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The incident that night, made Mr. Danial unable to forget the beautiful woman, nicknamed the little ct. That fierce figure with two beautiful eyes managed to steal Danial's attention. And who would have thought that the little cat was one of the employees. At that time Danial was determinedto have a complete little cat.

Chapter 1 Mysterious Man


Tonight Angela had to come home late because of a job that required her to work overtime.

"Oh my God, I'm so tired," she complained, stretching her hands.

The atmosphere in City C is quite crowded with people, and the air here is quite cold. Angela tightened her coat as she hugged herself.

It was a quiet night, and not many people passing by.

Angela arrived at her house which was so simple. The house she had bought these past few months with his earnings.

She typed the password on the button near the door.


With the sound of the lock opening, she pressed the doorknob and entered the house.


She screamed when she was about to close the door of her house, someone barged into the house wearing a black hoodie that covered his head and face.

"Who are you? You want to steal?" screamed Angela very scared and shocked.

"Help me!" exclaimed the man in a commanding tone.

"No! I don't want to help strangers!” cried Angela firmly.

There was the sound of some shoes running.


"Hey!" Angela screamed in annoyance when the man closed the door of his house until it clicked and his tall body was right in front of Angela at a very close distance.

"Who are you, and want to a..." Angela's mouth was closed by the man's large palm.

"Silence," he whispered, pressing his ear to the door.

Angela secretly watched the face of the man in front of her carefully because they were so close.


That was the first thing on Angela's mind.

"Are you satisfied looking at my face?" said the man whose sharp eyes were now staring into his gray eyes.

Angela, who was caught, immediately pushed the man's chest away from her and walked towards her home phone.

"Hello, police station. I..."

Angela's exclamation stopped when someone snatched her phone from behind and turned it off.

"What do you want? You thief!” shrieked Angela.

"What did I steal, that you accuse me of stealing?" asked the mysterious man.

“Quickly get out of here!” she said.

"I still need a ride for one night," he said, walking leisurely and sitting on the couch making Angela gape.

"I can't hold you! Quickly get out of here!” chase Angela already very annoyed.

"CK, your house is so small, even my room is not small like this," said the man, opening his head cover by raising his feet on the table arrogantly.

So arrogant....

“You've entered without permission, then insulted my house? Go away from here!" cried Angela angrily, pulling the man's arm to get up and leave.

But unfortunately Angela's strength was unbalanced and didn't even have any effect, instead it made her body being pulled, when the man pulled her arm.

Angela's body fell right on the handsome man's broad chest. The gazes of the two of them met each other.

"You are so aggressive, Miss."

Angela was getting irritated at him, with annoyance he pushed the man back until the grip on his hand was released and he stood straight again.

"Listen, you thief, I don't know who you are and why you were being chased by those people earlier. I don't want to get involved in anything, so now get out of my house!” chased Angela who was already very upset.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, you just do what you want. And I won't bother you," he shouted casually taking off his hoodie leaving a black t-shirt.

"Huh!" Angela was unable to say anything else. Annoyed, he went into his room and slammed the door.

"Who is that man?" muttered Angela when she was already in the room.

He put his ear to the door trying to eavesdrop but there was no sound.

"Could he be a thief?" he muttered back to his feet and walked over to his bed. "But how can a thief be as handsome as he is?"

"Ouch, I have got headache! What's wrong with today, it's been endless work, I also forgot to eat lunch and now I'm being robbed by a handsome thief," he grumbled, annoyed to himself.

After a long time Angela was in the room, she came back out of the room after placing her ear on the door to make sure the situation.

Angela saw the man sleeping on his small couch with his face covered with his arm. Angela slowly stepped into the bathroom to clean herself.

After washing herself for a long time and feeling very refreshed, Angela stepped out of the bathroom.

"Ah!" he shouted when the man was already standing in front of him.

“W..what? What do you want?" asked Angela crossing her arms over her chest. His body was covered only by a white towel robe.

"Tsk, there's a stranger in your house, you're using a towel like this instead," said the man walking closer to Angela removing the distance between them.

Angela walked backwards until her back hit the wall behind her. The man pressed a hand against the wall beside Angela's head, then brought his face closer to Angela's.

“Strawberries,” he muttered. “Really fresh.”

"Do not try anything with me!" cried Angela with bulging eyes full of threats, but it looked funny and cute according to the mysterious man.

"So what if I make fun of you, after all you invited him yourself," said the man with his devilish grin.

"I'm going to the police!" cried Angela fiercely.

"Is it true? Go ahead if you can, “cried the man full of ridicule.

Finally Angela was silent because she felt herself cornered and could only swallow her own saliva.

"Give up?" asked the man. “Ssshtt...”

The man winced as Angela kicked him in the shin.

"In your dreams!" she cried running into his room again.

He stared at the closed bedroom door with a small smile.


Angela opened her eyes, last night she slept before morning because a mysterious man was in her house. Making it unable to rest in peace and soundly.

"I have to check on him outside," Angela called out, curling her long hair and walking slowly towards her bedroom door.

He put his earlobe against the door and tried to eavesdrop on any sounds outside but there was no sound.

"Is he still sleeping?" Angela exclaimed.

Angela took a wooden ornament that was in her room just in case the man would be rude to her.

He turned the knob of the door and poked his head out. His gaze fixed on a small sofa not far from his position.


Where is that man... he thought.

Angela walked out of the room and looked for the man but the atmosphere in the house seemed calm and empty, she was the only one in the house.

"Has he left?" he muttered walking towards the bathroom which was also empty.

Fragrant aroma into the senses of smell. He walked towards the kitchen and pantry, he saw some food that was appetizing and looked still warm.

"Who cooked all this?" he muttered.

In the flower vase, there is a small note, he takes it and reads the writing.

Thanks for the one-night ride. In return, I cook breakfast for you. Until we meet again little cat....

"Kitten? It's fun to call people,” Angela exclaimed, saving the wood and paper ornaments.

"Emm looks delicious," he muttered, immediately sat down in a chair and without waiting for a long time, immediately ate the food.

"Good grief! So delicious, is he a chef? He muttered and immediately devoured his food.


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