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Kayla, an 18 year old Brunette was faced with one of the greatest challenge a young wolf could face. TURN. Kayla was in her final year in high school and while her colleagues were finding their mates, she hasn’t had her first turn yet. She was faced with this great burden because her twin sister, Ava was mated to the Alpha’s direct beta which would bring their family to the lime light. Ava on the other hand had sworn hatred for Kayla. She vowed to do everything just to eliminate her completely from her life. Which includes making sure she was banished from the pack. But the ruthless Alpha was Kayla’s mate and he’s the one to banish her. Would he accept that his mate is below and omega? Would he kill her? Would he banish her? What would happen when he finds out what she is? What will her parents do?


As Kayla brushed down her waist-long brunette hair, she looked deeply into the mirror, to the image staring right back at her; wearing a sad and weary face. Slowly, she lowered the brush, dropped it on the table right beneath the mirror, and looked back into the mirror, shuddering as tears gathered to the brink of her eyes.

It was her senior year's first day of school, and she was turning 18 in a month. As everyone had their melting point, Kayla’s was quite unbearable for her to carry. Being a young wolf in a pack with the scariest Alpha, Kayla had to battle with her identity because her colleagues were finding their mates already and she haven’t had her first turn yet.

She looked deeply into the mirror as a drop of tear fell from her left eye which she wiped off immediately she heard footsteps heading towards her room door

“My goodness Kayla, don’t you have ears? I’ve been calling you” Emily McCall, Kayla’s mum said as she swung her room door open to meet Kayla who wore deep blue baggy jeans which was held at the waist with a washed brown belt and a hand-knitted sleeveless sweater which was tucked in while her hair flowed down her little waist.

“I was to call you down for breakfast but what on earth are you wearing!” her mum half yelled as she closed the door behind her and walked to her closet, pulling out any possible cloth she could wear while groaning in frustration

“We need to go shopping this afternoon. I mean what the hell? For goodness sake Kayla, you’re in your final year in high school, you need to stop dressing like that, especially now that Ava is mated to Jayden. You know well enough that we are no more in hiding which means you-”

‘Ava, always Ava’ Kayla said to herself, walking out of the room while her mum hipped a pile of cloth on her bed

“Where the hell are you going, I’m talking to you!” her mum yelled as she headed out with her backpack. Coming down the stairs, she met her dad having breakfast with Ava.

“Good morning dad” she greeted grumpily while heading toward the front door

“Good morning my girl.” He said slowly as he tried to observe her movement but saw her turn the door knob and spoke up

“Where do you think you’re going without eating?” he said while she groaned and turned to him

“I’m not hungry” she said rather conveniently

“No, I won’t accept that, you should have something in your stomach at least

“Dad, I said I'm not hungry,” she said with a bolder voice


“Daddy, the human said she’s not hungry. Maybe their stomach doesn’t operate the way the stomach of wolves does. Take me for example, I have to eat for two and-”

“That’s enough Ava!” he snapped “I’m not going to tolerate this unspeakable character from you, certainly not. If anyone outside should do that, it certainly shouldn’t be you, you hear me?” he said as he turned to look back at Kayla but only heard her warming up her car engine and driving out

“That being said dad, I need to go shopping this afternoon”

“You went shopping yesterday and used up almost half of the money on my credit card

“That’s why it’s a credit card and in case you haven’t noticed, newsflash dad I’m mated to Jayden, the alpha direct beta, and while you and mum were trying your absolute best to turn us into omegas’ in a pack where you were once a warrior and mum was a gamma, I am bringing us right back to the spotlight so whether you like it or not, you will spend on me while you still can, because when I’m joined with Jayden, you and mum will earn off me” she said loudly and angrily as she hit her fork on the plate below her, standing up with rage

“Kayla! I found the perfect dress for your first day” Emily yelled coming down from the stairs to meet Ava and Max staring at each other like they would eat themselves alive

“Where the hell is Kayla?” she asked confused


Kayla turned off her ignition as she parked her car in the school parking lot, which swarmed up with wolves. It was an all-wolf school, the only one in the pack, and was almost like a human high school. They had the normal sections which included the school bitches in the cheerleading squad Ava was the queen bitch and captain of the cheerleading squad.

Kayla hit her head on the headrest of her car while she gazed at the school building; she was totally lost imagining what it would be like to finally have a wolf. For some reason, she didn’t want to get off the car, the terror of her sister and her minions making fun of her, and her trying as much as possible to stay invincible hunted her. She has had to endure it for four years and with each year, it becomes unbearable.

A loud knock on her window jerks her out of her self-pity. She turns to see Reece and phoebe that waved at her to open the door. A slight smile crept on her face upon seeing them; they were the only ones that truly understood her and everything she was going through and also the only ones in the whole pack, asides from her family that knew she didn’t have a wolf.

Slowly, she hopped down her jeep which was a bit high while adjusting her backpack. She rested against the door

“It’s really nice to see you guys.” She said while Reece and phoebe exchanged glances and stared back at her

“Really?” Reece said while phoebe dragged her in for a hug

“Don’t mind her Reece, she has forgotten her manners” Phoebe said while Reece laughed and joined in the hug.


“Any news,” Kayla asked as they stepped into the hallway. She turned to face Reece and phoebe who gave a worried look

“What? What is it?” she said stopping in her tracks while phoebe pulled her elbow

“The alpha is joining us for assembly today,” he said slowly as she felt a million emotions going through her she felt her whole world crumble right in front of her.

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