williams after a one night stand with her. The contract is supposed to last a year but what happens when Leona discovers Jason's true sexual orientation and falls in love with him. Will she be able to melt his cold heart.

Chapter 1 One night stand .

The heavy lined draperies left a small opening from which the light from the morning light shone in. Leona Williams opened her deep oceanic eyes slightly, a frown creased on her face when she felt a sharp throbbing pain aroind her temporal bones.

She felt her entire body achy and sore it was like all her muscles were tensed up and overworked.

Leona tried sitting up but she suddenly felt a warm hand grasp her by the waist her pupils dilated at the sight of the well built body next to her.

A gasp escaped her swollen lips "what happened and where the heck am i?" She asked scanning the grandiose room and the soft bed in which she lay with the strange man.

While she was still trying to put everything into perspective memories of last night came flooding back in her mind like a hurricane, she vividly remembers how Dr.Cyrus the head doctor and all the nurses and doctors were running about anxious when the hospital received a call from the Hunter mansion informing them of how seriously ill the CEO was, so the hospital had to send a doctor and a nurse to the royal villa and apparently Dr.Cryrus chose her to accompany him.

Being an intern nurse she was scared but she mastered up the courage and they left for the villa.

She remembered that once they arrived inside the mansion the doctor excused himself and then a man escorted her inside a room, though hesistant at first she resolved to follow him because of fear of disappointing the hospital because it had a reputation to keep and the patient they were dealing with wasn't an ordinary person.

Once inside the room the man bolted the door and the anxiety that was boiling through her blood surged at once and then she felt a hand grap her by the waist throwing her to the bed.

She writhed under his warm body but she was no match for his might, she struggled to let out the words "let me go," from her lips but it was to no avail.

Feeling her body being pressed under his made her dizzy and it made her disoriented, she was so hot and sweaty as his body rested against hers. His face was so close that she could feel his hot breath on hers and though being in the dark there was something about his eyes that showed he was of a much higher class.

His kiss was warm and wet and be caressed her lips with his, his big hands impatiently ripped apart her dress as she struggled more in his embrace, she was incoherent and groaned unconsciously as he entered her slowly.

And just like that she had given off her first night to a stranger, tears welled up at the corner of her eyes at the thought of how dirty she was at this moment why did all of this happen to her, why were the odds always against her.

She rubbed them with the back of her hand right now wasn't a time to be weak with wailing she had to flee from the danger that lay just around the corner.

She slowly got out of his grip not wanting to wake him up, the pain in between her legs made it had to stand but nevertheless she had to use the little energy left so she got dressed up in her torn dress tided up her hair and scampered towards the door and surprisingly it opened.

"Thank you," she whispered happily.

Just as she had left, the man in the bed opened up his eyes sharp like that of an eagle.

Leona's happiness was soon dragged to the mud when she noticed the guards in the hallway, how was she going to escape from all of them it was literally impossible to even try it.

Leona didn't know that all her moves were being watched because as she had just left the room, a man who was aged in the years entered the room.

"Should i go after her?" Asked the aged

Silence from the man who was now fully awake and sitting lazily on the chair with his legs crossed in a kingly like manner answered his questions.

Within seconds, Leona was brought back in the same room by a bunch of body guards.

Seeing the man who raped her last night with what looked like a peaceful look in his eyes disdained and surged her ire at him.

"Who are you people and what do you want from me, let me go," she breathed out.

The old man was scared to death because no one had ever spoken to his master in such a brusquely manner but he the look from his master made him swallow his rebuke.

"Miss Leona my master is very regretful and sorry for what happened between the both of you last night and so as a retribution he wants to marry you, you can go get the marriage licence at the courthouse ." he said and the way he spoke made her realise that he meant all that was said.

She let out what seemed like a maniac laugh "let me get this straight so your master raped me and now he wants to marry me is this some sort of play or these fancy novels to you guys," she was outraged at their suggestion.

"I understand your frustration but try to understand that he was drugged so what he did wasn't his fault

"You must really be crazy," she said looking at the two men whose expressions showed utter seriousness.

The man suddenly spoke with a voice as cold as an iceberg "my name is Jason Hunter CEO of M Corp group of companies."

"Well Mr. Hunter I'm not interested in your offer besides i don't even know who you are and just because we had sex doesn't mean we have to get married we are adults remember."

The man's face was emotionless despite her words.

Leona felt her head spin following all that had happened since last night so her legs slowly gave out and she felt herself crample down, but as she was going to fall, she felt hand grap her right on time.

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