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Getting Wild With The Enemy.

Getting Wild With The Enemy.



This is supposed to be wrong" her voice came out barely in a whisper as his hardness rubbed against her stomach. "But it feels right" he breathed out heavily in a husky voice that increased the desire in her body. Her hands subconsciously moved down from his shoulders to his fucktool. She took hold of it gently. "Fuck this!" He cussed and jerked the bra, the last clothing on her off her body. "Let's continue with this. We can't stop now. I don't care if you are an enemy. I want you!" Rachel's voice drove him further more to the edge of losing all self control. With all self control lost, he pushed his dick inside of her making her let out a long moan. While her family slept in the room next to hers, here she was, being pleasured by the dick of her family enemy. It was the beginning of an affair that was not going to come to an end soon, an affair that should have never been. Fuck buddies in the night, enemies in the day but could they forever set boundaries between their day and night session or would there come a day when the emotions of the night would spill into the day?

Chapter 1 The contract.


Chapter 1.

Authors pov.

Rachel alighted from the car and the evening breeze immediately took her hair up in the air as if it was welcoming her back home.

She had been away from this place since six years ago. She had been sixteen and now she was back here at age 22. She was here to take over the business of her parents.

She looked towards the mansion that stood next to her family's mansion. It was the mansion of their family enemy. Yes, they were living right next to their family enemy. Both families had been at each other's neck for as long as Rachel could remember.

Her mind wandered off for a second to the son of the family. Was his name Will or Bill? She could not remember clearly anymore but she knew that the hatred in their family had spread to the both of them.

Will had left their highschool as soon as she joined in the school. She herself had left the dancing club as soon as she saw that Will was a part of the dancing club. Thinking about it now, it really was childish of them to miss out on the best things because of an enmity that they had no idea when and why it had started.

Both families did not harm each other, however. Sending assassins after each other was the last straw they had not drawn yet.

"Welcome home ma'am" a maid greeted Rachel welcome as a guard pulled out her bags. Rachel replied the maid with a soft smile before heading inside to meet her parents.

"Rachel" her mother shrieked with excitement as she stood up from her seat and hugged her daughter. Rachel hugged her mother back, she had missed her a lot too.

They pulled back from the hug and Rachel walked over to her father who had a happy smile on his face. She hugged him while he grinned.

"You are finally back" her mother cooed from behind her.

"Yes mother , and I think I will be staying here for a few days before my place is set up" Rachel replied with a smile.

"Of course. I will be so glad to have you home" her father chipped in Rachel was naturally not a talkative, she was more like a 'good girl' that her parents wanted her to be which to her parents included not taking too much.

"The company has been waiting for you for so long. Lewis company has been doing better these days but since you are back, I do not have to worry about any of that anymore" her father gave a relaxed sigh.

Lewis was their family enemy and neighbor and as she had guessed, the unhealthy competition and hatred had not ended.

"It's not like they are any good. His son is helping him out in business, you remember him? Will, that ugly duckling who looks just like his mother?" Her nother asked and Rachel just chuckled.

No matter how she thought of it, she never thought that Will had ever been ugly. It was a fact that he was charming and he attracted loads of girls after him too, Rachel had also heard a couple of times that he had a really big dick which made girls hover around him. They were either there for his dick, for his handsomeness or for his money but not Rachel.

She didn't like him at all as she had been grown to grow hate for every member of the Lewis family.

"I think I do remember him." Rachel replied her mother.

"He is everywhere, winning contracts and acting like he is the owner of the world."

"There is this contract we are after right now, there is this company that nominates all fashion brands to make designer wears for them, the contract proposal was given to us, and now he is also after it. You have to get it, Rachel. It is a very huge one, we cannot afford to lose it" Rachel pressed her lips into a thin line, wondering why her parents did not seem to want to bask in the pleasure of her arrival. It was like they were not excited about her coming home, it was like the only thing they wanted was for her to win against the Lewis on their behalf.

"We would not lose it father, I assure you of that" she assured the older man and he grinned.

"That's the confidence" her mother remarked.

"I am going to my room now"

"Sure. Get down for dinner soon."

"Alright mum"

"She is going to get the contract for us, I am sure" she heard her mother said to her father.

Rachel knew she had to get the contract to appeal to her parents. She chuckles slightly before fully ascending the stairs and taking her room. ************************************************

It's been four days since Rachel arrived and she has been working nonstop trying to see that she meets up with the requirement.

It was finally the day for the contract assigning, but everything didn't turn out right for her.

"Sorry ma'am but the contract has been awarded to another, already" Rachel felt her head spin for a second.

She had hardly gotten any sleep for the past four days just to make sure she made the best presentation on behalf of their company.

She was sure that she did well and that made her wonder, who could have done better than she did?

"Can you tell me which company got it?" She questioned the secretary.

"Uhm... Lewiston and Co"

"Damnit" she cursed and smacked her head. But she found it strange, very strange that the contract had been awarded so soon, it was suspicious but there was nothing Rachel could do anymore even when she was sure that the Lewis family would have done something dirty to get the contract.

"Fine" she smiled at the secretary. A fake, forced smile.

She turned away and walked out, her shoulders drooping slightly. Rachel did not want to imagine what her parents would say about her losing to the Lewis family.

The memories of her losing to Will in a race flashed her mind. She remembered how much her parents had scolded her and made her take extra running practices.

Rachel hatred the way they pushed her to be better than Will every single time and she hated Will for having to be better than her at so many things. Rachel got into her car and let out a heavy sigh. She closed her eyes and leaned back into the seat.

"I hate you Will Lewiston, this is all your fault!"

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Other books by XEEMONEY

On Her Daddyā€™s Bed!

On Her Daddyā€™s Bed!



ā€œYou shouldnā€™t have disobedyed me, Hazel.ā€ His voice came out hard and husky and she thril at the soothing undertone that sent chills down her spine, her pussy, already gaining lots of wetness. ā€œI am sorry Daddy,baby girl needed some aloneā€¦ā€ she tries to explain, but his next action shut her up. He flung her over the bed like she weighed nothing, her facing pressing into the pillow, while her ass position into the perfect doggy style he craved for. ā€œI am going to punish you so fucking well, momma. I am going to fuck you hard till you no longer feel your legs, momma. Hazel gulps down the hitches in her throat as the thought of his 9 inches thick cock riding her tight cunt, to pleasure. Without any warning, Hazel felt his dick tearing throw her, as he made one rough thrust. ā€œOh my fucking goodnessā€¦.ā€ her words thrailed into a moan, while his hands found his most adore part of her body, her waist, Pulling her backward, he began to thrust hard, with each thrust he got rewarded with moans that made him want to do more! Hazel had just gained admission to her favorite university in the city of Washington, she is forced to live with her fathers most trusted young friend all in the name of protection. Hazel eventually finds herself in the bed of the man she claims she hate, the one whom is to protect her from the outside world, after one foreplay, Hazel and Axel had refused to keep their eyes off each other. However it didnā€™t end up as just Lustful feeling, as love seems to be taking over the air. In the world where , fans criticize whoever wishes to stay intimate with their idol,(Axel)will their love stand a chance with so many accusations from fans and a father who would go to any extend to stop his daughter from marrying Axel, even if it means killing his bestie.

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