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A world filled with lies

A world filled with lies



"Do you think you can escape?" He asked looking at her.     "the only thing that can make you escape is your death" he said and she was scared. He pulled her but she doesn't want t to be pulled so she struggles with him but he was too powerful, he pushed her to the ground and pinned her by kneeling on her arms.       ***************************      "I didn't kill him, I didn't" Roxy said with tears in her eyes.          Roxy was in the cell, suffering, crying, almost dying, she looked at the baby in her arms which was later taken away from her by chairwoman Kim.      'I'll live for you, my love ' Roxy whispered to herself holding her chest while crying.       *****************************    Ten years later.     Jayden, CEO of a very famous company, Has a wife who couldn't give birth, they adopted a baby girl and their life was going well, until     Sasha decided to cheat on Jayden and was caught but he didn't say anything, they got a divorce and he took care of his daughter well until he met her.           'oh my god, my baby is adopted, how, why'  Roxy said to herself.       Slowly she was able to get close to Jayden and Amy and she begins to fall in love with him     Roxy sworn to make herself innocent to the world, as she begins her journey, new things began to fold.     How will Roxy gain what's she deserve?, will she do it alone?, What will happen if the man she loves finds out that she's a murderer?, and how will Amy fell if She knows that her Art teacher is her mum?.           

Chapter 1 Murderer

Chapter one

Roxy walked into the house to find her drunk husband standing, it was like as if he was waiting for her to come.

He turned to look at her and smiled but she didn't return the smile

"what did you run away?" he asked and she looked at him

"I didn't run away" She replied and he walked closer to her as she moved backwards in fear.

"why do you always make it seems like I'm going to kill you" He said pulling her closer but she stifened her body as she sat down on the floor.

"Do you think you can escape?" He asked looking at her.

"the only thing that can make you escape is your death" he said and she was scared. He pulled her but she doesn't want t to be pulled so she struggles with him but he was too powerful, he pushed her to the ground and pinned her by kneeling on her arms.

"Roxy, we should go meet mum, She wouldn't like to see you with this" he said as he brought out an handkerchief and whipped the blood which was beside her mouth.

"Roxy, let's change Into a pretty dress" he said and began pulling her button, he wanted to pull her clothes off. She struggled and was able to get a hold of his grip, she ran to the kitchen.

"Stop please, I beg you" she said looking at him. As he was about to walk closed to her she said something

"I'm pregnant" she said and he fell silent and then chuckled

"you're what, say the word again" He said and she repeated herself

"Wow, tell me which one of the men whom you slept with got you pregnant" He asked

"it's your child" she said and he laughed

"if it is my child then why haven't you told me, why did you run away? He asked

"I didn't run away, I had to visit my family that's why" She said looking at him

"Do you know what I hate most, lying and that's what you're doing" He said talking a gulp out of the alcohol and started walking towards her.

When he was alone close to her, he pulled out a knife and pointed it towards his direction

"stop" She said , "oh, this kill me, kill me, why don't you stab me" he said and her hands were so shaky she couldn't focus, he held the hand in which the knife was tightly which made her squeal on pain, it made her drop for knife.

He pulled her out and pushed her to the floor, He began hitting her and kicking her, He removed his belt and began hitting her with it. Everytime the belt hit her, she coughed out blood.

"you whore" he said and was about to hit her when something sharp stabbed him from the back, and it kept on going continuously until he fell to the ground lifeless.

Roxy who was half conscious looked at her husband to find him on the floor dead and the sound of Ambulance.

Two police held her as they brought her out of the house, she was surrounded by paparazzi and reporters

"Mrs Roxy, why did you kill your husband" A reporter said pointing the mic at her.

"please tell us" Another one said and some taking pictures

"I, I did not kill him" She said and A voice was heard at the front.

"you Bitch" Mrs Kim said as she ran towards Roxy, strangling her

"How dare you kill my son, you should die too" she said strangling her and People pulled her away, it took bodyguards to separate them and the police took Roxy away.

Roxy who was Eight months pregnant was in so much pain that she had to give birth immediatly.

She was taken to the hospital and after a whole day she gave birth to a baby girl.

She was left in the hospital to recover and after was taken to the prison.

*In a big mansion*

A tall young guy who was standing on the living room watching the news, he watched as Roxy was taken and how his mum was making a fuss.

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" A lady asked as she kissed him by the cheek

"just watching the news, I would have killed that jerk but luckily she did it for me" The guy said whose name is Jayden.

"oh silly besides why are you so interested in the news" she said as she walked to the kitchen.

The guy picked up his phone and called someone.

"Hey, look into this Case, there's something odd about it" He said

"yes sir" he said and Cut the call. He was called to see his mum at the Company

"Honey I have to go, I'm going to see my mum at the company take care" He said giving her a kiss on the forehead as he left the house.

*At Mrs Kim cosmetic company*

He walked into someone shouting at his mum.

"Why did you do this, she was your daughter-in-law, you know what she's like" Her dad said in anger

"Yes how wish I had known, I would have told him not to marry a murderer" Chairwoman Kim said

"My daughter is not a murderer, she is innocent, I'll prove it to the whole world" Her dad said

"Do your best, and I'll do mine" she said and her dad left the company

"Mum what is going on here" Jayden asked looking at his mum.

"Didn't you watch the news, your brother's dead and his wife killed him" Mrs Kim said

"wait, isn't she pregnant?" He asked and she nodded.

'wait how can a pregnant woman whose is almost nine month have the power to kill a grown man, sounds sus' He said to himself.

*in the prison*

"204, you have a visitor" The speaker announced and a police officer escorted her to the room. She sat down and faced the person who came to visit her.

It was non other than her dad who was so sad to see her in this condition with the baby.

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