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Devil's surrogate

Devil's surrogate

Sian Laura


Nandy's life takes a turn for the worst when her mother dies in a market explosion and suddenly her siblings too get caught in a house fire leading her to taking up different part time jobs but when she doesn't get enough money she makes a deal with the man everyone considered the devil. Can this man make her life hell or maybe change her life forever.

Chapter 1 Hell in a day

"Nandy , we know that your mother just died this should be more reason for you to even study harder. Maybe you can make a life for your siblings."

The teacher says to Nandy who had dozed off on her bookrack during a math session . She woke up and rubbed her eyes gently while feeling embarrassed about sleeping in class. She sat up straight and tried her best to stay awake .

Nandy's mom had been a victim in an explosion that had happened near her community , leaving her to fend for her three brothers . Even if it had been only three months she felt like it was just yesterday as the flash back of seeing her half burnt mother's corpse being taken to the hospital .

She had no family member that could take up the taking care of her and her siblings so she decided not to cry and just pull up her socks and move on .

She took up different kinds of part time jobs but none of then gave enough money took up more jobs and tried to juggle work, school and time for her younger brothers.

Finally the session was done and it was time to knock off so she got up and began to leave when three girls blocked her way . These were the most popular and richest girls in school , they were big time bullies because they thought they owned the school . Nandy felt like she could just stand up for herself and beat the shit out of these rich brats but she couldn't risk getting thrown out of school after all she was just on scholarship .

"Hey street rat , I guess that name suits you even better now ." Britney said . She was like the boss of the group . She was pretty with long blonde hair that reached her waist when she tied it into a ponytail and pure white skin with blue eyes . She knew she was pretty so she walked around like a queen .

"What have I done now?"

"Well you had the nerve to doze off in class while knowing that you're here because our parents are generous enough to fund people like you ." Kylie added , she was the second richest girl in school so she was like a beta . She was pretty as well with curly dark chocolate brown hair and green eyes that made her look even more beautiful. She was a bit taller than Britney making her look like a model type.

For the third girl Jade she had short dark hair that reached her shoulders . She had light brown eyes with pure white skin but she was the shortest in the group, but not as short as Nandy.

Nandy was the most beautiful girl you could lay your eyes on but she didn't know that and she didn't care either . She had dark smooth skin with short black hair that complimented her skin . What got people thinking a lot was her

big beautiful very light brown eyes , they were like you could almost see through them .

She had a gorgeous body shape that made guys turn heads and girls jealous enough to ignore her . Nandy had a small waist with medium sized hips and a big medium sized ass with thick thighs that complimented her ass well . Her breast were like two beautiful oranges put together making her look like a goddess.

"Please can we do this tomorrow I have to go somewhere right now ." She tried pleading with them . The girls looked at each other and laughed as Britney snapped her fingers and two guys from there class walked in . Britney gave them the order , in a blink of an eye they took Nandy away from the class and to the girls restroom.

She pleased but they all ignored her and shoved her head into the toilet then left laughing as she lay on the floor with her hands in her ears . Nandy always had a habit of covers her ears whenever she was sad to avoid crying .

She picked herself up and headed out , she was already late for her first job at a mini Mart. When she was there she got fired for being late and she knew that this was not going to be a good day. The moment she woke up in the morning to the sound of her land lady banging on her door , she had a feeling it was not going to be a good day.

She decided to go to her other job that she got yesterday as a house keeper in a mansion near maimi beach . So she had to get on a bus that dropped her off near the place then the rest on foot . She walked for almost half an hour till she came across the gate that had only two guards . Immediately she approached the gate she was questioned till they called the head maid to confirm that she was a new maid .

Walking inside the inside the estate she thought she was in heaven , how could someone live in such a beautiful huge house ? She looked at the green grass and beautiful flowers and wondered who in hell owned that place.

Nandy entered the mansion and was greeted by a nice old lady who looked like she was in her late fifties . She took her to the kitchen and told her everything she needed to know and the house rules where so many that it made her head hurt . The old woman's name was Nora , she was the head maid who supervised everything that concerned house keeping and food in the house.

Nandy was to be paid working only for two hours and the money was good too . Nandy worked well without rest or even drinking water was till she was done , Nora paid her in cash making Nandy so happy but her happiness was short lived when she got a call from her neighbor saying that the building had caught fire .

Her heart sunk into her belly, Nora looked at her pale face and let her go for the day .Nandy rushed back only to find that her brothers had been rushed to the hospital. When she reached the hospital she checked all around till she found out that they were in the ICU.

"Doctor please tell me how are they ." The doctor turned to look at her and felt for her , she seemed so young . " Well two of them didn't get much burns they are just first degree burns but the older one third degree burns from his neck to the left side of his body." Hearing that made her heart sink as tears ran down her beautiful cheeks . Nandy sat down hopelessly, was she going to lose her brother too . She began to wonder why life was so Cruel to her , did she ever sin in her previousl life .

The doctor told her that they is a professional doctor called doctor Phil who is very good at cases like this . But the problem came when he mentioned money , for the other two it would be $50,000 and for the older one with more serious burns it would be $150,000 .

The mention of the money made her legs feel like jelly , what was she supposed to do . It lend her to wonder if there is a God or maybe she had sinned alot .

The next morning, a nurse woke her up , she rubbed her eyes and looked at the nurse who was trying her level best not to show how much she didn't like her .

"This is not a hotel miss and you need to pay a fee to cover the stay of your siblings in this hospital otherwise they will be thrown out by the end of today ." She said and walked away .

Nandy by now was so tired both her body and mind were tired . She walked to the ICU to see how they where doing but it was not good.

The youngest was Izaak and he was six years old then the one a bit older than him was Khalan who was ten and the other one was Hakeem who was fifteen years old .

She looked at there pale faces and then and there she decided she would do anything to get them better again . Her brothers always found a way to make her smile especially Izaak the youngest, he always had a bright smile just like her . Her wish was to see them smile again so she went first went to the house just to meet her land lady .

" You finally came back you evil little rat after causing a fire in my home and you know what? You're going to renovate that apartment...."

"But I don't have ....." She tried to explain but her land lady didn't want to hear it .

"Are you the only one with with problems or you're the only orphan in the world just get it renovated or I will take you to court and you will lose and rot in jail ." She said and walked away from Nandy .

Nandy felt like the whole world weighed on her shoulders and she was beginning to be tired to carry it all . She got some food and went back to the hospital to check if Izaak and Khalan were awake . When she got there she found them awake except from Hakeem who had fallen into a coma .

She put up a smile then walked in , " Hey guys how are you feeling look I brought some food, are you hungry ?" Khalan looked at his sister and smiled. "It's not your fault sis so don't have to feel bad will be fine ok?" She smiled and gave them what to eat . As they were eating she looked at the news and heard that an illegal surrogate hospital just shut down .

" You know what I heard that people get a lot of money out of surrogacy ." The first lady said. " Yeah and if the person paying you is even generous they pay more than $200,000."

Nandy heard that and she knew that , that was her way out but for now it was time for her to go for work. She rushed there trying to make sure that she doesn't lose her job this time , Nandy walked in and changed into her uniform and began to clean .

" You're late little girl , do you think this is your father's house?" It was enough for the day so she looked at the maid head to toe . " Am pretty sure that you're not working here for leisure you proud skinny bitch ." The girl looked at her in shock but she recovered and slapped Nandy hard . And she did the same making her fall on her ass , " Next time I will dislocate your face so but the doctors will be wondering what the fuck happened to you ."

Nora walked in and looked at both girls," Am sorry , I know the rules says no fighting but..." Before Nandy could finish explaining Nora raised her head . " Tina , last time I checked you don't work in here ." Tina bowed her head and left . "And you're late on your second day of work but I like your spirit so I will let it slide just this once." Nandy felt relieved and began with her work .

By 5pm she was done and before she left she filled out an application for being a surrogate in a well known surrogate hospital. Nora walked by and noticed that she looked tense but she just walked away.

She passed by the surrogacy hospital to leave her application letter, after she went to the hospital to check up on her brothers. Nandy now just prayed that some rich couple hires her . Nandy stayed up half of the night to make sure they were ok .

It was a bright Saturday morning in the hospital and her two brothers seemed better than yesterday. She smiled with her tired eyes , she went to her only friend's house and took a shower then changed into light blue jeans and a black T-shirt. On the application she had put up her friend Stella's number because she had no phone.

Stella's phone rang and it was the surrogacy hospital , it was good news because Nandy was selected and she was to meet the client at the hospital.

" I just hope it's a handsome single man ." Stella

Said with a mischievous smile on making Nandy to just roll her eyes at her . " It's not fall in love hospital ok , but I still hope it's a handsome man at least the baby should be cute ." She smiled and walked out to meet up with the client, little did she know that she was going to make a deal with the devil .

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