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Shattered Vows

Shattered Vows



In a world of love, betrayal, and untold secrets, Serena's life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers her husband's infidelity. Determined to reclaim her independence, Serena makes the courageous decision to leave the country and start anew. As seven years pass, she becomes a force to be reckoned with, building a remarkable career and raising her twin children, Olivia and Ethan, who inherit her brilliance. Just as Serena's life seems stable, a relentless hacker targets her thriving tech empire. With her company on the brink of collapse, Serena must face the reality that her past is catching up with her. As the intricate web of digital espionage unravels, Serena and her children find themselves entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Amidst the chaos, Serena is unexpectedly reunited with Victoria, her former friend turned rival, and Daniel, the man who once broke her heart. The resurfacing love triangle ignites unresolved emotions, conflicting desires, and the relentless pursuit of power. As Serena fights to protect her company, she must confront her past and make choices that will shape her future. 'Shattered Vows' is an enthralling tale of love, loss, and the pursuit of redemption. Set against a backdrop of technological innovation and high-stakes intrigue, this gripping story explores the complexities of relationships, the consequences of choices, and the indomitable spirit of a woman determined to overcome the shattered pieces of her past.

Chapter 1 Suspicious Behaviour

"Why did you abuse one of my employees this morning?" Daniel Lively confronted his wife, his voice laced with accusation.

Serena Lively's eyes widened in disbelief. "What are you talking about? I would never do that."

"The whole company is gossiping about how my wife pushed an employee down the stairs this morning! Everyone's appalled. How could you behave that way in my company?"

Serena's voice trembled as she defended herself. "That was a misunderstanding, I swear! I don't know what happened. I was just walking down the stairs with Victoria and Lisa, and then all of a sudden, Lisa fell and started claiming that I pushed her! But I didn't. I'm sure she tripped!"

Daniel's skepticism hardened his expression. "Why do you even bother lying? Everyone saw you. All my employees back up the story."

Desperation filled Serena's voice as she pleaded, "Daniel, we've known each other since we were five years old. You know I'm not like this, so why won't you believe me?"

"Forget it, Serena. There's no point in talking to you anymore. You expect me to believe you over all my employees? Just go. I'm busy running a company," Daniel dismissed her, turning away.

Serena fought back tears as she watched her husband walk away, leaving her heartbroken and alone. She couldn't understand how he could so easily dismiss their lifelong bond, swayed by the accusations of others.

“Where are you going?” She asked

“I’m going to book a hotel for a few days. I need some space from you. I don’t have time to deal with all your stupid drama right now.” Her husband replied closing the door behind him.

In recent days, Daniel's distance had become palpable. His smiles were forced, and his once warm touch had turned cold. Serena sensed an invisible force whispering of betrayal, but she couldn't pinpoint its origin. A persistent suspicion gnawed at her, compelling her to uncover the hidden truth.

 She knew she needed to investigate what was happening. Her husband’s recent behaviour was uncharacteristic, and she refused to let their marriage crumble without a fight.

As dusk settled upon the city, Serena sought solace in the company of her best friend, Victoria Hartley.

Inside a trendy coffee shop, the air buzzed with lively conversations, mingling with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Serena was the epitome of beauty and grace when she entered the cafe, captivating everyone in the room. Her porcelain skin was flawless and smooth, highlighting her symmetrically refined features. Her emerald eyes shone with confidence and poise, like jewels set in a crown. She was elegant and sophisticated and always immaculately dressed in classical styles that suited her slender figure.

Moments later, Victoria Hartley entered the café, her appearance a striking contrast to Serena’s ethereal beauty. Her dark hair and hazel eyes gave her a sultry appearance, while her mischievous smile and insatiable curiosity captured the attention of those present. She was pretty, but not stunningly so. She was more like a wildflower than a rose, more like a storm than a breeze. She wore a leather jacket and jeans, with a scarf around her neck that added a splash of color. She sauntered into the cafe with a confident grin, as if she had a secret no one else knew.

Serena leaned in, her voice filled with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Hey, Vic," she began, her voice tinged with concern. "I've noticed Daniel acting strangely lately. Have you noticed anything off about him? Your his secretary, after all."

Victoria took a sip of her latte, her gaze thoughtful. "Hmm, no, he seems pretty normal at work," Victoria replied, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

"I just can't shake this feeling that something is wrong." Serena confessed, her fingers toying with the handle of her mug.

"He's usually packed with meetings. He has so many responsibilities as the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. I’m sure he’s just feeling overwhelmed and taking it on you. But hey, don't worry about it too much, it doesn't seem like him to keep secrets from you. Anyway, what makes you think Daniel's hiding something?" Victoria inquired.

Serena shrugged. "I can't put my finger on it exactly, but it's just these little things—like his schedule not adding up, or him being vague about certain things. Plus, he’s been accusing me of so many random things recently. You know me, I would never kick anyone down the stairs! I don’t know what Lisa has against me that she would accuse me of that!”

Victoria nodded empathetically, her eyes meeting Serena's. “Yeah, he was really upset after this incident morning’s incident with Lisa. But like I said, maybe it’s not about you. Before jumping to conclusions, have you tried talking to Daniel about your concerns? Maybe there's a simple explanation."

Serena sighed. "Yeah, I've tried, but it always ends up in a circular conversation. He brushes off my worries or makes me feel like I'm just being paranoid and stupid. It's frustrating, you know?"

Victoria leaned back, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Just give it a little more time. You guys have been married around two years right? Maybe you guys are still figuring married life out.”

Serena nodded, appreciating Victoria's words of reassurance. “Maybe you're right, but we've known each other since we were kids and we both agreed to rekindle our romantic relationship after graduating university three years ago. I thought everything was going great but since we got married, he’s been acting increasingly cold and distant, I don’t know want to do. Maybe I am overthinking things…I just want our relationship to be as strong as it used to be.”

Victoria reached across the table, offering comfort with a touch of her hand. "And it will be, Serena. You two have known each other since childhood, practically soulmates. You’ll be fine. Plus, you’re a great wife! I mean, you’re always so attentive to his wants and needs. You’re an amazing cook and always prepare him delicious meals. I’d kill to have a partner like you!”

Serena's lips curled into a grateful smile. "Thank you, Vic. You always know how to make me feel better."

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