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The Billionaire's Conquest

The Billionaire's Conquest



Patricia Williams finds herself trapped in a cruel web of manipulation, forced to marry a stranger to protect the one person she holds dear. With grave consequences looming over her if she dares to disobey, she must navigate the treacherous path ahead. Henry Alexander, a charismatic billionaire and notorious bad boy, lives life on his own terms. Accustomed to getting away with anything, his world is about to be turned upside down when Patricia fearlessly challenges him and calls out his questionable behavior. As Patricia and Henry clash, their lives intertwine in unexpected ways. Sparks fly and tensions rise, testing the boundaries of their hearts. Will Henry's encounter with Patricia propel him towards a better path? Or will their connection lead them down a dark and dangerous road? Will they find solace in each other's arms, or will their opposing natures tear them apart?

Chapter 1 Embracing the Unknown

Chapter 1

As tears welled up in my eyes, I pulled up the sleeves of my resplendent dress. This was supposed to be a moment to remember-my wedding day-but all I felt was a profound sense of loneliness in that empty room, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Never have I felt more alone than on the day I was supposed to feel loved and happy.

"Too fast," I muttered, while my attendants straightened my dress. This was the day that was meant to fill me with joy, but all I felt was isolation.

Sitting in a corner, I slowly realised the reality that awaited me in just a few hours. I was going to become a wife. The wife of a man who not only despised me but also found me repulsive As they attempted to apply makeup to my rosy, tear-streaked cheeks, my mascara kept smudging, blending with my tears.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a little girl plucking petals from the bouquet on the table. Left alone for a few minutes, I gathered myself, preparing to put on a brave face as a stranger would walk me down the aisle.

The little girl approached, noticing a tear cascading down my cheek. She whispered, careful not to be overheard, "Why are you crying?"

"I'm very happy," I replied, forcing a smile. She hugged me, and in that fleeting moment, I felt a glimmer of solace. Just then, the wedding director entered, catching sight of me as I prepared to walk down an aisle where I knew no one, not even the man I was marrying.

"All tears of joy, dear. Smile," she said, straightening my slouching shoulders and correcting the smudged lines of mascara on my face.

"Let's touch up her mascara," Abby, my best friend and maid of honour, said to the makeup artist. She took a brush and applied foundation to conceal the tracks of sadness. They worked patiently, a virtue I knew I lacked.

"Everything will be okay," Abby assured me, adjusting my dress and ensuring everything was in place. She straightened my sterling silver necklace and smoothed out my full-length veil.

Was I truly prepared to give my first kiss to a man I barely knew? I longed for a love that knew no bounds, where I could love and be loved without hesitation. I craved a connection that transcended the mundane.

"Miss Pat?" the director called, jolting me back to reality-the reality I yearned to escape.

"Yes, yes," I responded, interrupting my heavenly dreams of love and romance, dreams I could never experience.

"Are you ready?" she inquired.

In that moment, the weight of my unpreparedness settled upon me. Running away seemed like the perfect plan-my last chance to escape my father's clutches. But there was nowhere else to go to escape him.

"Uh, yes," I whispered, as the crowd began to flow out. The little girl quickly gathered her rose petals in a miniature basket and skipped out of the peach room to join the wedding procession.

I stole a glance at the gate ahead as it swung wide open. The sounds of an organ and a harp filled the air in serene harmony. People entered one after the other, some holding hands.

Shouldn't I be happier? After all, I was getting married, something I had fantasised about since planning my dream wedding in a binder at the age of six.

From the silent church behind me, I heard echoes of "excuse me" and "pardon me." I turned to see who it was, and there he was-Henry's father, rushing towards me.

"Patricia, you look stunning," he said, causing

a tear to escape my eyes. All I wanted was for my mother to be here and to feel her motherly love. Henry's father, with his gentle demeanour, reminded me of the love I had never received. He knew the true nature of his playboy son.

"I didn't see your parents in the corridors. Could they not make it?" he asked, as if I had expected them to be there.

I shook my head and mustered a smile, masking the pain that flooded my heart. "They couldn't make it, but they said they'd drop by soon," I reassured him, relying on our business arrangements.

"I'm sorry they couldn't be here, but you have Evelyn and me," he said, his words soothing like a balm for my wounded soul. Slowly, he tucked his hand under mine as the music grew louder and the crowd rose from their seats.

With graceful strides, I walked, concealing my tears behind a composed smile. Henry's father accompanied me, guiding me down the aisle, where I saw the man who had orchestrated this union. Only now, he was smiling. It seemed natural to smile on one's wedding day, but we were anything but normal. We were far from it.

Henry stood there, grinning at me in his sleek black suit that seemed to cost as much as a mansion. His smirk widened as he witnessed me stumble on the train of my dress, with his father trying to steady me. I felt myself tripping on the hem, a metaphor for the impending journey I was embarking upon.

Scanning the pews for familiar faces, I found none except Abby and the little girl seated in the second row, gazing down at her empty basket.

My parents never showed up, and I couldn't say I was surprised. After all, they had married me off to a complete stranger after discarding me like a burden. Was this truly what I deserved? As my parents put it, "Yes, this is what you deserve for being a bitch and a brat." I was their only daughter, and all I had ever yearned for was freedom.

Approaching the podium, I felt my knees quiver and my mouth go dry. A flush of embarrassment washed over me as I caught Henry's gaze. His eyes, hazel and penetrating, held mine captive. The ceremony went on, seemingly endlessly, until it reached its final stage.

"Henry Alexander, do you take Patricia Williams to be your wife, to cherish and love, to protect and support each other? If so, say 'I do." The priest spoke, his voice echoing through the sacred space.

Henry locked eyes with me, and for a moment, I imagined him bolting away to the hills. But he surprised me with his response. "I do," he declared, squeezing my hand.

"Patricia Williams, do you take Henry Alexander to be your husband, to love and cherish, to protect at all times? If so, say 'I do'," the priest continued, his words resonating with finality. And in that moment, it dawned on me that I would be trapped in a loveless marriage.

"I... do," the words escaped my mouth as I caught Henry's gaze. It was a glance that held deeper meaning-a silent understanding of the unspoken.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest announced, and Henry's face drew closer to mine. His lips gently brushed against mine, and in that fleeting touch, I felt a surge of fireworks. As his fingers trailed along my cheeks, wiping away my final tear of the night, a mix of emotions overwhelmed me.

Suddenly, he released me, and the crowd erupted in applause and standing ovations for a performance only Henry, his family, and

I knew about Tears welled up in the eyes of the onlookers, and in that moment, I imagined my mother walking me down the aisle, hand in hand. She would have reassured me that everything would be okay and that she would always be there for me.

"Patricia," Henry said, breaking me from my reverie as he took my hand and hurried me down the aisle. The crowd spilled out of their pews, eager to witness our departure. We walked out of the church with cameras flashing relentlessly. Guards shielded us as we made our way to the awaiting limousine. Henry opened the door for me, and I stepped into the spacious interior. He entered from the other side, his smile fading as he settled in opposite me.

"Get changed. You can't attend the party in your wedding dress," he said, tossing a red dress across the limo, expecting me to catch it.

"I can't change here." I hesitated, feeling his intense gaze upon me. Finally, he diverted his attention from his phone, realising that I required his full presence.

"Why not?" he replied, chuckling lightly as if my concerns were unfounded. It baffled me how he found amusement in my predicament.

"Because you're right here, and I would also need help taking this dress off. It's not that simple," I explained, my words tinged with vulnerability.

"It's not like I'm looking," he retorted, making me feel unwanted. A slight chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Can we please make a stop at Mirald Boutique?" I called out to the driver as he pulled into the parking lot of an old boutique. Thankfully, it was conveniently located on our route.

"Where are you going? We're going to be late," Henry called out as I hurried into the boutique. Without wasting a second, I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me as I gazed through the window at the vibrant, hand-sewn dresses adorning white mannequins.

I swung open the door, and the gentle chime announced my arrival. Anna, my mother's best friend, rushed towards me as soon as she spotted my flowing white dress.

"Darling, you never told me you were getting married!" she exclaimed, enveloping me in a warm hug. It had been a while since I had seen her, ever since I sought her assistance in finding a simple place to live.

"I... need to change", I let out as she hugged me tight, a tightness that I needed to survive the day.

Oh, what do you have in mind, honey?" Anna asked with so much tenderness.

"I need a dress for tonight; do you still have my mother's dress?" Patricia asked.

Oh, of course I do,, hun;; I've been fixing it up a bit", she said as she handed it over to me. I took it off the hanger and hugged it. It was my mother's engagement dress,, and I needed a part of her more than ever now. Just to feel connected to her and to feel like she was right with me the whole night.

"I'll get a pair of heels and a necklace with it", she said as she went to the back for accessories. I was left alone with a piece of my mother I could never replace. The dress had flowers flowing from the sleeves, and the skirt of the dress flowed out.

I handled it with grace as I stuck it in the door. I unzipped my dress as it fell to my feet,, and I put on my new dress.. It fit like a glove,, and it was beautifully mine.

I grabbed my wedding dress and stuck it on a hanger as I gracefully walked out. I hugged my body as I felt her presence with me in this dress.

Oh, darling,, you look beautiful, just like your mother", she said as tears sprung out of my eyes. She guided me to a chair as she wiped away my tears with a tiny handkerchief.

I buckled up my shoes as she touched up my makeup and added accessories. She fixed my hair in a beautiful style as she rushed to the back to get her camera.

"Patricia", a deep voice spoke as he made his way to the back.

I turned my back to the entrance to see Henry standing there gawking at me as we caught each other's eyes. Those hazel eyes made me lose my grip on the chair.

"You are beautiful", he said as we stood in the exact same spot,, not sure what to do next. The way the phrase rolled off his tongue made me forget how much of his arrogance

"I'm back with the cam-", Anna saw Henry and walked up to him with a smiley face.

"You must be her husband", she said as I blushed at the thought of him being my husband.

"I am, indeed", he said smirking at me as she pushed us two together and snapped a couple of pictures.

"We really must be going," Henry said as Anna gave us hugs and sent us on our way. He held my hand as we walked out.

"You truly are beautiful", he whispered on my neck as I felt his hot breath against my neck.

and that was the last of his charming attitude.

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