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Falling to his trap again

Falling to his trap again

Athena Dwein


Within her two years of secret marriage with Luke Chavez, Catherine Jenner thought she is going to finally win her husband's heart. But after knowing the truth and getting tired of Luke's dirty hands who always hurts, rape, and beats her, she decided to divorce him. The reason why they both got married: Catherine's family business got bankrupt, and Luke's grandfather was the one who helped them. But after that, her parents died in an accident. Catherine needs to marry Luke as they agreed. Catherine loved Luke for real, but she learned that Luke can't love her back, because he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend as well. After divorcing him, she finally went back to their mansion and finds a way to go abroad. After two years, she became very successful and decided to go back to her city with a child, but she never thought she is going to cross paths with Luke, who is her ex-husband.

Chapter 1 Her miserable life

"Happy 2nd Anniversary!" Catherine greeted her husband as he entered the mansion.

Catherine sets dinner for both of them. She tried her best to design the area to make her husband happy, but as she looks at him, he looks not happy. Catherine just swallowed hard and sighed.

"Aren't you happy?" she asks Luke.

Luke scoffs and shakes his head. Without saying anything, he headed toward the dining where she prepared everything even the food. The food already got cold because she waited for hours for him.

"Catherine, what did you talk about with dad?" Luke asks her.

Catherine got curious and looked at her husband surprisingly. She doesn't know what is he talking about.

"Luke, I never said anything or talked anything with your dad." she said.

Luke threw the spoon and fork making her get shocked. Luke always does this to her, giving her a heart attack every time they are having a conversation. Luke looks at her madly. She just swallowed hard and stood up, she was afraid that he might hurt her again.

"Lu-ke..." she muttered.

"Why do you need to tell him that I always come home late? Ha?! don't you know that I am working my butt for you?!" he shouted at her.

Catherine groaned in pain as he starts to strangle her. Catherine couldn't breathe. Luke's face is very scary. She can see that he doesn't care even though she is going to die in his hands.

"How dare you." he said, firmly.

Catherine just tries to reach his hands to stop him, but she couldn't. She is slowly losing her breathe making her eyes get bigger. She can't stop herself but to scratch his face as she reached it.

"Ugh! damn it!" Luke groaned.

Luke lets go of her. She is merely catching her breath right now. Her pale face starts to get read already. Luke just groaned and grabs her hair making her to yell in pain. Luke always do this to her, but Catherine doesn't care, because she loves Luke.

"You really want to mess up with me, huh?!" Luke shouted at her.

Catherine is so weak to struggle. She just felt her body flying. Luke carried her and she already knows the next thing he is going to do to her. As soon they had reached their bedroom, Luke throw her on top of their bed. Catherine groaned and can feel her head hit the bedhead dock. She has no time to run already, Besides, she can't handle her weak body.

"Please, Luke. I just said that to him because he asked me." Catherine pleaded.

Luke just removes his shirt and his pants, leaving him with his boxer. He is going to rape her again. Luke never had gentle sex with her, because he always hurts her and do rough sex with her. Catherine can't stop but to cry.

"Yeah! this is more like it!" Luke said.

Luke tore her dress making her naked because she is not wearing her bra, but she was wearing her panty. Luke's eyes are full of lust. He just smirked and starts kissing her neck until his mouth reached her breasts. Catherine can feel how he bites her breasts making her groan in pain.

"Lu-ke, ouch, that hurts, please!" she pleads.

But, even though she pleads many times, he doesn't care. Luke is so merciless that he doesn't even care about her and her feelings. He always hurts her and just rapes her whenever he wants to.

"Yeah! Ahhh..." he groaned as he entered his hard cock inside her.

Catherine just closes her eyes and covers her mouth as he entered her. It hurts her because she was dry. She can feel her inside being in pain as he starts entrusting her. She thought he is going to leave her after having sex with her, but she was shocked that he entered her again after minutes.

"Luke, please! don't do this!" she finally earned the strength to shout at him.

A hard slap filled the entire bedroom. Luke stops what he was doing and caresses his cheek. Catherine glared at him and wipes her tears. Before Luke says anything or makes his next move, Catherine hurriedly entered the bathroom and locked it.

"Catherine, open the fucking door!" Luke shouted and starts banging on the door.

Catherine just can't stop but to secure the door locked. She can't stop but cry seeing her reflection in front of the mirror. She sees love bites all over her breasts, and she can even see her right breast bleeding. Maybe, it was because of Luke's bite a while back.

"No! I won't! You are such a freak!" she shouted back.

The banging of the door stops, which makes her be relieved. She thought Luke is going to leave her, but she was wrong.

"Fine, stay there as long as you want to. But I am not going to let you out there, bitch." Luke spoke.

Her eyes got bigger. She started to unlock the door but she was shocked that it won't open. Luke secured it outside.

"Luke! open this door! what the heck are you doing?!" she shouted.

She heard her husband laughing so evilly. She just groaned and stops what she is doing because she already got very weak. She knows that Luke is not going to let her get out of there if she stops arguing with him.

"Luke, please, don't do this. I am sorry that I slapped you. It's just that, you were too much already." she said softly.

She knows that her apology will make Luke open the door. This is not the first time Luke did this to her, it was already the third time, but still, she doesn't want to leave him, wishing and believing that she can tame him and that he can love her back.

"Is your apology sincere?" Luke asks her.

Catherine closes her eyes. She has no choice but to stay humble again. This is her only way.

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