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Tara; a beautiful and bright orphan girl who was at her miserable time met handsome and mysterious multi-billionaire Jade Morgan who was in urgent need of a "WIFE" She needs help....... He need a wife........"It's nothing more than a marriage certificate" - she thought. But every thing changed after the marriage. The cold blooded CEO turns into a tail wagging puppy infront of the missus. [But he has a secret that she doesn't know. It was a past that involves her] So let's begin the beautiful love-story of Tara and Jade Morgan.

Chapter 1 Little gardener

In front of an old Orphanage, there is a cute little girl covered in dirt and soil.

She's meticulously planted some plants and seeds of some flowering plants. After planting them she lifted a huge watering can and watered them attentively.

She had a pair of misty and starry eyes, a cute little nose which was scrunching and a cherry lips which was pouting whenever she was lifting the watering can.

Whenever watering the plants she has to lift that heavy can with her chubby little hands. Her starry eyes are turning misty and then to a crescent moon shape as she was lifting that heavy weighting can.

And her cheeks were bulging and blushing. She was sweating so much that even her hair was sticking to her forehead and her little dress was sticking to the body and that dress was fully covered in dirt. Even her dress colour is beyond recognise.

Even though she was covered in dirt , it looked so heartwarming that no one could take their eyes away from this beautiful scenery. It looks like a beautiful piece of art to behold.

"Tara, where are you?". "Tara?..."

She stopped her work and looked in the direction where the voice came from with a smile on her lips.

The master of the voice was a kind and middle aged lady. She is in charge of this orphanage. Kids in the orphanage call her "Laly mother" due to her caring and kindness to them.

"Laly mama"- Tara called.

" What are you doing my little Tara, you are full of dirt and mud. Even I can't recognise you kid"- Laly mother told.

" Laly mother look I planted them.I heard you like flowers.so I planted the most beautiful ones. So they will grow into beautiful flowers; it will look pretty and smell good. We can even sell them and earn money too... What do you think Laly mother?"

she look Laly mother with her pair of twinkling eyes. Laly mother can't help but smile with misty eyes, tap the little Tara's head lovingly and sigh inwardly 'what a kind and bright kid' and appreciated the little kid

"What a great idea my little Tara"

Years passed;

In the same old Orphanage courtyard a beautiful young lady was plucking some flowers in a large garden. In her hand a bundle of flowers turns into a beautiful head crown. She placed a flower crown to the little skinny girl near her.

" Sara you look so beautiful in this flower crown " one kid commented.

The little Sara couldn't help but smile shyly and there appears a blush in her pale and skinny face.

" Yeah so beautiful..".

" I like them tooo...."

" Elder sister can you make like this to us... please...sis"

The kids were making noises around the beautiful girl and asking her non-stop.

In the end Tara couldn't help but compromise with the kids. With a smile on her cherry lips she is making them flower crowns.

Whenever she is smiling two cute dimples are peeking from her lovely cheeks and her beautiful starry eyes form into a crescent moon shape.

" Thank you elder sis". Every kid replied and kissed her cheeks after getting their flower crowns.

They were giggling happily. Tara couldn't help but smile delightfully at this scene.

Yes, she is Tara, the little gardener before ; now she turned 18 , the sweet eighteen. She turned into an intelligent, bright but a naive girl.

She is very good at her studies and she is the topper. She attended the class with a scholarship due to her excellent results. She is also very good with her extra curricular activities. Even the teachers told other students to take her as a role model.

Tara was watching the children playing and laughing with their flower crowns. She couldn't help but a smile was blooming in her beautiful cherry lips.

After a while she took her basket with some bundles of roses and other beautiful flowers.

She then carefully placed the flower basket on her bicycle and waved the kids a good bye and left.

That huge garden in front of the old Orphanage building was the hardwork of Tara during all these years. From that little cute girl to this beautiful young lady period she has taken care of the garden meticulously.

The garden has all kinds of beautiful flowers and even some fruit bearing plants and trees are there around the orphanage due to our little gardener.

She even taught the other new children in the Orphanage how to take care of the plants and even how to plant them.

Now the kids follow her all around and take care of the garden by themselves.

Sometimes we can see that children take their given jobs more seriously than the adults and give their full effort and potential on the given job and even the adults can't compare to them.

Tara was humming a song and slowly cycling her bicycle. The gentle wind was playing with her long dark brown hair as its own. She was smiling as she hummed the song and her dimples could be seen.

Due to cycling her cheeks were dyed with crimson red. She was wearing a simple white dress and altogether she looked like a fairy who had fallen from the heaven.

She stopped near a flower shop and took her flower basket from the bicycle and started walking towards the flower shop.

A middle aged lady was standing in front of the flower shop and looking at Tara.

"Aunty wenda"- Tara called the middle aged lady cheerfully.

"Oh, my dear little Tara why are you late? I was waiting for you "- aunty Wenda complained to Tara with a concerned look.

"I am sorry Aunty Wenda I was busy with the kids" -Tara said apologetically to Aunty Wenda.

"I also thought that you were playing with the kids when I can't see you early"- smiled Aunty Wenda lovingly.

"Okay bye Aunty Wenda, I have to go for my part-time job, it's getting late ". She waved her hand to Aunty Wenda as a goodbye sign and took her bicycle and left there.

She was still humming a song cheerfully while bicycling.

On the other side of the flower shop, there was a luxurious yet low key car was parked.

A pair of sharp eyes like that an eagle were following Tara without even blinking.

When Tara left the flower shop, that mysterious car also followed her.....

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