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Woman Director's Love Passion

Woman Director's Love Passion

Indriani Sonaris


Jasmine was forced to marry a man she had long admired and secretly loved. Her hidden feelings turned into obsessions. Eventually they got married, and who knew that marriage wouldn't be as wonderful as it turned out to be? After marrying Sean, Mine went through her days quite depressed and restless. She thought that after having him, she would be happy and content. But it turned out to be wrong; her one-sided love didn't need just having, but wanted reciprocal feelings as well. Until a third person came along to destroy their marriage.

Chapter 1 Having to Be Away Again

Jasmine had just returned home, looking tired from working all day. She walked to the pantry and poured some water into a glass. Then she gulped it down.

"Are you home?" The exclamation startled Jasmine so much that she coughed.

"Yes, I came home this afternoon. You look tired," said the man standing not far from Jasmine in casual home clothes.

The man was Sean Fernando Gultom, the husband of Jasmine Elmeyra Wiratama.

"Yes, I have a lot of work to do at the office," Jasmine replied.

"Have you eaten?"

"Not yet. Have you eaten? I will cook something for you."

"You look very tired. We'd better order some food," Sean said.

"Alright, I'll order it." Jasmine ordered food for their dinner. Jasmine walked away from her room, leaving Sean alone.


Jasmine came out of her room and approached Sean, who was arranging the food in the minibar.

"It's here," Jasmine exclaimed, looking more refreshed.

"Yes. Come sit down," said Sean, who was now sitting on a chair. Jasmine followed Sean and took a seat opposite Sean.

They ate quietly.

"I have another flight tomorrow. It might be a while now. I will be in Brazil for a while," Sean said, stopping Jasmine from eating.


"Yes. I'm sorry I haven't been with you in a while," Sean said with a regretful look on his face.

Sean was a pilot for an international airline. His schedule was very busy, and he was often away on business for a while. He didn't even return home for a month.

"How long is it this time?" asked Jasmine.

"Maybe two months," said Sean.

"Two months? Is that not too long?" asked Jasmine.

"It can't be helped," said Sean.

Jasmine could only sigh. It couldn't be helped.

Jasmine and Sean have been married for 10 months, and they have known each other since childhood. Sean and Jasmine were childhood friends; they grew up together and liked each other as adults until they decided to marry each other. But somehow, their home life wasn't as beautiful as they imagined. Sean always leaves her and is rarely even home. Jasmine is currently working as the managing director of her mother's company.

"It doesn't matter, does it?" exclaimed Sean, holding his wife's hand.

"It can't be helped. I can only wait for you," Jasmine exclaimed. "When are we going to have children like this?"

"Just be patient for a little while longer. I will definitely be stationed here henceforth. It's just that for the first few years, I have to be willing to be stationed in some distant places."

"Alright. Don't forget to keep in touch with me," Jasmine said.

"I will."

"I can't drive you because I have a meeting tomorrow morning," Jasmine said.

"No problem. Tonight we will spend some time together," Sean said, making Jasmine smile.


Jasmine rested her head on Sean's firm chest. Both of them were naked and had just finished their nightly activities to express their longing for each other.

"After I get back, shall we go on a vacation to the villa?" Sean said.

"I'll clear my schedule then. I miss the times we vacationed there. Riding horses together, swimming, fishing, and picking fruits in the fields," Jasmine chuckled, raising her head to gaze at her husband's handsome face.

"Yes, we will do all that as we celebrate our first wedding anniversary," Sean exclaimed with a charming smile.

Jasmine nodded her head vigorously. Sean pulled Jasmine closer to him and kissed her gently on the lips. He rolled over and laid on Jasmine's body.

"Ready for another round?" teases Sean, making Jasmine chuckle.

"Tsk, you're always so energetic," Jasmine chuckled.

"That's because you always turn me on," Sean exclaims and resumes his activity.

"I will miss you so much."

"Me too. I'll be waiting for you," said Jasmine.


Jasmine had just come out of her meeting room. She walked towards her room with her cell phone out.


I'm leaving now. You take good care of yourself; don't skip meals; and rest. Don't get too tired at work.

Jasmine smiled as she read the message from her husband. Sean was indeed a caring and warm husband.

"What's next on my schedule?" asked Jasmine as she sat in her oversized chair. A woman stood in front of her, obscured by a table.

"There is nothing scheduled until 1:30 p.m.You must come to the project site."

"Alright. Let's leave at 11 and have lunch outside," Jasmine said.



Jasmine had just arrived at her mansion. She gazed at all the rooms in the mansion that looked deserted and empty. Sean had frequently left her alone. But today she felt so claustrophobic and lonely.

Sean was so busy, but he was a gentle, warm, caring man. Sean's presence always comforted Jasmine, and she always felt at peace around him. Sean knew Jasmine well, and he always knew what Jasmine needed.

Jasmine walked to the pantry and approached the refrigerator door. There were some post-it notes stuck there. She picked up one of them.

Don't drink too much alcohol.

Don't eat instant food.

Maintain your diet and get enough rest. Don't overwork yourself.

I've done all the shopping and stocked the fridge, so you can cook easily.

"This guy," murmured Jasmine, smiling.

Jasmine opened the refrigerator door, and sure enough, it was full of food. Even the beer bottles had been replaced with milk and fruit juice.

"Gosh, he really is," Jasmine complained. But there was one bottle of beer in there that Sean had kept.

Jasmine took the bottle and brought it to the minibar with a glass filled with ice cubes. Jasmine poured the beer into the glass and sipped slowly as she sat down on the chair.

"Ah, will I ever be able to survive being away from you like this?" Jasmine lamented, taking another sip of her drink.


Sean, on the other hand, was just about to take a flight. He was bribing the co-pilot and some of his other coworkers, who would be flying together. Afterwards, they got ready and boarded the plane. The night was getting darker and later. Sean was sitting in his seat and had his earphones on. He communicated with someone through his earphones and started the flight.

Sean flew higher and higher and further away from Jasmine. No one knows what will happen when couples are far away from each other.


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