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His Undeniable Love

His Undeniable Love



"Shaydon.." She whispered in a desperate tone, he looked directly at her, taking his steps towards her, speaking dominantly. "Sir." ** After the past incident which left him shattered, it turns out that years later none other than he is the CEO of the company she just joined. His urge from years to take his revenge will blind him, as he shows his other side to her. All the secrets and intentions behind everything will come into question with this process, as every countless denials reach him unaware of his feelings. What happened in the past that he found himself covered in hatred towards her and lacked the trust of love? Will that moment ever come when his love would no longer be deniable for him? Or, never?

Chapter 1 His Face

It was one regular morning like everyday but a feeling of loneliness for Selena as she again woke up in this. Silently made a cup of coffee for herself and sat there for a while to think about what to do next.

She has lived in this apartment since she came to this city to make her life what she never thought would look like this, after her father passed away. Her stepmother wanted a reason to send her away for studies, and when she got it she did it. When Selena came back after her graduation her father left her alone, after him both of them did not live with each other.

For some days, she is jobless and working hard to get into another company to make a living. She worked at her recent job for two years, and got fired from there because of her mistake, and was humiliated badly.

Right now her age is twenty six, and she needed another job to continue living in this apartment, and for her bills as before this everything was going good somehow. So she went on two interviews in the past three days, and got rejected on both. She made herself not to give up, and believed she could get it. She took her time and got ready for the interview at some company.

When she came back from not getting the job, she made herself sit on the couch tensed. Tensed when she realized her money was running out. No.. how would that work? She thought, and her phone rang.

Her friend Jenny was calling her. They became friends from the start of her last job, her only friend since she came back from graduating and that too she was close to losing after her job. But, the job didn't last, their friendship did. What she never thought of.

"Hey, it was lunch time so I thought I should call you and ask about your interview. So how did it go?"

"No. I didn't get it." She said, and got from her seat to take a glass. "Jenny, rent is coming due date, I dont have money to even eat for myself and most important.. The loan I took from the company. I don't know how I ended up in this situation. How will I survive? Can’t they take me back? No.."

"They’ll not.. Selena, is there something I can do for you to help you? I can't do much, though. Tell me?"

"I just need a job. Any would do." Selena sighed and sat back. "This is right. I deserve all this-"

"Don't get started again, please. I will think something out. Um, I have one company in mind who wants recruits. How about you go and try there?"

"That would be really great, Jenny. Thanks a lot." She smiled faintly after hearing it. "But, where could I find something to help me pay with my bill and loan? It's been almost a month since I've lost my job."

"Can I suggest something to you? But, don't be mad at me please.."

"Sure, I won't."

Jenny said slowly and a bit hesitantly. "You can ask your mother for some money.. If you feel comfortable." Selena was quiet for a moment. "Selena?"

She began to say quickly, "Jenny, my landlord is calling. I have to hang up. Sorry-"

"But at least tell me what do you think about this?"

"I will think about it. Okay?" She said and cut the call.

You don't know, Jenny.. I have left behind that woman, those days when I last met her and memories of those times. What I did, terrifies me. This regret has always lived with me, and will continue. And what else could be my punishment other than the realization of my actions?

Luckily she had another option before she got to go where Jenny recommended and messaged her the address but told her the interviews are taken after this weekend. She went there.

"I think you have been mistaken, Ms. We are afraid that we are not hiring for the field you applied for. You got it all wrong in our ad for the replacement. I'm sorry, but you should have thought before coming here."

The interviewer said, and handed her resume to her. "That was my mistake. But, is there not a chance you can take me for the position- look something for me?"

"No. We are unavailable for you, Ms Selena."

"That's okay. Thanks for your time.."

She didn't have her breakfast and just went there, so when she came back to her apartment she saw there wasn't anything suitable left to make something to eat. She sighed and dropped herself into the couch, making a call to Jenny.

Jenny didn't receive her call for some reason. It was evening, she sat alone all the time of the day, then got a text from her landlord to pay the rent as soon as possible and that she has never done that so better not again.

Still hasn't eaten anything and found herself a bottle of beer. Knowing it was not gonna do anything good to her, she still took it and sat on the edge of the window. She began drinking her beer, and after several minutes, she sat there deep in thoughts.

Suddenly she held up her phone and dialed a number and just placed it against her ear. "Hello?" She was not in a state to react after hearing his voice, like always. But after a few seconds she finally said this time. "Hello? Robert? How are you-"

"You cheater, how dare you call me and expect me to talk to you? I was waiting to tell you this when you’d finally speak in your call, that you are a cheater and I would never want to hear your voice again so don't ever call me. I'm engaged now. Do you understand?"

He began speaking so ruthlessly, hatefully and hung up on her face. He didn't give her a chance to speak, and was left still. A tear fell down on her cheek and she moved the phone down while sliding it against her face. She was stopped right there with a question of why.

Why did I call him? Did I find only him to ask for money? Or, I wanted to remind myself that I..

She began to sob. This is also one of the punishments for my deeds that I'm being called a cheater.

After a while she was able to wipe off her tears, and looked at the company’s address which Jenny texted her. But, that couldn't keep her away from the heartache she just passed a minutes earlier and began to think,

Still this is right, Shaydon. I didn't do good to you. Believe me, one day someone enters your life and ruins it completely. And for you, Shaydon, it was me. But nothing could come back now.. If you were her right now you would still be very nice like you were back then. What happened was wrong.

She couldn't herself but began to search about him on social apps, but her hands stopped. That's no use. She looked at the screen for a minute, and shook her head. Then she saw Jenny calling her,

"I'm so sorry, Selena. I couldn't reach back to you all this day. Actually, today was Danny’s day off and he wanted me to stay with him all day. I only get to call you now and we are out for dinner."

Selena knew she didn't want to hurt her by telling her this, so it didn't affect her. "That's alright, Jenny. You should enjoy this evening with him."

"Okay, of course I will. But, you called a few times so I made sure to call you back. Tell me and also about what you think about what I said to you earlier?" Jenny asked in a hopeful tone.

"Um, okay." She gathered herself and cleared her throat. "Firstly, I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna need that address since I went to the wrong ad, that company made. They didn't need me, you know."


"But you already have sent it to me, so now it's changed with the ‘thanks’ I wanted to say. So, Jenny, I will go there. And if that also does not work, only then I will talk to my mom. Because rather than doing it, if I get any job I will talk to any of them and convince them to wait for me to hand them their money."

Jenny sighed and wished for whatever happens but her friends' tribulations get less worse. "Fine. If that's what you think could work for you in the end. Why will I have a problem with that? Tomorrow’s the day off, so I sent your resume to them online. Now you just have to go there and let's see what happens."

"Where did you find that company, Jenny?"

"Danny told me one of his friends, I guess his name was Billy- yeah, he works there. So I should tell you about that place, who knows that will change your life? I will come tomorrow and tell you about it"

"Tell him thanks for me. And, if I get the job, I will treat you guys to dinner, I promise. Now come on. Have a good night, dear."

Jenny laughed off, "Thank you, and you too." After their call, somehow she tried and fell asleep.

Selena went to that company the day after tomorrow, still not sure if she'll get it or not.

God.. I really need this job. I'm stuck, there's nowhere I can go. I need to live. Somehow.

She thought and went inside. She waited, and for the first time she was the first one to go in. She opened the door and took a step in, but right at that moment her feet froze to the ground when she saw who the CEO was, ready to take her interview.


He seemed like he forcibly looked up at her. It left her shocked, but at the same time made her happy, as she asks,

"You… are alive?"

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