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Harlow Penn


David Ramos is the only person in Mafia history to kill a man at the age of eight in order to save his parents. Serving his, older brother, his mafia brothers, the Verments and the Ramos are in his blood, and it's like being boss, and when his older brother Darius settles down, he will hand him the reins. At the main time, he had to follow his brother's orders, one is to marry the sister of his most hated enemy. Following his brother's wishes and fulfilling his dream of ruling the mafia world someday, he must get along well with his estranged wife, his brother, and their people. David is willing to do anything to find a weakness in them and use it against them at the right time. But how can he find weaknesses in them if he doesn't know them and their sheilds too strong to break?

Chapter 1 1- Strangers

David Rye Ramos hates these small gatherings. His brother arranged this to invite him and his new wife, as well as Stan Elthen Indelcio of the Stygian Beasts Group.

He saw the man give her a hug, and all he knew was that he was digging at him, or telling him in some way that he wasn't good enough.

Stan told him multiple times that he was nothing more than the best of the worst. He didn't understand what the big deal was. He married his sister, and business between them went well. All the boxes for this union to operate are ticked, yet Stan still looks at him like he wants to slit his throat.

It just so happens that the feeling is mutual. He doesn't like Stan Elthen Indelcio.

This man was not a born Mafia, but he became the leader of the Stygians after his father, it was in his blood. There's no denying that Stan worked hard from the ground up to build a reputation for himself and become a feared crime boss. His name was compared to that of Ramos due to fear. People were so loyal to him that they never betrayed him even when threatened or tortured.

David's older brother, Darius Ramos, is impressed and wants to finally meet the man with whom no one can break with. They can't even keep their own skin.

Who instilled that kind of loyalty?

The man in front of him was simply fatal. David saw it in the man's eyes. There was nothing there, and he had heard rumors that the only people who could be safe from this man were his sisters, especially his youngest sister, Kezen Aslani Indelcio.

So much rumor and gossip follow this man.

David didn't believe any of this. He took a sip of his whiskey and stared at the man over the rim of his glass. He's not afraid of Stan.

David is the only person in Mafia history to kill a man at the age of eight in order to save his parents. Serving his brothers, the Verments and the Ramos are in his blood, and it's like being boss, and when Darius settles down, his older brother will hand him the reins. At that time, he had to follow his brother's orders.

How's your married life?" Stan asked.

"Very good." He gritted his teeth, wanting to beat the man in front of him to pieces. There was not much age difference between them, with Stan only a few years older than him. Stan is 28 and he is 25.

Unlike the women in their world, he hadn't married before he was twenty. Most of their daughters were usually engaged at twelve and married at eighteen or twenty.

Kezen was twenty-two years old, and she was nothing like the women in his world. She didn't put her head down, or try to hide. She stands tall and proud. There was also provocation in her eyes. His brother told him about her refusal to take the virginity test, and how Stan refused to enforce it.

Stan says his sister is a virgin and he believes her. David didn't believe it. He also hadn't slept with her, hadn't consummated their marriage. He wanted Kezen to tell her brother they weren't having sex, but she remained silent. He doesn't know what her game is, but he intends to find out.

No one took him for a fool.

Speaking of Kezen, he has arranged for someone to find out her weaknesses. So far, she hasn't shown it. She also wasn't proven to be a liar, which baffled him.

Stan giggled. "Very good."

"I think we should get down to business," Darius interrupted.

"I've heard—business is a morning thing, where alcohol isn't as freely available yet," Stran said with a smirk. "Do you think I got here by listening to drunks?" He turned his gaze back to David. "I have good evidence that you and Danica are flirting."

David tensed up. He doesn't know how Stan knows about his ex-lover or her name, and he's honestly not happy about it either. He kept his private life very private and his lovers were always protected.

Since he got married, he hasn't enjoyed another woman, not even his wife. He has been preoccupied with dealing with the consequences of marrying a stranger. Kezen Aslanin Indelcio is very different. She didn't know their customs, and was often alone, ignoring everyone, or just playing safe, he wasn't quite sure.

What's up with her? He can't read her.

Women like his former lover Danica are interested in power and money. They only want what's best for them. When it came to Kezen, he wasn't sure what that was. Nor could he find the information he needed to know more about her. Her brother kept it all a secret.

No one knew anything about her in his family and it pissed him off.

Whenever he asked a computer guy to do something, there was always some glitch or problem that prevented him from finding out everything about his wife.

"My brother will not break his marriage vows," Darius interrupted.

This is not entirely true. His brother pulls him aside and says that if he needs it, there will always be a mistress to help with his needs. In addition to his wives, Darius also had mistresses.

David has no interest in going to another woman. Marriage was not what he expected. First, he has to make sure Stan doesn't find out that he hasn't actually consummated the marriage.

The only message he can really get is that Stan Elthen Indelcio loves his sister. Adore her. She is cherished by him, which makes her an interesting pawn in this game.

Stan Indelcio is an ally, and his brother tells him to respect Kezen. Well, he has no interest in hurting a woman.

"I had dinner with Danica at her request a few weeks ago. She had a problem and needed me to fix it."

Her boss was getting more hands-on, and with his marriage to Kezen being announced in the media, people thought that the women in his life are now easy targets.

He hadn't seen Danica in a long time, and they ended things between them and they're good friends.

David finishes his whiskey as Stan glares at him. "My sister hasn't come back yet. Go find her."

Following his brother's wishes and fulfilling his dream of ruling the mafia world someday, he must get along well with his estranged wife, his brother, and their crew.

David is willing to do anything to find a weakness in them and use it against them at the right time.

But how can he find weaknesses in them if he doesn't know them and their sheilds too strong to break.

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