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Elizabeth wealth a beautiful and bright girl living a simple life with her single mother after the demise of her father. She is kidnapped along side her two twin cousin by her ex boyfriend uncle He is also the leader of the No1 Russian mafia. What happens when the love of his life that he has spent most of his life looking for happens to be one of the girls captured by his gang for their underworld slave trade. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ "Strip"he commanded "N-no please alex,"she stuttered taking a step back He took two steps forward caging her between his arm " don't say no kitten you know what happens when you Don't listen, your brothers get hurts Now we Dnt want that do we?" Shaking her no she tries to move back but his wasn't letting her go "I'm tired alex I can't take you again" "You can and you will now Strip" he said leaving no room for argument..

Chapter 1 Elizabeth


My name is Elizabeth wealth, weird right?

Trust me I know, Who one earth has a surname wealth.

It not like my parent are rich but still they call themselves wealth but we were But that was a long time ago when my dad was still alive.

I miss my dad so much,he was the best but except the name I mean imagine calling yourself wealth when you still get called out of class for not paying for a particular project.


The principal walked into the class like the beginning of every semester to address the students

"This is the beginning of a new term and we expect all payment be made before the half of the term"

The principal continued his boring that doesn't seem to change every semester.

I was sleeping peacefully on my desk when my friend Jackson nudge me on my arm

My eye darted up to him to ask why he disturbed my peaceful slumber, only to see him signaling to the front of the class, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

"Elizabeth" came a voice from the front of the class,I looked up to see the principal glaring down at me.

"Elizabeth, you have yet to complete last semester payment,I have been letting you off cause your father was a great friend of mine.

"I won't tolerate it this semester" before I could reply

"Awww is is miss wealth broke? I'm sure my daddy could lend you some money"

The school slut Nicole snickered with her friends. I'm sure she only did it cause the principal was in the class, she wouldn't do it on a norms else she wants to get her face smashed.

The principal turned to leave and said in a loud voice

" No sleeping in class"

"Hmm"I smirked, as if that will stop me.

End of flashback

So apart from the name my life is pretty great,

at least I have mom even though my dad is not here anymore,

she is the best. I know sometimes thing gets really hard but she never lets me know,

She likes to put everything on her shoulder and bear the pain alone even when I told her many times to share things with me but she doesn't,she still think I'm a baby but c'mon I'm 18 already I'm not a kid anymore.

If only she knew the atrocities my mates are committing out there:

I laugh to my self as I entered my bathroom

I showered and head downstairs for dinner

Mom is in the kitchen making dinner,

she is lost in thought. She did not notice me coming in until I cleared my throat and she turned around."Oh you here"she says smiling brightly...

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Chapter 1 Elizabeth
