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His Daughter's Crazy Nanny

His Daughter's Crazy Nanny



Evelyn a single mother with a troublesome ex husband just lost her job and is in dire need of a new one. She's even desperate to work as a nanny to the daughter of one of the most annoying men she had ever met. Alden is not quite sure what he did wrong to deserve this crazy woman messing things up at every turn. He would be the first to admit that hiring her was not his best decision ever. After being forced to live under the same roof due to unforeseen circumstances, would Alden and Evelyn be able to overcome their differences?

Chapter 1 He does look like Adonis



"Thank you so much Cassie. I don't know what I would have done without you". I stepped into the house and watched Cassandra close the door. "Don't mention it, consider it as you cashing in on all the favours I owe you"

Cassandra has been my best friend since we were in college. We've always done things together but at this point in our lives it seems as though she's the only one that has her life on track. She's married with two kids and has a job that she absolutely loves.

She reaches towards me and plucks the sleeping Bella from my hands. Then she takes her overnight bag from my shoulders and places it over hers.

"Don't worry about her. I'll take care of her. You just go sort yourself out" I feel like crying. I give her a hug and drop a kiss on Bella's forehead.

"Thank you so much".

"If you say thank you one more time, I swear I'll hit you with my new spatula" she has a big smile on her face as she's issuing her threat. "Thank you very much" I say and run out the door before she can set Bella down and come after me with her spatula.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket to order a Uber. The nearest bus stop is about a mile away and I'm putting on heels. I walk away from the front of Cassie's house though. If she sees me sitting here she would want to drop me off. The Uber is going to get here in about fifteen minutes. So I drop my purse on the floor and sit right there on the sidewalk.

My life has always been kind of fucked up. From my parents dying when I was fifteen to me being shuffled around through different foster homes. The only reason I could go to college was because I had a fully funded scholarship. I got out of school feeling on top of the world and ready to live my best life but that was all before I met Lucas.

I married Lucas about a year after I left College. Cassie never really liked him and I guess I should have listened to her when she advised me against marrying him but I was blinded by love.

We were only six months into the marriage when he started hitting me. He was always very careful to not hit me anywhere that could not be covered with clothes because I worked in the office of his very close friend and he has a reputation to uphold.

I could never find it in me to just leave him. He always apologized whenever he hit me, telling me how he's just misunderstood and that he's going through a lot and that I should make things easier for him. It took me a while to realise that if gaslighting was an Olympics sport he would have been qualified enough to represent America.

I finally got the courage I needed to leave when I had my daughter. No girl should have to grow up and see her dad beat her mom.. I left the house 3 years after her birth and I've been trying to get a divorce ever since then. He straight up refused and did everything in his power to make me miserable.

I don't know what happened but He finally relented and I was able to get the divorce. He's been ordered by the court to pay for child support but I honestly want nothing to do with him anymore.But clearly that's not the case with him.

We've been separated for about a month now and he's still finding ways to ruin my life. I just came home from work and was getting ready to start dinner when I got my sack letter in my email.

Even without asking I already knew that it had everything to do with Lucas. I can't just sit and do nothing and watch the bastard take my job from me just because he's friends with my boss.

So I'm going to track down my boss in the club he always goes to every evening and drum into his stupid head why he cannot afford to lose me as his employee because to his douchebag friend.

The Uber pulls up to my front and I open the door and get in.

"Good evening Miss, where are you going?"

The driver is an advanced man that looks like he would be in his late forties. "Good evening sir, I'm going to Club Joker" I catch the quick glance he throws me from the rearview mirror but I don't say anything. It's common knowledge that anyone willing to hang out at club joker has their hands in something dirty.

I don't even have the strength to explain myself to the driver so I just lean back in the seat and close my eyes. I'll be needing all my wits around me if I'm to get my job back.


"What do you mean there's nothing you can do?"

I hear the slight quiver in my voice and I hate myself for it. My boss looks extremely unbothered by the fact that I'm standing right in front of him begging for my Job back.

"Look here Evelyn, it's nothing personal besides I gave you a huge severance package. I just don't require your services anymore. Unless of course you're offering an entirely different service". The two girls he had on both arms burst out in something that could not quite be called laughter, more like annoying tittering.

"You bastard! This is all because of Lucas isn't it?"

He shrugged and reached for his drink looking entirely unbothered. "Do you know what he did to me? What he put me through?" He downed his glass and gestured for one of the girls to pour him another one then he proceeded to start kissing the other girl. It was like I wasn't even there. I reached out and grabbed the bottle from the bimbo then I hurl it at the wall.

He clearly didn't see it coming because he jumped and stared at me in shock. "Fuck you. You bloody bastard" with that I turned on my heels and left. I never should have come here and I never should have even considered begging a friend of Lucas. They're all the same. Every last one of them.

I slam the door to his private suite behind me and the loud music washed over me. I push my way through the dancing throng and sit at the bar table. The bartender looked at me with raised brows

"Vodka, chocolate vodka" I say to him.

He makes no move to bring my drink. He just kept staring at me like I had horns

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that?" He cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry miss but you can't seat there" I'm so close to crying.

"Look buddy, I've had a shitty day. All I'm asking for is a drink and I'll be out of you hair". He looks at me with pity in his eyes. I almost curse him out for it but I really need that drink so I flash him a big smile instead "Please". He looks past me and I follow his eyes.

Sitting next to me with a bar stool separating us was a man who looked like he could be the elder brother of Adonis. He was sitting on a barstool looking down at his phone. He had on a suit but it was laying on his lap now. He had his first three buttons open and I could see his chest from where I was sitting he also had his sleeves rolled up to his ankles so I could see his veiny hand. He had his hair combed back and was looking like a whole snack. He was also holding a glass of what looked like whiskey.

"He reserved the whole bar table. Everyone knows not to sit here whenever he's around so please leave". I turn from the glorious specimen of a man to find that the bartender was talking to me. One quick glance around the bar told me that although the music was still loud people were definitely stealing looks in my direction. But then again, it's already a shitty day. How worse can it get.

"Excuse me? you do know that it makes no sense for you to reserve every seat here. What about unfortunate souls like me who are alone and need to drink away our sorrows, where are we supposed to sit?". He doesn't even turn to look at me. Who the fuck does he think he is to ignore me like that.

I reach out and push at his shoulders and I'm one thousand percent sure that he's ripped beneath that white shirt he's got on. He turned to look at me and I'm momentarily frozen by the intense stare in his sliver eyes. He stared at me for one long minute before looking at the bartender. "Serve her" then he went back to his phone.

I'm stunned. The bartender sets my drink in front of me. "Thank you". Then I down the drink and hold out my glass to the bartender. He's filling up my glass when I reach out and grab the bottle from him. He stares at me oddly.

"Relax I'm going to pay, you were just taking too long to pour the drink" he nods and steps away.

I'm on my third drink and about to call it a day when my phone pings. I pull it out of my back pocket and stare down at the screen. It's a text from an unknown number but I already know that it's Lucas

"I'm going to make your life a living hell you Stupid bitch"

I stare at the message for a while then I slip my phone back into my pocket and ditching my glass I lift the bottle to my lips.

A little while later, everything is swimming in front of me but I manage to pull out my card and hold it out to the bartender. "Don't worry about that. He already paid. Do you need me to call you a cab?" I burp and turn to look at the Adonis.

"You paid? Why would you do that? Is it because I look too pathetic to even pay for my own fucking drink?" He doesn't even acknowledge me and that rubs me the wrong way

I jump down from my stool and I nearly fall flat on my face but i hold on to the barstool and steady myself slowly. I calmly inch forward towards him till I'm standing beside him. I grab his chin and turns his head to look at my face. "You stupid, stupid man. Looking like Adonis does not give you enough leverage to act all high and mighty. You hear me? I burp again and place both my hands on his shoulders to hold myself up.

I wonder if he would be able to carry me "hey Adonis, can I seat on your lap?" Without waiting for a response I climb on to his laps and wrap my arms around his neck "don't misunderstand me. I hate men, the whole lot of you are trash but you seem a bit okay" I give a big yawn and the last thing that registers in my head before I black out was the horrified face of the bartender.

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