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Millionaire Contract [Máfia]

Millionaire Contract [Máfia]

Erica Tavares


Anna Contini is the daughter of one of the biggest mobsters in Spain, she is betrothed to the son of a rival mobster and this marriage will only take place when the girl turns 18. Matteo Mallardo is 28 years old and is the son of a mobster and rival of Anna's father, they are entering into a peace agreement to unite the two Clans and definitively put an end to the attacks that caused the death of Anna's mother. They are being forced to marry with a contract of at least one year so that Matteo finally replaces his father in the leadership of the mafia. Anna and Matteo are being united to end the family feuds, but will it ever end?

Chapter 1 Start.

Anna Narrating.

My name is Anna Contini, I just turned 18, I am Angelo Contini's daughter and my abuela (grandmother) is Rosa Contini. My mother died in an attack between the clans or rather, between the Spanish mafias in which my father is the leader of one of them.

I'm in the last year of high school and amazingly, I'm engaged to a man who is 11 years older than me... Yes... I said 11 years... Of course, against my will and according to my father , it will be a contract marriage of at least a year, just like that to finally have peace.

According to my father, this marriage is necessary because the two clans, Contini and Mallardo will unite and finally the deaths will end, if that is possible.

I wish my mother were still here, she would put some sense into my father's head and he would stop this madness of marrying an old man, after all, I'm serving as a bargaining chip.

Here in Barcelona, the mafias dominate most of organized crime, and no, I'm not proud to say that I'm the daughter of a mafioso, but I have no choice, I'm only 18 years old and the only thing I know is that I need get married.

I just don't know how to tell my boyfriend Carlos that in exactly 4 weeks it will be my wedding and that I'm doing it against my will.

Carlos goes to college, but during the week, in the mornings, he goes to the same school as me to take complementary classes to get a medical scholarship.

We are the perfect couple, except for the fact that I have to hide from all my family that we are together... except abuela, she always knows everything, it seems like she can read my mind. She fears that my father will find out, fears even more if I happen to lose my virginity, because if that happens, I won't be able to get married and the bloodbath between the two mafias would start again.

I don't even know my fiance, I've never seen a photo, I just know he's older because daddy was kind enough to tell me.

It sounds crazy, but that's a small part of what's about to happen to my life.


Barcelona 6:40 a.m.

I woke up early like every other day, took a quick shower, dressed in my Elite School uniform and grabbed my stuff, straightened my black hair in front of the mirror and sighed.

"Come on Anna, there are only two weeks to go..." I repeated to myself looking at my reflection.

I took my cell phone and went down the stairs of the big house slowly, I hate having to go to school and pretend to be a normal girl, the daughter of a great businessman and owner of one of the biggest casinos here in Spain. Little do they know Daddy's true identity...

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I could hear voices in the main room...

"Anna has to go to this reception..." It was Papa's voice.

"Come on, Angelo... Don't force the girl to get married..." It was Abuela's (Grandma's) voice.

"Buenos días papi y abuela, ¿estoy estorbando? (Good morning dad and grandma, am I disturbing you?)" I asked entering the room.

As soon as they saw me, they stopped talking and tried to disguise the topic of conversation.

"Buenos días, hija. ( Good morning, Daughter.)" He replied kissing my forehead. - We were just sorting out some issues at the casino reception tonight, weren't we, Mama?

"Yes of course." She smiled weakly. "Good class my Hija!"

"Thanks Abuela..." I said sitting down at the big table to drink my coffee.

"I want you to go to the casino tonight, Hija." My dad said sitting next to me.

"Of course daddy, do you need help with the accounting?" I asked even knowing what my trip to the casino was about.

"There you will know..." He said biting the croissant. "Dress up in Gala clothes."

"Como Desées! ( As you wish! )" I smiled and took a sip of juice.

My father was tense, I know him like no one else. I know when he's scared something bad is going to happen, he was like that the night my mother died.

I don't like it when he's like that, he usually takes action without thinking, he's selling me, but deep down, I know he's doing it out of fear of losing me like my mother did.

We finished our breakfast and like every day, dad took me to school, we said goodbye and I went inside without looking back.

I went straight to the bathroom, this prison feeling is driving me crazy... I'm just a teenager... in my head it's just Carlos and how he's going to react when he finds out.

Being with Carlos is crazy in anyone's eyes, he doesn't belong to high society, he's not part of any mafia, he's just an ordinary boy, he doesn't have money like my family. I don't see any problems with that, but it would be difficult for him to be well accepted by my dad if it weren't for this contract marriage thing.

He needs to wait for me, it's only a year... a year for me to be free to move on with my life away from that old man... yes, an old man... 28 years for me is old!

"I found you!" Tania said as she entered the bathroom.

"Hanging out, as usual." I said making a face.

"When will you tell him Anna?" Tania asked.

"I still don't know, but I need to create courage, it will be in 4 weeks Tania." I bowed my head as I left the bathroom. "Today my father wants me at the Casino..."

"Casino?" I heard Carlos' voice behind me.

"Oh, hi love..." I said smiling.

"Buenos días, mi amor! (Good morning, my love!)" He gave me a peck. "Tell me, what are you going to do at the Casino today?"

"Help my daddy with the bookkeeping, love!" I said trying to hide it.

"I'm left, see you later friend." Tania said leaving close to us and going to the living room.

"I don't like you going there... you know there's a lot wrong there, right?!" Carlos said crossing his arms.

"I know that mi amor, but I have no choice..." I said hugging him tight and entering the room. "See you later, okay?!"

"Of course, adiós..." He waved and turned his back.

I entered the room, class was starting, I sat down next to Tânia and took my notebook and tablet from inside my bag.

The Spanish teacher was handing out his final term paper and I was completely lost, over the moon to be honest.

My mind is doing 360 degree spins, my belly is bubbling, I need an excuse to try to end this whole thing.

Maybe if I talk to that suitor, he'll give up.

"Don't be crazy, Anna..." I mumbled and everyone looked at me.

"Is there a problem, Ana?" the teacher asked.

It was only then that I realized I was mumbling out loud, what a shame...

"No, no hay problema maestro... lo siento. ( No, no problem teacher... I'm sorry. )" I lowered my head and tried to pay attention to the rest of the class, but it was in vain.

The day passed quickly, I spent some time with Carlos after class, we chatted and dated for a bit, then I met Tânia and called a taxi to my house.

"Do you really think Carlos will understand?" Tania asked while we were in the car.

"I don't know, I hope so... He needs to understand." I said trying to be positive.

"That's crazy, my friend..." Tania said smiling. "But I would love to be part of the Mafia."

The taxi driver looked in the rearview mirror and I nudged Tânia, who instantly realized she had been talking nonsense.

"We're here, ladies." The taxi driver said as soon as he stopped the car. "30 euros."

"Here it is..." I said giving a 50 euro bill. "You can keep the change."

"Gracias senorita. (Thank you Miss.)" He said smiling and started the car.

Tânia and I go in, every time I stay with Carlos, Tânia comes with me so that my dad doesn't suspect anything.

Tania is my only friend, she knows everything about the Mafia, her father is part of the bank of partners in my father's company, a company he started just to launder money for the mafia.

I trust her with my life, I know she is an amazing friend and always does everything possible and impossible to see my happiness and always pulls my ear when she needs it.

Tania got tired of warning me about Carlos, she said I need to be honest with him, even though she thinks he doesn't really like me...

She picks on everyone, but deep down she just wants to protect me.

We entered the house and apparently it was empty.

We went up to my room, I needed to choose a sophisticated dress to go to the Casino and borrow something for Tânia, she's definitely going with me. I can't go alone, she always supports me and will give me strength not to do anything wrong.

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Millionaire Contract [Máfia]

Chapter 1 Start.



Chapter 2 Argument.



Chapter 3 Casino.



Chapter 4 Engagement.



Chapter 5 Big lie.



Chapter 6 It wasn't my fault.



Chapter 7 It was nothing but a big lie.



Chapter 8 Dinner.



Chapter 9 Dinner part 2



Chapter 10 Wedding eve.



Chapter 11 Preparation.



Chapter 12 Marriage.



Chapter 13 Trip.



Chapter 14 Temptation.



Chapter 15 First time.



Chapter 16 Welcome to the Mafia.



Chapter 17 I also know how to play.



Chapter 18 Prom.



Chapter 19 From heaven to hell.



Chapter 20 Meaningless fight.



Chapter 21 I surrendered.



Chapter 22 Stela is not dead.



Chapter 23 Back target.



Chapter 24 I am really sorry.



Chapter 25 Stay here tonight.



Chapter 26 Do not run away from me.



Chapter 27 One life for another!



Chapter 28 Bathroom.



Chapter 29 Attack.



Chapter 30 It can not be...



Chapter 31 I will never be the same.



Chapter 32 Organizing the trip.



Chapter 33 Dark desire.



Chapter 34 Plane.



Chapter 35 I need to conquer this woman.



Chapter 36 Walking around Sao Paulo.



Chapter 37 No lies.



Chapter 38 Wonderful night.



Chapter 39 Bum.
