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My Maid ( I'm Head Over Heels For Her)

My Maid ( I'm Head Over Heels For Her)



Evans, a good looking, young guy, who has a nine years old child. Evans was deeply inlove with Helena in their University days, they were always seen together, they did everything together, everyone knows them as a couple, a sweet one at that. But then, pregnancy plunged in, Helena wanted to get rid of the child, cause she wasn't sure she was ready to be a mother, beside they weren't fianacially stable. After giving birth to the child, Nora, she flee immediately after two years. Now, Evans is Left alone with the responsibility of a father and a mother. Unknown to Helena, Evans was from a wealthy family, but he wasn't a proud type that likes showing off his wealth, and he wanted a true love not a money sucker. So, he decided to disguise as someone not rich and not poor, just a middle class guy. Luck came on him, and he get to meet with a young, beautiful girl name, Agatha. She's pretty Slender with tiny Cute lips and face, her cooking skills is definitely out of the world. Nora, Evans daughter liked her at first sight and beckoned her dad to employed Agatha as their Cook, probably a maid. Evans didn't hesitate to bring in Agatha, not just to be a cook, but because his daughter likes her. Eventually, Evans and Agatha fell for each other, at First, Agatha wasn't sure if it would work, he has a child and ofcourse another woman's child. She may comes back, taking her rightful place of a mother and a wife, then she will be totally left out, with a pieced and shattered heart. But her heart Said otherwise, and she decided to give it a try. Their love grew stronger, parents of each of them gets to know each other, they makes a lot of promises to to each other, but Agatha's fears came to manifestation. Helena came back, for her Child and to her ex boyfriend, Evans heart started beating for Helena again. Will Agatha be Left out? Who's Evans wife gonna be? Let's read this intriguing story and find out.

Chapter 1 The Job Talk

Agatha pov

"Aggie! Ain't you gonna get off that bed?"

"I'm up already, mum," I screamed back at her, still on bed, not even dreaming to get out of it.

"Then come over to the kitchen, don't spend hours on your hair," mom kept ranting, that's mom, she will never change.

I Managed to crawl out of my bed, get my little fililop on my tiny cute legs. I got this from my ex boyfriend, as a birthday gift, it was in sets. A nightie, few panties, nightie cap and the nightie fililop.

"Good morning, family," I greeted them, giggling as I look around, everyone preparing for breakfast, actually waiting for me to do the cooking. That's what I'm best at doing, and they won't stop suffocating me with it, family are sometimes annoying, but I love them.

"Will you just Stand there staring at us? Get your self busy, Start the cooking, we are hungry and we're done with our work here. When you are done, let's us know, Sweet sis," my big sister said, getting the hanging rag, then dried her hands as she walked out of the kitchen.

The electric power supply, just brought light, which make num and my other younger brother, leaves the kitchen. They left without even replying to my "good morning, family" how fustrating.

"Errm! Okay, kitchen, it's just you and I now, let's perform our actual magic and bring out a platable dishe and shock them to their bones," I teased my self and the kitchen, cause we work together as a team to make delicious meals.

"Yummy, yummy as always, sis. So, tell me, how do you manage to make your meals so delicious and mind blowing?" She winks at me, scoping a spoonful rice in to her mouth.

"Nothing much, it's just about the magic, big sis," I smirk widely.

"Mami," my little brother calls, that's how he addresses me and this always annoyed my big sis, I mean, big sisters are the second mothers right? But my brother is taking me as his second mum not her but he calls her "my guardian angel" it makes me jealous too.

"I think, we should create an eatry for you or a restaurant," he pouted cutely. I pecked him on the cheeks, "very soon, little teddy."

"Your magic never fails you, Aggie. Ermm.. there this top entry in town that are in need of a new waitress, the eatry is mainly for the top politicians, the scions, I mean, those rich and wealthy humans around. Won't you love to apply, probably they may pick you," mum finally said something about my meal but the news about the top eatry choked me.

"You can have my water, sweetheart," mum gave me a cup of water.

I'm just wondering how to reply to this, cause literally, I wanted spending more time with my family. I resigned from my old work cause of how unguided my boss was, it was a restaurant I worked for. With my magic I was able to draw more customers to his restaurant but he wasn't grateful, he kept cursing me and my family in every slightest mistake I made. Like going late and breaking plates, and if he doesn't pay me on time and I complains, boom! He would always remind me of how less privileged I am.

"Aggie? Ain't you gonna say something," big sis asked, sounding worried.

"Oh! Your old boss! No! Not everyone are like him, I believe this top eatry will be good, from there, you can save up a lot of money and open your place, me and mum won't hesitate to help."

"I Know, big sis but I will have to think about. I will keep it in mind, and mum for your sake, my reply will surely be positive," I smiled and scoped a spoonful rice and poured in to my tiny mouth.

"Stop cutting corners, big head, we know that's a yes. Änyways, I have to go, have a great day, you guys," she said as she took her meat and run out, trust me, she finished her meal before heading off.

"Have a nice day, foodie," I screamed at her.

" hurry up and take your brother to school, I have work to finish up in the office before 11am," mom said, taking her last spoon of rice and her meat, then hurry off to her car and drove off.

"So Teddy, it's just me and you now, since you are done with your meal, go wear your uniform and get ready, I'm almost done."

"Okay Mami, but I will be done before you, trust me, lazy ass," he shrieked in laughter and ran off.

I don't know why this family of mine always addressing me as "lazy ass" especially when the wanna pick on me, anyways, I Know I'm lazy. But I can also be hardworking, if not I wouldn't be cooking for them everyday, like morning, noon and evening, they are humanly annoying, fuck them.

I struggled with my food as I kept thinking of the top eatry in town, I bet it could fetch me a whole amount of money and then I would save up and start my own business.

"Here am I, sis, let's go."

"Wait, let me change in to something nice, just a minute," I zoomed off Immediately to avoid his hateful words.

I put on my high waist trousies, with a black shirt of a crop top, I love dressing cute, I love sweet attention. Tho, I haven't bath yet but that can't stop me from looking cute right? That's literally telling you how lazy am I.

"Let's go bro," I dragged him, not even sparing my time to look at his atonished face, just stealing glance.

"You used big sis perfume," he said a little bit loud.

"Shut that thing you call mouth, teddy. Must you shout it out? Can't you see people are watching."

And he definitely kept mute, seniority is Sweet, Luckily, a cap pulled up in front of us and we hopped in.

"Have a great day, Teddy. Make sure not to trouble anybody's son but remember to peck your crush for me," he smiled hearing this, and blow me a kiss, you Know what? I catched it and reprocicated it, and he catched it as well.

Now, everyone is gone and I'm home alone, I'm glad I got music, books and movies to indulge myself on and avoid the Traps of boredom.

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