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Billionaire Couple

Chapter 3 Tree

Word Count: 2123    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

rking his car, he nervously let out a deep sigh. He looked up a

er six thousand employees in divisions across the world, they had some of the most popular games in the world to the

father for building a company in a foreign country, and not just any company, one of the bigg

alked through the lobby to get to the elevator. You could tel

e before quietly stepping into his dad's office. Stevie Hong, being the kind of man he was had the design of his office done as minimal a

an sitting on one of the couches in the office looking

he had just started the company and Mr. Han had supported Stevie in every way possible. Their frien

." Joshua greeted h

red on his face. He stood up and gave him a pat on his back

seen you in a long time." He sai

school work to come over." Joshua told

aven't been home. But it's fine, as long as you're doi

about the situation he was in with hi

tend meetings personally, so it seems this one is an important one." He said lookin

at will so you'll just have to wait and see." Mr. Han sa

ething from him, but he chose to let it go bec

spicious look before pulling his phone

his phone, but the moment he heard the door knob turn, he j

a bowed along with Mr. Han as his father, his secretary and the company lawyer, Mr. W

on?" He whispered to hims

ft and his father and the others

an said and motioned for

e followed behind them in his car with the other employees that were going with them. When they finally arrived

lions of dollars worth of profit from their games every year. They were the only company his father had not been able to beat over the years de

ding. It looked to be about twice the size of their own building and he was only seeing part of it. He looked through the transparent

It seemed to be one of their main ones. They went in and all got seated on the right side, his dad in the middle withe Mr. Williams

e, the president will be down shortl

ather, Mr. Han and Mr. Williams discussing amongst themselve

presentable and be polite."

ed as he sat up and st

up to greet them. Leading them was a man that seemed to be in his fifties who he recognize

ope Adams. Even though Joshua wasn't interested in the gaming business in anyway, he knew a few people especially the big one in the business. Ever since Hope Adams had joined her father's company, she had brought nothing but improvement. Her incredible skills in marketing had landed h

her seem cute and innocent and her pale skin only added to it, but the poker face and cold look in her eyes said otherwise. Despite that she was still very beautiful. S

ing. Everyone sat back down so they could start the meeting and that was when Joshua zoned out. He had improved his skills in zoning out over the years as his father always made him go to differen

focused on what was being said as she gave her own contributions. He was lost in

him. He frowned, wondering why the paper was being passed to him. He looked between his father and the paper, confused. His father nudged the paper towards him again and mouthed 'sign'. So he picked up the pen and looked at the paper. As he quickly scanne

heirs. This was the only time in all his years of attending meetings that he wishes she had listened. He looked sideways t

ed and shook hand with the lawyer from Dotsy's side and her father and Mr Adams also did the same thing. He looked forward and saw Hope stretching her hands towards him which he quickly accepted. Even though she wasn't smiling, she was still

e wedding to be grand. I want to let the whole world know that my daughter is getting marri

He looked from Mr. Han, to his father, to Mr. Ad

ge outings for them to get to know each other better." His fa

ms replied before leaving wit

turned t

em. The reply his father gave him was one that mad

r company just concluded and signed a merger with Dotsy Corp.,

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