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Anette: the return of the Nethal

Anette: the return of the Nethal



Anette, a lone survivor of the purple-blooded people, vanished into the human world after a power-hungry werewolf, Leonard, eradicated her kind and stole the queen's blood for his own twisted purposes. Legend whispered of Anette's extraordinary power, marking her as the key to Leonard's downfall. Hidden within the guise of an ordinary school, Anette found refuge amidst unsuspecting humans. Yet, the school wasn't as ordinary as it seemed. Whispers of werewolves and witches swirled in the shadows, and Anette soon found herself drawn to Dante, a stoic pure-blooded werewolf known for his emotionless demeanor. Their connection blossomed into an unexpected love, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in fear. But their sanctuary was shattered when Leonard, his power amplified by the queen's blood, intensified his search for Anette. Now hunted by not only Leonard but also other creatures drawn to her legend, Anette was forced to confront her destiny. With Dante by her side, she must embrace her unique power and fight for not only her survival but the potential destruction of the very evil that threatened to consume the world

Chapter 1 Nethals

Chapter one

In a far away place, way far from where the humans stay lies a very big kingdom, It was covered with a white dome, like a shield that protects them form the outside world.

There was a mini castle where the queen of all Nethals lives. She has a daughter who was six years old, Anette who was born with long silky purple hair, a very rare purple eye color, pale white skin, Plum pink lips, She was really cute and considered the finest girl In Nenthadal.

"Good morning your highness" One of the Worker said and they all bow down to the queen

"Morning, How's Anette?" Queen Tanya said specifically talking to her personal maid

"Well, she's fine, the servant are giving her a bath, she'll be here any minute, This way your highness" The maid said and Queen Tanya nodded as she followed the Maid to the dining room,

She sat down patiently waiting for Anette to arrive and she did, She was wearing a long royal dress which was black in color and has gold details, her hair was tied up in a bun and a tiara on her head.

"Mum, good morning" Anette said as she quickly ran to her mother and sat beside her

"Good morning my beautiful sunshine, how was your night?" Queen Tanya asked as she held a knife and fork ready to slice her beef

"It was very fine, I kept thinking of the spell you said you'll show me, is if levitation or, I'm so excited" Anette squealed in excitement

"Calm down child, let's have our breakfast" Queen Tanya said as she placed the fork with beef in her mouth and chewed slowly and silently

"Please mom, Do a spell now, just let me see and I promise I'll eat my breakfast" Anette pleaded and Tanya sighed

"Okay" Tanya Said as she closed her eyes and placed her palm together, there was a jewel on her forehead, a purple diamond, it began to glow and suddenly all the spoon, knife and forks began levitating.

They dug into their food and fed them

"Wow, Mum why didn't you teach me this spell so I don't have to do anything myself" Anette said as she opened her mouth when the spoon filled with rice approached her

"Is it only to feed us that this spell is for?" Anette asked

"No, this is basically mind controlling, I controlled the utensils to feed us, I can also control it to do any other thing, Knife, attack the wall" Queen Tanya said and a knife raised up, it then flung itself at the wall, hitting it and falling down

"Wow, we can use this to fight like in war" Anette said

"Yes Anette, come on now let's finish our food" Queen Tanya said as she snapped her fingers, All the utensils fell

"Aw, I like it when they feed me" Anette said with a little frown

Later that afternoon, Queen Tanya and Anette were in the training room practicing some things when a Man ran into the room, He bowed down at the sight of The queen

"Your highness, My princess" The man said

"Finn, What is the matter?, you seem to be in a haste" Queen Tanya said

"Yes your highness, There's problem, we're being attacked" Finn said

"What!, the dome, what about the dome?" The queen asked, she was shocked and worried at the same time

"It's destroyed, we need proper protocol, your highness" Finn said and she was about to leave with him when he said, "What about the princess?"

The queen stared at Anette for a long time, She then ordered some servant to take her somewhere safe, She then left the Finn.

The Maid and the princess were passing through a Hallway leading to an unknown place.

"Where are going?, where's my mother and what is going on?" Anette bombarded the Maid with a lot of questions

"My princess I don't know, I was just ordered to take you here" The maid replied, her answer was not what Anette wanted to hear

As they were going halfway through, a bullet come flying towards them, The maid saw this coming, she quickly wrapped herself around the princess making the bullet hit the maid. The maid fell on the floor, The princess Stared in shock as she watched the maid fall to the ground in slowmo

"Maid, Maid" Anette called out her name but no response, she was about to cry when she heard footsteps, she immediately ran backed to where she came from.

She was back in the palace, every where was quiet and she passed through dead bodies, She walked into a room and immediately hid behind a wall when she heard people voices, she then peeped and saw her mother, there was a man there and other people, she couldn't quite see his face cause he was backing her.

"Mum" she whispered, They all attacked her at once, Queen Tanya fought them all, using her powers to defeat them, she was about killing the man when a bullet passed through her from the back, she knelt down due to the sharp pain, her hand holding the injured area, she scanned the room

"Tanya, stop struggling and give up, I am going to erase all Nethals from this world" The man said, he walked towards her with a sword,

"Go to hell" Tanya cursed out, she squinted her eyes in pain, suddenly she heard a faint sound of someone crying, she looked at the direction and saw Anette.

"Mom.." Anette called out in her mind, Tanya heard and tears dropped from her face, she whispered, "Run.. Now". Anette didn't know what her mum was saying but by reading her lips, she knew her mum was telling her to run.

Just then, the man sliced her mums throat with the knife and she fell on the floor lifeless, purple blood pouring out of her body, Her eyes were fixed on Anette, The man noticed and turned to the direction of where Tanya was looking but found no one.

"Wrap them up and burn them, I getting tired" The man said and walked away.

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Other books by Tessè

A world filled with lies

A world filled with lies



"Do you think you can escape?" He asked looking at her.     "the only thing that can make you escape is your death" he said and she was scared. He pulled her but she doesn't want t to be pulled so she struggles with him but he was too powerful, he pushed her to the ground and pinned her by kneeling on her arms.       ***************************      "I didn't kill him, I didn't" Roxy said with tears in her eyes.          Roxy was in the cell, suffering, crying, almost dying, she looked at the baby in her arms which was later taken away from her by chairwoman Kim.      'I'll live for you, my love ' Roxy whispered to herself holding her chest while crying.       *****************************    Ten years later.     Jayden, CEO of a very famous company, Has a wife who couldn't give birth, they adopted a baby girl and their life was going well, until     Sasha decided to cheat on Jayden and was caught but he didn't say anything, they got a divorce and he took care of his daughter well until he met her.           'oh my god, my baby is adopted, how, why'  Roxy said to herself.       Slowly she was able to get close to Jayden and Amy and she begins to fall in love with him     Roxy sworn to make herself innocent to the world, as she begins her journey, new things began to fold.     How will Roxy gain what's she deserve?, will she do it alone?, What will happen if the man she loves finds out that she's a murderer?, and how will Amy fell if She knows that her Art teacher is her mum?.           

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