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Equinox Flower: Desperate Love

Equinox Flower: Desperate Love

Lera Smith


Jennifer Stewart loves Ethan Moore deeply, which is known by everyone. Although Ethan always treats her coldly, she keeps pursuing him with all her heart. Until she witnessed Ethan was kissing her bestie, she knew she was wrong. Later, Ethan lost touch with Jennifer and disappeared. At that time, Jennifer had a car accident and suffered an abortion. She decided to give up looking for Ethan. Four years later, Jennifer has already had a new life. However, Ethan appears suddenly and keeps pestering her. He uses every means to make her Mrs. Moore while she uses every means to get away from him. Equinox Flower means desperate love. It’s also a symbol of their love.

Chapter 1 Bone-Deep Love

The European retro wall lamp was giving out a warm yellow light. On the bed was a pair of entangled lovebirds indulging in passion.

"Ethan..." The woman called out in a voice as gentle as the spring river!

"It's the 100th day today and the last day of our deal. Have me as you like!"

The man didn't reply but kissed her!

Soon the domineering man pressed her down on the king-size bed.

In the room, the vinyl record played the last note... and only their breathing could be heard.

Ethan Moore opened his eyes and looked at the stunner.

He felt both sad and satisfied!

"You look stunning from this angle!"

Ethan held her from behind. Jennifer Stewart nestled against his chest and flinched slightly.

In response to her tiny movement, Ethan immediately turned up the heat and tightened his arms, "Warmer?"

Jennifer hummed gently. Above her closed eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly. The passion just now was so overwhelming that she couldn't speak a word.

She breathed quietly. The blush on her fair skin was like a rosy glow on the snow. Her wet hair and cherry lips added to her charm.

All of a sudden... the phone jingled. It was a push for Weibo trending topics.

They took their phones at the same time, but the pop-up message broke her heart.

Scalding tears instantly fell, but she fought them back in a few seconds!

"Today, Sarai, the young lady of the Gray family, openly proposed to Ethan, golden bachelor and CEO of Moore Group, at a luxurious cruise ship auction!"

Under the headline were several photos inside the venue, and Jennifer saw a sea of romantic, beautiful roses.

Another piece of news three days ago... occurred to her, "Mr. Moore spent 100 million yuan to customize a luxury diamond ring."

She used to prepare all these things like roses, rings, and romantic candlelight dinners for Ethan. She even... had a cute baby for him. Still... she failed to keep Ethan around her!

The news didn't mention the result of the proposal.

Nevertheless, the romance between a fair lady and a rich CEO alone attracted attention.

Moreover... it was a woman courting a man!

In every aspect, the news was a bombshell.

No wonder... it dominated the trending topics in just ten minutes after its release!

After all, the object of the proposal was the legendary ascetic heartthrob, Ethan.

Admired by countless debutantes, the handsome billionaire somehow chose to spoil a woman from a declining family?

The room fell into dead silence...

The silver moonlight slanted in!

Neither of them started a conversation about the trending topic.

When his cool kiss landed on her attractive collarbone and then her waist, she shivered slightly.

His lips winded down and stopped at her... abdomen.

Jennifer was aware that she couldn't hide the ugly scar anymore.

Ethan stroked the long scar and did his best to coax, "Tell me, did you have a baby for anyone, eh..."

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