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Chapter 3 EXPOSED

Word Count: 1204    |    Released on: 11/03/2023

give your speech,” Jayden said behind

a firm voice and headed ba

and climbed on the podium while

he said with a stern voice wh

ery own beta in fact has been mated to the captain of the cheerleading squad in fact

ally appointing you to be the head of the planning committee for the joining this year, seeing a

or our wolves so we need everyone’s participation to make it a successful one, thank y

n said drawing his attention completely off Kayla. H

all the students in the school, all those who stepped into school premises today and all those who

re of it Alpha?” Jayden as

are of it myself” he said as he a


s he stared right outside the wi

out to start. Shit, we real

o to the

do wh

hool is swarming which includes all the entrances and exits.” Phoebe said and let out a deep sigh before she continued

ooftop before classes begin” she said softly as she tried getting up but groaned painfully. She felt lik

ng to get you t

clean this place up” Phoebe said while Reece nodded as

d was about leaving when she saw Ava

You’re here to gloat?

ecially if the future of a successful joining for you and your mat

asked while she stepped close to her

strand of her hair and smelt i

t the gathering with the alpha and I know for sure that you’re hiding something, no matter how well you clone it


ol was over and Kayla had to stay behind till

e noticed when everyone le

but instead, she found a list. A list of students who didn’t attend the meeting and she not going to do

e and scrubbed the surveill

much as she wished for her car too be the only car left there, it wasn’

in there but she knew it was re

arlier that morning. He kept on wondering what his wolf meant by mate an

d back to the high school that n

car in the parking lot. A black high jeep and

ed. He couldn’t possibly wait for the next day but on reaching there, he saw the same girl in from of the computer looking rather i

ily until she was done so

, she hid. This was the only chance he got on confro

yes on him, she screamed in agony like she was in

happened but he smelled her and sh

a slig

e, why give me such a weak and powerless omega,” he

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