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The impure desires of the ceo

The impure desires of the ceo

Blanca Rios


Karen thought she had found the love of her life, her husband Joshep Torres, an important multimillionaire architect who was looking for the perfect woman to be his wife, was the man of her dreams or so she thought until after their wedding when she began to notice that his behavior was not the same, trying to find an explanation for his distant attitude with her, She tries to enjoy her honeymoon, but her plans take an unexpected turn when she meets the stranger Vladimir Vermilion, a stranger who will not only be willing to take over her mind, but also her heart and her body, but will Karen be able to keep her marriage together after tasting the forbidden?

Chapter 1 The strange

Karen was excited about her new beginning with her partner, Joseph, a multi—millionaire architect she met accidentally at work on her way out, and it was like a spark when they met eyes. After a year of dating, they were finally married and soon, they would leave for their honeymoon.

Even though his family was opposed to their relationship, the successful architect decided to continue his relationship with the beautiful brunette he met at the mall. She was the perfect woman he wanted as a wife, not even the daughters of other important businessmen had the qualities Karen possessed as the perfect wife, her only flaw being that she was not of high position.

— Ready for our honeymoon?

—More than ready. —Karen squealed excitedly.

They were about to get into the car when Karen noticed a certain presence that displeased her, she looks with disgust at her now husband's personal assistant.

—You said it would just be the two of us.

—He will only go in case there is something of utmost importance, it will be as if he didn't exist, you'll see that you won't even remember he's around.

Karen wasn't convinced of what he was saying, but she didn't want to argue with her husband just before traveling. When they arrived at the hotel and checked in, they went up to their room, Karen was more upset that her husband had given her assistant a suite, right next to theirs.

But she didn't want to argue with him over little meaningless things so she went downstairs with her husband and they enjoyed an afternoon at the beach together and this time, her assistant wasn't with them and that calmed her down for a while.

After an exhaustive day she decided that she would spend the rest of the evening with her husband to watch a movie together, just like they did when they were sweethearts, but her plans fell apart when she saw him all dressed up in a suit.

— Are you going out?

—Love, you forget that we had agreed to go to the casino for a while after being at the beach all afternoon.

— What? But I don't remember agreeing to that. In fact, I thought we were going to watch a movie together like we used to.

—Karen, do you really want to do the same thing when we meet on our honeymoon? Don't you feel like doing something different?

—No," she said curtly.

Jhosep realizes that his wife won't want to change her mind, but he had already made plans and didn't want to miss his chance to gamble and have a good time so he promised to come back early to see what she wanted together, Karen of course accepted as she promised to be back in an hour.

As time passed, Karen realized that her husband would not arrive as promised so after ordering something to eat, Karen looked for something to entertain herself while her husband came back. There was a knock on the door of her room at the same time they announced that it was the servants. She got up and opened the door, as she was about to help herself, she realized it wasn't what she had ordered so she tried to catch the attendant before he left, but, by the time she reached the elevator, the doors had closed.

She moved her lips in a circular motion as she thought about how tedious it would be to take the food downstairs, so she decided to call to report the confusion, trotting towards her room, but for a moment she took her eyes off the front when she thought she saw her husband and without realizing that someone else was coming out of her room because they had brought her the wrong food.

Karen stumbled and just before she fell, she felt an arm grasp her firmly around the waist, when she saw the man she was overwhelmed and mesmerized.

— I—I...

—You should see where you're going.

His deep, thick voice made her skin bristle, her eyes couldn't take her eyes off the man still holding her, the blue of his eyes with green near the iris of his eyes had her completely trapped.

—Vladimir, darling!!!

"His name is Vladimir!"

Karen realizes she should do something.

—Sorry, it's just that the wrong food got me....

Vladimir lets out a mocking laugh at the late response of the unresponsive girl, Karen felt embarrassed and ran out because of what just happened, she threw the door and then to lay her back on it letting herself fall to the floor.

— What was that! Karen you idiot!

Again there was a knock on her door and she immediately got up thinking it was the servants, but blanched when she realized it was the same man from earlier. Motionless and not knowing what to say, she stares at him.

—You said something about food, so I deduced that you are the one who ordered this.

Karen was surprised to see that they had mistakenly given Vladimir his food, she reacts immediately and brings the food that was brought to him by mistake.

—I'm sorry, your wife must surely be upset about this.

— Wife?" said Vladimir confused, he realizes that she possessed a wedding ring.

"It's a pity she's married."

—Sorry for the trouble —Vladimir laughs as he did not understand why she was apologizing for something that caused those on duty. —I...

—Good night.

The curt way in which he answered her left her confused since a moment ago he seemed to be kind.

Returning to his room with his secretary, Vladimir saw her with disinterest, he lay down while in his mind was the wavy brown hair of a while ago.

—Vladimir, come on I want to go diving.

—I have something to do, I'll catch up with you later," he mumbles while he finishes counting some pending things, but his secretary insists, "I said I'll come later.

—Okay," she said annoyed.

When he finishes his earrings, he dresses casually and takes the elevator, when it was about to close someone shouts at him to wait so he intercedes before the doors close.

—Thank you very much...

He cocks a smile as he sees it was the same girl from last night, he realizes his presence upsets her, she moves away from him keeping her distance.

— Alone again?

—My husband is waiting for me," she smiles shyly, "As far as I can see he is also alone.

Vladimir doesn't answer and ignores her words, suddenly the elevator stopped suddenly causing sudden movements that made Karen stagger and without realizing it she ended up on top of Vladimir, perplexed she observes him and tries to get up, but her heart freezes when he changes her position.

—Nice trick to get closer to me.

"What! But I didn't do anything!"

She tries to say something but her voice trails off when she feels his hand go down to her cleavage, she wants to scream for him to stop but can't articulate a single word.

—They say that full, red lips are the tastiest and most exquisite.


—Well... how about we find out.

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