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Chapter 7 ARRESTED

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 11/03/2023

k from a run while she played a piece of electronic music which she listened

and headed for the front door. On reaching there, she

arms and rested by the hinge of her door while he showed

out when the damaged car was identified to be your car. I

ing for who wrecked his or her car and stop harassing me” she said with intimid

when her husband ran down the st

hich she was alread

them stopped what they were doing

wife and to what reason?” he s

noise complaint and I asked your wife to come down to the station so we could sort it

sked while she hopped out to c

mping inside the house to look for Ava w

with me to the station” he said while her hus

aid while he went back to the house


was taken to a cell ward where she was uncu

nvironment and conflicts there but major cases were being treated

nd finally sat down. She gave a low gro

igh school boyfriend and chief guard said to her while she looked up angrily as her ey

” he said as he held the bars, giving a spiteful grin “maybe counting down would help”

ially to a chief guard” he said as he put hi


adache. She groaned as she got her phone from the lamp

throom. When she finished bathing, she came out cleaning h

wel to massage her hair before using a dryer which the sound blocked tha

borrow hers. The thought of t

e opened it to reveal Ava and max still at the top of their voices but w

s face from max was heard while Kayla was deeply satisfied within her but Ava growled as her

Kayla like i

ple. I’m his favorite but you! You caused this” she said

into her room and

the dryer and she would have to compl

of her mirror; she had never been acc

ouldn’t change, her friend circle reduced down to two friends and most people in school

had to start making acquaintances in the pack which they dreaded

as she washed off the blood on her face. The wo

od and a blue jean short. She wore it, packed her

way was Kayla getting away from the pack w

cab going t


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