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CAGED- A Dark Mafia Captive Romance

CAGED- A Dark Mafia Captive Romance

Indriani Sonaris


It was this desire for revenge that made a man named Sebastian Earl Sanders obsessed with Renata Cassaundra Wiratama. He tries to approach Renata solely to carry out his revenge. But uncontrollably, Sebastian began to obsess over this cheerful girl. He always wanted to be with Renata. And at the same time, he couldn't control his desire to be around her. Will Bastian be able to carry out his action to take revenge on the Wiratama family?

Chapter 1 The Helper

"I'll wait in the car," Roy said.

"Come on, accompany us around; you're a guide. I'll give you a reward," said Renata, and Roy's expression immediately changed.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Come quickly and accompany us around," said Renata with her hands on her hips.

"Come on, sis. Let's shop as much as we want. I have a black card from my brother and father," Renata said excitedly.

"All right. We'll cost your brother a big loss." Angela chuckled, making Renata nod enthusiastically.

Roy just sighed and walked, following the two women in front of him.

Angela and Renata walked down the street; there were many stalls selling various goods and food lined up around them. Crowded clubs and cafes There are many foreign nationals walking around there.

Renata and Angela were excited to buy some goods and snacks there. Their conversation was so interesting that they couldn't stop laughing.

"You guys go; I'm tired. I'll wait at the cafe," Roy said, pointing at the cafe across the street.

"Okay. Later we will come to your place, "said Renata.


Too focused on their conversation, until he didn't realize there was someone on the rooftop of the building opposite. Two men were standing there.

"I'll go down and meet them. Then, shoot straight away. Remember, shoot me in the arm."

"Okay, boss."

A handsome man, wearing black glasses on his nose, walked away from that place.

Angela and Renata are choosing cute hats by the roadside. They were so focused and laughing merrily that they didn't pay attention to their surroundings.


"Ah!" Angela screamed in surprise when Renata's body was pulled by someone, and a gunshot was heard. The people there began to get restless and shocked.

"Rena, are you okay?" Angela approached Renata, who was in someone's arms.

Renata tilted her head, and her gaze immediately met someone's sharp gaze. Those dark eyes looked so scary, but for some reason they made Renata unable to take her eyes off in another direction. Very mysterious dark eyes.

"Are you okay?" asked Angela, very worried about making the man move from his position.

"Are you all right, Ren?" asked Angela, helping Renata to her feet.

"I'm fine, Sis," Renata replied. "Your hands are bleeding. You were shot earlier," said Renata, very surprised to see the handsome man's arm in front of him was injured, and you could see blood seeping into the jacket he was wearing.

"I'm fine. Thank goodness you're okay," the man replied. "Next time you have to be vigilant, there are many dangerous thieves here."

"We'll take him to the hospital, Sis," said Renata.

"Wait here. I'll call Roy," said Angela, who was nodded by Renata.


Renata waited anxiously for the man, who was being handled separately by the doctor. After waiting a few minutes, he came out with the doctor and saw his jacket tucked in his arm, with his left arm bandaged.

"It's finished?" she asked.

"Already. Just being fried is not a serious wound. Next time, be careful. There are a lot of thieves around," he said.

"Thank you very much, Master."

"Bastian," he said.

"Oh yes, Mr. Bastian. I am Renata, and this is my sister-in-law," said Renata.

"Angela," said Angela, shaking hands with Bastian.

"You already helped me earlier; how can I repay your help?" she asked.

"If we meet again, I will collect it," said Bastian, showing his charming smile.

"I must leave immediately."

Renata wanted to speak again, but Bastian had already left the place.


Today is Renata's first day doing COAS at a hospital. He had arrived at the big hospital and went to the head of the medical division's room. He came with three of his colleagues, who were also going to carry out the KOAs there.

The head of the section explained all the rules in this hospital. After that, he escorted the four of them to the doctor's office, where he would guide them.

"Good afternoon, Doctor. The KOAS students have come," said the head of the division.

"Let them in," said the doctor.

"Please come in."

The four people entered the room, and Renata's eyes widened when she saw the doctor in front of her.

"You? Mr. Bastian?" Renata shrieked without realizing it, making everyone look at Renata, who immediately smiled awkwardly and apologized.

"I'm sorry," Renata muttered with a small smile.

"Okay, I'll leave them here," said the head of the section, to which Bastian answered yes.

"Good morning, everyone," said Bastian, sounding firm.

"Morning, Doctor."

"Introducing: I'm Doctor Sebastian, a specialist in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery," said Bastian. "Please introduce your names."

"I'm Nova."

"I am Naufal."

"I'm Rifky."

"I'm Renata Cassaundra."

"Okay. Here are some informational forms that you need to fill out. Please fill it in, then give it to me. Bastian gave each person a piece of paper, including Renata.

"You do it in the next room, which is empty," said Bastian.

"Okay Doc."

One by one, they left the room, leaving Renata alone.

"Um, I didn't expect that you were a doctor and would become my guide," Renata said, looking into the sharp eyes in front of him.

Bastian smiled a little. "Yes, isn't this world very narrow?"

"Erm, has your wound healed?" Renata asked, glancing at Bastian's arm, which was covered in a doctor's robe.

"Already recovered."

"Thank goodness then; I'm relieved to hear that," Renata said, smiling sweetly.

"Because we meet again, I will collect your promise," whispered Bastian, who leaned over and whispered right in Renata's ear, making him shriek slightly with amusement.

"Now do what I ask. I'll collect the appointment later," said Bastian, who had straightened up again while putting his hands into the doctor's coat pockets.

"Okay," Renata said, smiling again, and she walked away from the room.

Renata entered the room where her friends had gathered around a round table. Renata took a seat beside Novita and took out her pen.

"What took you so long? You know that handsome doctor?" asked Novita, very curious.

"He is the doctor who helped me when I was in Bali. I already told you, right?" Renata said it with a beaming face.

"Are you serious? Wow, this world is really small, huh?" Novita exclaimed, quite surprised.

"You two are noisy. Hurry up and do the work," said Rifky.

"Yes, yes," Renata replied, starting to fill out the form.

Bastian secretly watched them from his room. Bastian could see clearly into the next room because window film surrounded the room; the other way around, he couldn't.

'It turns out that it's so easy to conquer a small and innocent woman,' thought Bastian, grinning sinisterly.


The four people are now following Bastian and two nurses to carry out examinations on patients who have undergone surgery or are about to undergo surgery. The four of them recorded everything in a report book.

Renata secretly watched Bastian, who was examining a patient. He is quite patient-friendly and takes his examinations seriously and thoroughly. His damage at that time was absolutely perfect, making Renata even more fascinated by him.

"Huss," Novita nudged Renata's arm, making her turn towards Novia.


"Record," whispered Novita, making Renata smile, and she finally wrote down what Bastian had said.

Renata was enamored with him the more she noticed his good looks.


Currently, Renata is sitting in the pool at the villa. He recalled the incident of his first meeting with the man who turned out to be his supervising doctor.

The corners of Renata's lips turned upward as she recalled what happened a month ago. He really fell in love at first sight with the helper.

"He really is like a prince in a fairy tale," muttered Renata, smiling blushingly.

Who would have thought that this man would now be his mentor? And that succeeded in making Renata unable to focus on studying; she only focused on looking at the handsome man.

"How can he be that handsome?" he muttered, smiling happily.

"It seems that your first day was very memorable. He's been smiling ever since," said Angela, who came up to him and took a seat beside Renata.

"That's right, sis. Oh yes, Sis. Angela, you remember Mr. Bastian. He was the one who helped us when we were in Bali," said Renata.

Hmm, yes, remember. Why?"

"It turned out that he was my supervisor at the hospital. He turned out to be a surgeon; ah, this world is really narrow! "Renata exclaimed very happily but did not see a change in Angela's face.

"He's a doctor there?"

"Yes. He is very handsome; my heart even keeps pounding when I am close to him," said Renata, very enthusiastic about telling everything.

Angela just kept quiet and didn't say anything.


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