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A Beautiful Love

A Beautiful Love



A BEAUTIFUL LOVE • • Alyssa Linton is the hot, beautiful African-American. She is a brave, rich 18 year old teen who doesn't care about what people think or say, her father, Malcom Linton is the owner of the most successful business company in Los Angeles. She lost her mother in a fatal accident, she and her dad were the only survivors, ever since then, she's been having dreams about her mother. After high school, she decides to move to Australia for college and to meet with her boyfriend, Zane. Series of action happens when she gets to Australia and meets her boyfriend cheating on her with the popular b!tch, Charlotte. Instead of finding revenge, she finds friendship, happy memories and most importantly, LOVE.


Chapter One.

A Rolls Royce stopped in front of the huge Malcolm glass building, after some minutes, an hot lady stepped out of the car. She was clad in a short black dress and heels, her long blonde flowed down her back as she walked sexily into the building with another young lady.

👥Wow, who is she?

👥Don't you know her? She's the only daughter of Malcolm Linton, the heiress to this company

👥 She's so sexy

Alyssa smirked as she heard the employee's comments. "Miranda, is my dad in?" She asked the young lady next to her, apparently her personal assistant.

"You could have asked me that like before we came here?" Miranda chuckled.

Alyssa rolled her eyes as they walked into the private elevator. "I just can't wait to see my baby, I miss him every second." She whined.

"I can't believe you're leaving Los Angeles because of a guy." Miranda snickered.

"Hey!" Alyssa retorted and swept her hair backwards stylishly. "I'm going to study too, I need to inherit my father's properties."

"Hm, are you sure? Or you're just going to taste Zane's lips."

"Oh, just shut up." Alyssa chuckled as the elevator opened, they walked out of it and into the chairman's floor.

"Good day ma'am." The receptionist bowed, Miranda stopped just outside Malcolm's office while Alyssa walked into the large office.

"Daddy." She whined and went to hug her father, who was settled on his swivel chair.

Malcolm is one of the most successful billionaires in the country, he's been single ever since the accident.

"You know, I still don't support you moving to Australia all of a sudden, who would cook for me now?" Mr. Linton grumbled.

Alyssa chuckled. "So you wouldn't even miss me, it's my food you would miss."

Mr. Linton laughed. "Alright alright, you caught me. Now, why wouldn't I miss my angel, your flight is this afternoon right?"

Alyssa squealed. "Yes, I can't wait to see Zane too."

"About that." Mr. Linton coughed. "No séx till you're 25."

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "I know dad, keeping my virginity is important.."

Mr. Linton stood and hugged her. "I'll miss my baby so much, don't hesitate to ask daddy for anything."

Alyssa pecked him. "You're the best. Now, I gotta go if I don't want to miss my flight."

"One last hug." Mr. Linton pulled Alyssa into a warm hug. "Stay safe baby."


👥OMG!!! Is it me or Cole looks more cute with those bangss

👥 He's so hott, I wanna die, somebody help me!

👥Just one kiss, huh?

Cole smirked as the girls kept squealing and complimenting him, he didn't care anyways. He found his way to the hang-out lounge, a place he and his friends made just for themselves.

"Yo! Bro." Terence smiled as he saw him walking in. "What's up? Where have you been?"

"Probably with his girlfriend." Todd smirked.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Shut up please, dont talk about my baby like that."

"Ouuu.." They all cooed. "He call her his baby!" Terence snickered.

"Anyways, where's Zane?" Cole asked as he sat on a couch with a glass of whiskey.

Todd sighed. "I don't know bro, he's been acting weird lately."

"God knows what that dude is up to. Y'all going to class?" Cole asked.

"Nah, I'll just skip this one." Terence said putting on his headphones.

"Again." Todd said and they all laughed.


"What are you doing here again, Charlotte?" Zane groaned.

Charlotte winked. "Obvi, I missed you baby."

Zane pulled her in. "Stop doing this! You know I can't resist you." He pulled her into an hot kiss.

Charlotte giggled. "I love you baby."


Alyssa yawned. "God, I'm so tired." She wheeled out her luggages.

"Miss Alyssa?" A chaffeur called.

"Yes, oh thank you Jesus. Please be careful with my bags, I have expensive things there." She muttered as he put her bags in the trunk.

She plans to surprise Zane at a party her bestie is holding. Yeah, she has a crazy bestie over at Royals College.

The smooth ride started and she ended up closing her eyes but her vibrating phone interrupted her. It was a text from Miranda.

👤Hey baby, are you settled

👤Yeah, I'm heading towards there rn, I'm so excited!!

👤Lol, have fun!

She smiled and looked outside of the car. "It's a beautiful day."


Rachael sat on Bobby's laps and began to kiss him slowly.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Bobby asked.

Rachael rolled her eyes. "Just kiss me, okay?"

The door to her room suddenly opened, Cole couldn't believe his eyes.

"Rachael?" He muttered, she couldn't see him because they were too engrossed.

He left the house hurtfully, Rachael was his first love, he was a bad boy and he decided to try love but no, it didn't work out for her.

"goddamit." He cursed.

"Bestie!!!" Juliana yelled as she ran out of her mansion.

Alyssa caught her. "I missed you so so much." They hugged for a while before disengaging.

"I was so happy when I heard you're coming here." Juliana squealed. "Let's go dress you up for the pool party."

"I cannot wait to see Zane." She squealed too as they walked into the house while the chaffeur took care of her bags.

"So, we'll live here together, just you and me." Juliana smiled. "I love so much privacy, thats why i told dad to get me a mansion."

Alyssa smirked. "Show me my room, I need to get ready for my baby."

Juliana rolled her eyes. "Take it easy, don't oppress me too much."

Alyssa laughed.


The house was booming with loud music, there were different hot girls and guys, some were in the pool and some were making out.

"Yo, Julie!" Terence yelled and went to meet her. "You managed to pull this out without us?"

Juliana smirked. "Of course, idiots. Where's Cole though?"

Todd smirked. "On his way, probably with Rachael."

"Uh, I don't remember inviting a bítchy person."

Todd chuckled. "Chill babes, you look hot though."

She was clad in a yellow bikini.

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