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Search & Rescue Pt.1 : A Romantic Series

Search & Rescue Pt.1 : A Romantic Series

Maxwell Angelou


Daemon, a head-over-heels in-love bad boy loses the love of his life when she is taken away by her deadbeat father, who happens to be investigating him and his crew. Emotions are high, love is questioned and betrayal is imminent. Her father went on a search and "rescued" her from activists that partake in illegal activities, now it is Daemon's turn to "Search & Rescue" the love of his life from the shackles of her deadbeat father. This series book is definitely worth the read!

Chapter 1 The First Search : Meet Us

It has been about three weeks, 2 days and 17 hours since I’ve seen her, smelt her scent or touched her soft skin. In the early hours of Sunday morning, I wake up my treacherous twin, Savage.” Savage, Savage! “As I knock on his wooden door, he responds back with a loud and yet sleepy voice, “Daemon, wtf “, I yell back “ We need to find her “ .

Loud metal music is playing in the background, it is a double-story house filled with boys that are known to be dangerous and troublemakers around the neighborhood – and that is due to their lifestyle choices, rockstar living, weapons, promiscuity, drugs and violence. if your daughter or son set foot in that yard then it is guaranteed you have lost them to the world.

Well let me take you back, my name is Daemon, not my real name but that is what you will call me, I earned that name and without the “A” you will pretty much have a definition of my whole entire personality. I come from a broken home, I was introduced to this lifestyle because I had to survive, the house we live in belongs to Jake, a rich boy who was abandoned by his rich parents who fled off to the Caribbean islands due to corruption cases, they are still undergoing investigation and battling extradition, if found guilty they will definitely rot in jail.

Well Jake is a good guy, graduated from a private high school with amazing grades, has been around the world, has a fleet of expensive cars that were bought under his name, luckily! Even the house we live in is registered under his name, so the police are unaware and have not seized them yet. Well, the parents think Jake is doing his last year in varsity, they are quite excited and are even willing to risk their freedom by coming down here for his graduation ceremony, but what they don’t know won’t kill them, I hope, I’d like to see the look their faces when they finally find out the truth.

We also have Babushka, our “father”, the enforcer heavy and bulky, deep voice, tall in height, amazing tattoos and very violent in nature. We refer to him as our father as he is the voice of reason, our caretaker and our leader. He is well known and everybody fears him, he cannot be stopped when he switches on, he is gruesome, he is an animal and he fears nothing but his own thoughts of suicide, he tells us everybody that the only thing that will kill him is him. He has a very dark background, life turned him into what he is today, he is strong and a true brother, watching over us at all times like a guardian angel, making sure we’re safe and sustained.

There’s one female amongst us, Hailey, she is a tech-god, a true genius, an operator, she knows the ins and out’s of the city. She has access to absolutely everything, she knows where to find it! Her role is very crucial in our operation, but do you know why we all love her mostly? The girls! Yes, you guessed it right. Hailey is well known around the area, she has built a community around her and is a trusted ally amongst other allies, her impact and influence is impeccable. She has a very dark past, life threw her into a completely different path, she is broken inside but is a complete ray of sunlight on the outside, amazing smile, perfect petite body and a face that every man would die for. We have all agreed to never touch her, that way we have less complications within our operation, but in secret, if any of us got the chance, we’d definitely hit it and offer her the world.

Last but not least, Savage! I know you’ve met him before, he is my best friend, grew up in the same street, we’ve practically been inseparable since kindergarten! He is my partner in crime, a true reflection of who I am, even people say we look alike, we’ve faced the same challenges, been in the same mud, fire and deep dark hole together. He pretty much is me, comes from a broken home, he is my true treacherous twin.

Now that you know a little bit about us let me take you back to that Sunday morning, well three weeks ago, my girlfriend Faith, was “rescued” by her deadbeat father from us, well me, she was forcefully forced back home, we tried reasoning with him but he did not listen, just kept on ranting about how she’s wasting her future and time a guy like me. She was taken to another state, mind you she is the love of my life, my future wife, my fiancé, we actually got engaged to weeks before the whole ordeal occurred but unfortunately, we did it in secret as we did not want any outside energies to ruin this moment for us, we’re deeply in love, she is my best friend and my everything.

Her father’s “Search & Rescue” was successful, we had heard weeks prior that he is looking for her and begging her to come back home, it’s too fucking late, where was he when she needed him? Where was he when she needed a father figure? Where was he when she’d cry herself to sleep? Where was he when she needed guidance and protection? Fucking hypocrite. Now that she is older, he suddenly has a role to play. No ways, not on my watch.

It has been three weeks, I still haven’t heard from her, I am wondering if she is okay, my heart is sinking, it is heavy, I find it very hard to lift myself off bed or a couch. I still feel the same way in how I felt as they were taking her away from me. I thought I’d be able to accept and move on as time goes by, unfortunately I cannot.

As I recall the events that took place on that day the more pissed off I get, the angrier I get, the rage and fire that I feel just keeps on getting gaslit by my own thoughts. Apparently, word on the street is, her so-called-father is a cop from another state, one of the best actually, he has been away for years, too focused on his career and shenanigans that he forgot about his own family. From what I’ve heard, our names hit his office desk! Our operation has been under his radar for a while now. The reason why top officials involved him is because they found out about his daughter being part of the mix, which makes this thing a whole lot personal for him. We have been under surveillance for some time now, unaware, it feels like they are building a fucking RICO case against us, we’re not criminals, we’re activists, looking to escape the matrix with a bit of illegal activity there and there.

Thing about this is, he kind of blew up the whole case, he’s feelings got to him, making this personal for him was their first mistake, now we’re laying low, more cautious, taking safety precautions and making sure we are invincible, they gave him a bait and he took it, unfortunately he was not equipped enough just yet to catch the big fish.

They came inside the house, heavily armed, in the early hours of the morning. you’d swear they were looking for terrorists, breaking down doors and causing a whole lot of drama, they pretended as if they were raiding our house when in actual fact they were looking for Faith, it was an informal raid orchestrated by her father, Mr. Baltimore. No papers, no search warrants no nothing, just a pack of headless men with guns running around our house with no direction. I will never forget the look on Faith’s face, she was frightened, in shock, traumatized and in awe when she saw her father, I have never seen her like that before, we were ordered to exit our rooms and sit on the living room floor as they conducted their search, everybody had masks on except Mr. Baltimore, he knew exactly what he came for, not for us as the “pretend targets” but for his own daughter.

While all of this is taking place we forgot to switch off the Bluetooth speaker, all we could hear in moments of silence is Jhene Aiko’s sweet and calming voice, in the midst of it all we did not know who the man without the mask was, he was bald, big and bulky, very deep voice, blue eyes, had a mean face and commanded respect, even Babushka seemed like a bitch in his eyes, he was scary! Females were ordered to be on the other side of the room while we sat across, prior to the raid, Jake was with his baby mama, did I mention that he had a child and another one on the way? Oh well. Babushka was in his room with his longtime girlfriend, Jessy, short for Jessica. I was with Faith, Savage was with a girl that he probably picked off the street the previous night, I don’t blame him though, he has faced way too many heartbreaks from women and now his heart is hard-rock, and as cold as ice. Hailey was busy working on our next job as usual, too focused, no distractions in her life, she says she doesn’t have time for men and relationships are a waste of time, very nonchalant to a certain extent, I love her for it though, I might slightly have a crush on her, but don’t let Faith find out she’d kill me.

While everything is going on during the encounter with police, I was bothered by the look on Faith’s face, I knew she was scared and probably wasn’t used to such events, but I could tell that it was way deeper, she froze, her mind was far away, she looked like she has seen a ghost. I tried making eye contact with her, but she kept looking away, I could tell something was going on, and she knew I knew that something was going on, everybody in the room started realizing it, tension was brewing. I was certain that we all had the same thing in mind, did she snitch? is she working with the police? Has she been using me? Is our love fake? If so, what about the engagement that we had two weeks ago? Was this her plan all along? A thousand things started running through my mind, I needed answers quick! Before I do something that I will regret.

A few moments later, the bald-headed man ordered silence in the room, his associates all stood still, the sweet sounds of Jhene Aiko were switched off, everybody was ordered to sit down on the cold wooden floor, he walked straight to Faith, held her hand, stood her up and said “ Faith “, we were all in shock, my heart sank, I felt betrayed, I was in disbelief and everybody was starring at me, how could we not see this coming? What is actually happening? Hailey started throwing tantrums at Faith, they did not get along entirely but were forced to tolerate each other to keep the peace, and for me. I was still in disbelief, Babushka looked like he was about to choke me to death, Jake was looking at Faith straight in the eyes with a look that I have never seen before, and Savage was just swimming in a pool of disappointment, shaking his head, but I could tell what he was thinking, he’s hate and trust issues against women have been re-ignited, an “ I told you so “ was lurking on his lips, looking down, as I stood there – trying to make sense of it all.

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