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A Maid For The Bancroft

A Maid For The Bancroft



All Tatiana William has ever wanted was to visit the Bancroft vila and have a glimpse of what the house looks like. Unlike the other people, Tatiana was forbidden by her mum never to set her feet at the Bancroft Villa even though her mum works there as a nanny Tatiana's simple life took a new turn when she stepped foot into the Bancroft villa and messed with Tristan the most adored son of the Bancroft family, He vowed to make her life difficult as no one has ever stood up against him

Chapter 1 The Beginning


The door to the Meeting room opened revealing Tristan as he walked in all graced in black, the look on his face was deadly and unfathomably emotionless, his legs halted the moment he sighted his father and his 3 other brothers, and he scoffed inwardly He just hopes this meeting isn't to try and convince him to change from being a cold-hearted person towards his brothers, cause why should he? He walked in and dropped himself lightly on the couch ignoring every ones look He flunged his leg over the other and brought his phone out of his coat pocket alongside his cigarette,he lit it and smoked from it , puffing the smoke out to an unknown destination Tristan Thompson Bancroft is the middle child out of the five children of the grand Bancroft and the most adored by his father, although he is very cold-hearted he seems to have won his father's heart because he is the most vibrant and smartest He hates his 3 brothers the same way they do “Where are your manners?”his father ask aggressively and he scoffed inwardly before turning to give a reply “Are we here to talk about manners? if I can remember you called here for a meeting but if it's about how to teach manners I think I will have to be a little rude and excuse myself ” he replied momentarily in his thick masculine voice, and his father almost busted but tried as much as he could to calm himself from talking Although his father was completely losing it, with Tristan, he just has to act like nothing is happening at least for the peace of eveveryone “I called out for this meeting because I currently want to go into politics and I want to will my most recognized company to one of you” he explained and they all gave their father their whole attention aside from Tristan “Tristan, I will be making you the Ceo of DRIVMO” Mr. Thompson muttered and silence assumed the air, instantly Tristan cast a deadly glance at his father but unfortunately, the old man wasn't staring at him “I'm not interested in any of your companies father I already have 2 companies of mine” he replied nonchalantly and his father shot him a dagger stare “I don't care if you have over 20 companies of yours but I'm handling over the company to you because it is safer with you” DRIVEMO, is one of the most recognized companies in New England it deals with the production of cars and engineering objects Almiraldo the eldest son of the family stared dagger at Tristan, he kept casting a deadly look at his father and then at Tristan He had always wished to become the Ceo of that company when his father finally decides to will his company out, now his father is giving it to Someone who is not interested Almiraldo is the eldest child amongst the five children of the grand Bancroft He hates Tristan the same way he does. Tristan stared at his watch for the last time and sigh “If that's all for me I wish to take my leave, I have got another meeting to attend in less than 30 minutes” he muttered in a whisper, and his father nodded his head Deeping his hands in his coat pocket he strides out of the room majestically while all the guards bowed at his presence while the meeting continued


7:30PM Tatiana opened the door to their small house and walked in before arranging her Mimi umbrella “Come here poor child, I knew you were going to walk in, even with the heavy rain” Mrs. Helien muttered feeling pathetic for her “I thought I instructed you never to walk in the rain?”Mrs. Helien scolded and Tatiana pouted “I had no choice right, I knew you would be worriedly sick, I didn't want you to come looking for me in the rain, besides I always have my umbrella everywhere I go right” she explained and walked closer to her mummy Tatian is the only child of Mrs. Helien and her husband and they adore her so much “Go change into something different” Mrs. Helien advise and she nodded her head ready to take the stairs but she suddenly turned back the moment she realized she was forgetting something “How is your health, she inquired affectionately and her mum nodded “Very well thank you, ”she gave a faint reply and Tatiana was quick to notice the difference “Why are you home so early today?”she questioned again and Mrs Helien sighed “Got really exhausted I couldn't keep up so I came back home” she replied and Tatiana's shoulders dropped “Am afraid I might lose my job if I continue this way, ”she muttered and Tatiana walked down the stairs “I could cover up for you, at least till you get better” she whispered and her mum's expression changed immediately “No way Tatiana, I won't let you do that,” “Why mummy, ?” she questioned with a very surprising look, it amuses her because her mum hates that idea so much and she is yet to know where it's all coming from “Look, Tatiana, those people are bad people they are going to hurt you”she tried to explained but Tatiana scoffed “I don't get you mum, one minute you like Mr. Tristan and how nice he is to you, and another minute the entire family are bad people “They are politicians Tatiana”she shouted and Tatiana scoffed “But you've been working there for over a year now, Am sure you ain't just finding out, so why didn't you quit before now” she questioned and scoffed before turning to leave She halted her legs, While giving Mrs. Helien her back she muttered in a whisper “I sincerely hope you are not hiding anything from me and dad, it's going to shatter us when we find out about it” with that she took the stairs to her room and slammed the door hard immediately she got into her room and plunked herself hard on her weak tiny bed that was supported with an old wood She cleaned her eyes several times with her hands and kept scoffing for that same reason

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