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Contracted Billionaire

Contracted Billionaire



Jason Lewis was born into a poor family of four who has always lived from hand to mouth. His mother works as a cook in a small noodle shop, his father works as a truck driver and his older sister Rachel is a university student working two part-time jobs. He entered the biggest high school through scholarship and fell in love with the richest girl in the school Skye Adams, they started a relationship and it was later on interrupted by the girl's father. He signed a contract with him and made him leave the country in exchange for his families safety. He studied abroad and went back to America as a successful young Billionaire.

Chapter 1 My Daughter Or Your Family

"Mr. Lewis, please get in the car" said a fierce looking man in suit as about four of them surrounded a high schooler who just walked out of the school.

"Huh, Why should I" Jason Lewis the high schooler asked surprisingly looking at the strange looking men before him.

"It's an order, you have to come with us" another man said as they dragged him into the car.

"You know this is kidnapping and you can be arrested" He said struggling to free himself from their grip.

"Keep quiet young man" They fired back at him after which he closed his wide opened mouth and accepted his fate, waiting eagerly for what is ahead for him. He soon slept off after a while and was woken shortly. He was dragged out of the car and headed toward a large mansion.

"Can you be a little nice" He said as they dragged him through the hallway but didn't get a response. he was dragged into a room that was occupied by an old looking man sitting on a wheel chair, the men bowed before the man and went out afterwards leaving Jason and the man alone in the room.

"You must be Jason" The man asked as he stood from the wheel chair and walked closer to Jason with the support of his walking stick.

'Yes sir" He replied as he stood from the ground.

"I have heard a lot about you, i was told you are a very smart kid which I am yet to believe" The man said keeping eye contact with him while he tried to look downwards to avoid the man's gaze.

"I will know if what i heard about you is true after i see you make your decision" The man continued and Jason kept wondering what the man was talking about.

"I know what you are thinking about, you don't have to worry much. your mystery will be solved soon" he said again before walking back to his wheel chair, sat on it, then set his walking stick aside. He dialed a number on his phone and asked someone to bring his daughter to his room. Jason kept thinking if his daughter is someone he knew and what he had to do with her. minutes later, the door opened and a girl about Jason's age walked in. she opened her mouth to talk to her father but the sight before her made her speechless.

she looked at Jason, then at her father, then back at Jason before walking slowly towards him.

"Skye" Jason uttered looking at her surprised.

"Stop right there" Skye's father said as she was very close to Jason. "Take one more step and today will be the last day you set your eyes on your little boyfriend" he continued.

"Why are you doing this dad" Skye said facing ".

'I'm doing what will benefit you my Darling" He replied.

'Since the two of you are here, I'll like to offer Jason here the same deal I've been offering you and you have been refusing" He continued. I'm very sure he's going to like it and of course it will be a very great opportunity for him to set everything behind him and start things afresh" He concluded.

"Dad please don't do this" Skye cried.

"Of course if i don't do it who else will, and you can't tell me what to do. "He fired back at her.

"Can someone tell me what's going on here" Jason finally said.

"You'll find out soon enough child" He replied.

He stood uo again and walked over to Jason. This time with some sort of paper in his hand.

"Go through it and make a benefitting choice" He said to Jason handing him the paper.

He read the content, tore it, thrashed it and walked out angrily. Skye tried running after him but was stopped by the body guards who carried her to her room and locked her in by the order of her father.

Days went by and Jason avoided Skye in school, he acted like she's isn't in the class since they were in the same class.

Skye was hurt by his reaction and the kind of treatment he's always giving her. He wrote him a letter and put it in his locker.

She apologized to him through the letter and when it was break time, they met in their usual meeting spot and sorted things out and tgey were back to their lovey dovey ways.

At the Adam's House

"Sir, This is the information ypu requested" A man who happened to be a private investigator said to Mr. Adams, Skye's Fathee.

He handed him and envelopes containing pictures. Mr Adams took out the pictures and sighed at the sight of his daughter and Jason.

He returned the pictures back to the envelope and dismissed the man.

He stood up to go dress up and informed his driver to get the car ready. He finished and got into the car then told the driver to take him to Jason's house.

"There's someone at the door Rachael" Jason's older sister said after hearing a knock.

She stood up to open the door when her mum rushed by her to open it saying she was expecting her friend but was shocked after opening the door which made her smile disappear.

"Should i come in or I'm not welcomed here" Mr. Adams said and she left the door opened for him to come in.

"Even as an uninvited guest, i still have my rights" he said walking in then he spotted Jason.

"Shouldn't you all be out there working since you're short of money, even as poor as you are you still have to relax" He added before Jason's father asked him to sit down.

"You don't expect me to sit on this your bugs infested chair, do you" he said then turned to Jason.

"I came only for you, but since the whole of your household is here, I'll tell you why i came and you all can make a suggestion" He placed a paper on a center table and continued.

"you all can decide, When you're ready to sode with me I'll do anything you want just name it but as long as you're after my daughter your life and that of your family is in danger. You know who i am right, and you know what i can do" He said after which he got ready to leave.

"Have your son bring me the contract after signing" He added before walking out of the house.

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