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My Husband Is Her Boyfriend

My Husband Is Her Boyfriend



Every woman has a dream wedding, but what happens if a girl has to get married only as a replacement for her lecturer lover who is lying in a coma. Anya is a poor girl who has to temporarily marry her professor who holds an ace card related to an incident that almost claimed her future. Getting married based on not liking each other or love for love, makes Anya have to endure suffering in her marriage. Will Anya be able to survive such a loveless marriage? Come on, follow the story of Anya the surrogate wife!


There was a girl who had a beautiful and sweet appearance and a slender body with a height of 158 cm, running in the corridor of one of the famous universities in the city of Jakarta. She was hurrying towards one of the classes in the psychology faculty building. Out of all the days, for some reason today she came late to her campus. In fact, at eight o'clock, she had to be in Mr. Dimas' class, a lecturer who was famous for being disciplined and not tolerating those who were late even if they were only one minute late.

Upon arriving at her destination, the girl was shocked to see the lecturer already in the classroom and staring at her intently.

"Who gave you permission to enter my class?" asked the young lecturer.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I took this class." The girl replied matter of factly.

"I don't care about undisciplined students like you. Get out of my class right now!" the young lecturer snapped at the poor girl.

All eyes in the class immediately focused on Anya and their lecturer. In their hearts, they were guessing whether the lecturer would continue to expel Anya or let her attend the course. Not wanting her efforts to be in vain and afraid of missing today's material, the girl looked at her watch to make sure the time was running. Anya smiled a little as she looked at the time on her watch.

"I'm sorry, honorable Mr. Dimas, but I'm not breaking the rules you've set because it's still fifty-nine minutes past seven. There's still one minute left before eight o'clock," Anya said. Which made all her friends look at the clocks in their hands and on their cellphones. It turned out that what the girl said was true.

The lecturer named Dimas also glanced at his watch which showed eight o'clock less than one minute. Inevitably, he had to allow Anya to attend his course.

"How about it, Sir? Then I can join your class, right?"

"Heemm okay. Today I'll give you tolerance, but next time not, especially if the class has already started," concluded the handsome lecturer in a firm tone.

"Okay, thank you, Sir," Anya said and moved to leave her standing position, but after a few steps she walked, she was called by her lecturer.

"Wait, what's your name?"

"Anya, sir," the girl replied.

"Full name?"

"Anya Syafitri, Sir. Please don't put me on your blacklist, Sir. But you can put it in your heart, Sir." The girl asked intending to joke around.

Unlike what Anya meant, some of her female friends started whispering negative things about her.

"I just want to remember your name, just this one time I'll be kind to you," the handsome lecturer warned Anya.

"Yes Sir, thank you, Mr. Dimas."


"Hey, Anya!!!"

Anya, a girl who has a beautiful face, turned her head to look at the source of the voice that called her. "Yes, Gel, what's the need?" Anya asked her major friend who was famous for being beautiful and rich.

"I have good news for you," Angel said as he stood up haughtily.

"What is it, Gel?"

Angel was not close to Anya he was the one who most often insulted Anya just because she was born into a poor family. So, this time could be considered a rare moment, because this was the first time Angel invited Anya to talk nicely.

"I have a job for you, an easy job, but the pay is good."

"What kind of job is it, Gel?"

"You don't have to ask so many questions, An, now you just decide whether you want this job or not. The salary is five million, just for working a few hours, which is a lot for a poor person like you."

Anita, who didn't like Angel because she often bothered her best friend, wanted to slap the woman's mouth, but she couldn't move because Anya's hand was holding her hand.

"It's a lot of money for me, Gel, but I need to know what kind of job you're talking about."

"Alaah, you're already poor again. Come on guys, let's go. I'm too lazy to talk to a poor person like him."

"Come on, Gel, I'm afraid I'll get poor too," said one of Angel's friends.

Seeing Angel walk past, Anya, who needed money to help the family's finances, especially this morning when she saw that the rice stock was already low, quickly called Angel.

"Hold on, Angel."

"What, you don't need to call me if you don't agree to take the job you said earlier," Angel replied in a snappy tone.

"I want to take the job."

With a satisfied smile, Angel walked back to where Anya was standing.

"Good, smart girl. Here I'll give you one million as a down payment, tomorrow I'll give you another four million if they're satisfied with your empire." Angel took out ten banknotes with pictures of Indonesia's first president and vice president which he placed in Anya's palm.

"I'll send the address later. Remember, don't be late before eight in the evening you have to be there."


"Clever, nice working with you, bye," said Angel who immediately left Anya and Anita.

"What are you doing, An, agreeing to the chicks' offer? I'm afraid he has evil plans for you," said Anita, worried about her innocent friend Anya.

"You just pray that it's a good job, Nit, so I can buy rice for the house."

"Ameen, I always pray for the best for you."

"Thanks, bestie."


Anya truly believed Angel's words, she went to the place Angel had sent her via message.

The beautiful girl did not expect that the workplace Angel offered was a discotheque.

"Here baby, satisfy Om first before you go."

"No Om, please let me go," Anya pleaded.

The masher did not care about Anya who had started crying in fear, he was even more eager to enjoy Anya's beautiful body, which was still a virgin.

"Please, anyone help me." Anya continued to scream for help.

"Please, help me."


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