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Billionaire Couple

Billionaire Couple



Being dumped all the time even though you're a catch has a way of taking it's toll on you. Joshua Chen is not only handsome, he is also the heir to a large company. He has everything any girl or guy could ever want at the tip of his fingers with a overbearing father and overprotective mother. But why doesn't his relationships ever last? The girls always break up with him without any reason. But he never felt right with any one of them. Hope Adams is the sole heiress to Dotsy Corp. She has never been one to be interested in men or marriage at that, especially not in her thirties. But when it boils down to having to choose between loosing the company or getting married to an immature university brat with no sight of the future, she is ready to do anything. Having to see each other on many occasions, they come to a consensus to at least tolerate each other for the time being before they come up with a solution to their problem. Throw in a mix of unplanned feelings and unwanted visitors and you have a whole lot of drama.

Chapter 1 Won

"She dumped you too." Luke said with a look of utter disbelief on his face.

"Dude, this has got to be the fourth one this year, and we're still in March." He said and sighed as he ran his hand through the hair of his best friend who's head was on his lap.

"You're like the most handsome bachelor in our year and girls line up to date you, but I don't get why they break up so fast." He continued.

"And neither do I." Joshua groaned out from his position on Lucas' lap.

Joshua Hong was a handsome young man in his early twenties, almost too handsome for his age. And that was basically all he was. He was nothing more than what you would call the male version of a bimbo. He was never one to have good grades, never one to do anything productive or helpful to his life apart from working out. He would spend all the money on his credit cards on parties and alcohol. But that didn't stop him from being envied by both boys and girls alike. The only issue with that was that none of his relationships ever lasted more than a month.

Another mystery behind this is that none of them ever said why they broke up with him, they just left saying they couldn't put up with it anymore.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Luces asked as Joshua nuzzled closer into his stomach.

"Dunno, just let me stay like this for a while, you know you're the only one that can comfort me, big bear." Joshua replied. He occasionally called Lucas big bear even though they were the same size.

"You know if you weren't in this situation, I would have kicked you off of me cause your head is directly on my dick."

"Yes I know and I don't care cause it's your job to take care of me as my best friend. He said smiling as Lucas scoffed.

Lucas and Joshua had been friends since childhood. Joshua had just moved to the United States and being the only Asian kid who knew little to no english at all, kind of put a dent in any kind of relationship that could have possibly formed between him and his new classmates at the nursery class. Out of curiosity, Little Lucas walked up to the quiet kid who was always alone in class and tried to make friends even though they could barely understand themselves. Watching the friendship bloom between the two cute, little boys was too interesting for both their parents who found joy in watching their boys play around with each other. Despite the clear differences in the way they looked, that never stopped the two boys from becoming friends. Lucas with blond short hair and blue eyes, had that typical American boy look, but Joshua had black hair, brown small eyes with one double eyelid and one mono eyelid, freckles dusted across his cheeks and nose was Asian in every aspect of the word. His distinct features had always drawn people to him. Such an odd, unlikely pair.

Their families have been close ever since. They attended the same elementary, middle and high school, and now the same college. It may not have looked like it to other people but Joshua was heavily dependent on Lucas in every aspect. Joshua had always stuck to Lucas no matter where he went. They had been in the same clubs at school, Joshua made sure his parents had him put in the same classes as Lucas he had almost even applied for the same course of study as Lucas but Lucas threatened to secretly move away to somewhere else if he did that. He was also able to get them to live separately in their present year after three years of living together. But that was useless because Joshua basically lived in his guest room. Lucas wouldn't complain because he loved and cared for Joshua just as Joshua did him.

"Lemme get you something to eat. " Lucas said as he stood up and replaced his legs with a pillow under Joshua's head.

"Have you called your mom?" He asked as he brought out a plate to dish out the pasta he had made earlier.

"Don't you know that she worries over the littlest things and she'll know there's something wrong once she hears my voice.' He replied as he sat up and moved to sit on the floor.

Lucas handed him the plate along with a fork and then placed the glass of water on the table in front of him and sat on the couch behind him.

"Thanks, what would I ever do with myself if I didn't have you?" He said smiling so much that you couldn't see his eyes.

"You're lucky you're cute." Lucas said pinching his cheeks.

"But seriously, you need to call your mum, cause if you don't call her she's going to call you and when you don't pick up she's going to call me, and you know I can't lie to your mom."

"You don't need to worry about that." He said to Lucas and then his phone rang. He picked it up to look at it and saw that it was his dad. He sighed before getting up to answer it in another room.

He took a deep breath before picking up the phone.

"Good afternoon, sir." He said as he picked up the call.

"Yes, good afternoon. I called to inform you that we have a very important meeting tomorrow and you are to be in attendance. Be punctual and dress accordingly." He said and hung up without waiting for Joshua's reply.

Joshua sighed again. His relationship with his father was only even more strained by the day. When he got out of the room, Lucas was waiting for him.

"Who was it?" He asked when he saw the sad look on Joshua's face.

"My dad, who else?"He replied sitting back in front of his pasta.

"What did he want?"

"He said that there's an important meeting happening tomorrow and that my presence is needed and to dress accordingly." He replied playing with the pasta in his plate.

"What meeting could possibly be so important that he has to call you back from school, which he hardly does?"

"I really don't know and for him to personally call me, it means that this meeting is very important." Joshua complained sighing.

"I don't know why, but I'm getting a bad feeling about this." Lucas said putting his hand on his chin.

Thinking about his dad really upset Joshua so he just stood up, dropped his plate of unfinished pasta in the sink and walked towards the door of the guest room.

"I'm tired, I need to rest." He said as he opened the door and went inside.

Lucas knew that he was annoyed by the talk about his dad and the company but he just let him be. He really felt bad for Joshua because he had watched his relationship with his father deteriorate. He would talk to Joshua later, he thought as he walked into his own room and shut the door.

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