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The Mafia's Secretary

The Mafia's Secretary



Adira is the C.F.O of Wellerman corporation, one of the biggest conglomerate in the country. She has excellent skills in finances and crisis management. All of a sudden, the company she works for hits troubled waters and her reputation is dragged in the mud. Giovanni Cassano works as a rich philanthropist but secretly, he is a a mafia consigliere. Warring factions spring up within the Mafia, his father sends him on an assignment to terminate their enemy. He stumbles into an unexpected fate and ends up falling in love with Adira, the daughter of his father's mortal enemy.

Chapter 1 Diminished to trivia

She stares at the TV screen with bated breath. Her eyes widen with confusion and fear. Her hands were shaken. Her life's work was gone. All the resources she pooled in the business, the sleepless nights, the meetings, the business trips - everything was gone in the blink of an eye. She watched the officers cuff her father's wrist and take him away. Why were they taking him away? Tax evasion? Embezzlement? No way! She was his Chief Financial Officer. She made sure they paid taxes. Embezzlement? When the hell did that happen? She kept the company's records under 'lock and key'.

There was no way this could happen. She had been double crossed. She expected this but not from her very own father.

"Miss Adira", A shrill voice spoke, "It's time to take your medicine".

Adira was quiet. She could neither move nor speak. Why was this happening to her? She looked at her open palm and sniffled. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't hold it in anymore. Her knees wobbled and she collapsed to the floor, bawling her eyes out.

Alan stood in front of the camera, "Earlier today, Mr Gregory, the CEO of the once prestigious comWorkd been arrested on the charges of Tax evasion and embezzlement. The man's lawyer released a statement that his client was arrested on false allegations and that the alleged crimes were never committed. We are live at Wellerman corporation and as you can see, there are protestants demanding to see the C.F.O of the company. Wellerman had announced becoming a publicly traded company and allowed the masses to invest in her institution but with the news of the CEO's tragic arrest, it seems they want out. Alan Shepherd reporting for KBC news".

"That's a wrap", The cameraman puts down his camera.

Alan turns to the angry mob with placards yelling in front of the company building. With a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair, "I wonder how Adira is feeling".

Meanwhile, a woman is seen dragging her box out of the wardrobe. She grabs her bag and car key.

"Ma'am, you don't have to do this", A young woman pleased.

"I can't remain in this hotel forever while my dad is getting arrested", Adira yelled.

"Let her go, Madeleine", A brown haired man appeared in the person of James.

"Thank you, James", Adira strolled her bag out of the room.

James pocketed his hands and called after her, "Be careful".

"I will", She called back.

There was no way she could be there on time. Avannon is a long way from England. It would take her 6 hours. Adira grumbles to herself. What would she do? She fished her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number. It was ringing. It took a few seconds before it clicked. Finally, he answered.

"Alan, thank God its you. Please, I need your help", She said desperately.

Alan chuckled on his end of the line, "You saw the news, didn't you?".

"This is no time for games, Alan. Please, hear me out", She rolls her eyes.

"It's a ruckus out here, Adira. Where are you?", He asked.

"That's the problem I'm not in the country as we speak. I'm in England", She palmed her face.

Alan tuts, "Well, you need to get here fast. The masses are demanding a statement from you. They invested in your father's company".

"I know. That's why I called you. I want to make a live video and I need you to air it for me", She said.

Alan scoffed, "I'm not Jesus who performs miracles. I can't just magically help you".

A few minutes later,

Alan clears his throat before staring into the camera, "We just received word that Adira Wellerman, the C.F.O of Wellerman corporation wants to release a statement as regarding the issue at hand. Adira, you can take it from here".

Her palms were sweaty but she didn't care. The hair on her neck rose as she stared into the camera. She was frightened by what might happen in the end but she had to do something. She had sacrificed 5 years of her life to build the company. She refused to let her efforts go down the drain becuase of some stupid mistake her father made. Exhaling sharply, she gritted her teeth before blurting out those words.

"It was all me".

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