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Devil Husband, Let Me Go

Devil Husband, Let Me Go



He came to her family with a fake parent to marry her. He hid his identity from her. He was billionaire, a prince and yet he was so cruel like a ruthless mafia. What wrong did she do by accepting to marry him?. Only a single mistake made by her greedy parents that charges overly for her bride price and he took his revenge on her. Anasta filed for a divorce with a heavy heart, but Steve wasn't ready to let her go, as he said, "I married you, so I have every right of you?." "No, I want a divorce." ------- Anasta Wilfred a 22-years old lady was married of the Steve Douglas the run away prince and refusing to rule his kingdom. Steve hid his true identity from Anasta, torturing her all because her greedy parent billed him overly for her hand in marriage. Anasta unable to bear the hurt, filled for a divorce but Steve refused to let her go. Realizing Steve was the Crown Prince of her village which was underneath his kingdom, Anasta ran away with his son, after Steve mother whom was the queen of Bababa rejected her. Steve searched the whole town and villages to find her, but he couldn't, and was only lucky to meet with a lady whom sold Anasta back to him in exchange of her husband release. Will Anasta agree to go back to the palace to become Steve's wife again?. Read to find out the end.

Chapter 1 Marriage And Threat

"Have you contacted the supposed bride's parent?."

"Yes My Lord."

"Hmm.. How about the fake parent to be used?."

"They're already ready My Lord."


Steve Douglas, Whom was a prince and the only son to his mother, as his father married two wives.

With the intensity of his half brother battling for the throne seat, Steve mother called him to come and get married, so as to rule over their kingdom.

But Steve didn't wanted to be a prince. Even as it was his birthright.

Moving on, Steve walked out from his office, were he sat dragging a puff of cigarette in his hand. And he had stepped on it and finally left his underworld office, where he run secret businesses

He was a cursed Prince, and he didn't wanted the throne of Bababa.

Louis Denmark, was Steve trusted assistant, and so, Louis had made all the necessary arrangements for the fake parents needed, to attend to the bride's house, As Steve had paid heavily for her hand in marriage.

Anasta Wilfred, Her both parents were greedy, and knowing how beautiful Anasta was. They wasted no time in charging Louis heavily for Anasta hand in marriage.

"10million paid in full."

Louis had showed to Steve, the receipt of his purchased bride and Steve was silent.

Steve Douglas was a billionaire, but that wasn't how easy money were gotten.

Anasta parent ripped him off, just so he could have their daughter.

Women meant nothing to him. As he hosted bîtches and prostitutes all night if he wanted.

Just so he can returned to Bababa to took over his throne seat, his birthright which didn't interested him. He had to marry the bride he only saw her photo.

As his mother was a Queen and his father a king. Steve had to hire fake parent to followed him to his bride's house as the wedding was the following day.

Anasta was all smiles as she was getting married soon. It has been a week since when Steve paid her bride price in full and yet, she hasn't seen her husband. The man she was married too.

Not even a photo of him, And Anasta became worried as her parents were already enjoying the money they made from her husband's pocket.

Her father, Mr Mark Wilfred was a greedy man. And her mother, Mrs Rachel Wilfred was a proud woman.

Anasta was the only daughter of her family and she was very yellow, super attractive and there was no way one wouldn't stared backwards when they got to saw her.

As it was in their traditional practice. A bride's photo can be sent to the groom for him to saw the lady he wanted to marry.

And Obviously, Steve had seen a lot of pretties photos, before his eyes finally fell on Anasta owned photo and her price tagged was much.

"10million for a fvcking bride!. Do her parent not want her to get married?."

Steve contacted Louis immediately and showed him Anasta photo.

"Contact her parent and send the payment at once. Next week we will head to her place."

Now it was the time for the wedding.

Anasta was dressed in a beautiful blue wedding gown adorned with beads and other traditional ornament a new bride wore.

"Anasta your groom as arrive," said Anasta best friend, Mary Grayson in their village, and Anasta adrenaline rushed as she anticipated to saw her groom.

"Quickly apply her make up. We don't want to disappoint her groom," Anasta mother had said to the makeup artist and Anasta was sweaty nervously as she didn't knew what her husband looked like.

"Did you saw him mommy?. How does he look like?. I don't want to marry a short man."

Anasta complained, but Mrs Rachel was rather focused on making up her daughter to looked sweet.


"He's a tall man Anasta and you should count yourself lucky. When you get to his house, don't forget all the basis that you were thought here in keeping a husband. And more likely don't starve him of his wifely duty. hmm.."

"Mom, that's not what I meant. I mean is he.."

"Just stay and do your make up. We don't want to keep the guest and family waiting."

Anasta had lot of questions to asked her mother. But then, she gulped it down, as it was time to meet her groom.

Anasta nervously walked out from her parents local home, as they had decorated their house entrance with flowers to showed to their guest and those whom attended the marriage ceremony that a new bride was taken from Mr and Mrs Wilfred home.

Anasta walked out barefooted and she made her way out to the canopy placed in front of their house as she could saw her groom seated there. Slightly peeking out from her almost transparent veil.

Steve sat in silence as he watched his bride stepped out. Accompany with her bridesmaids. And his face was void of emotion as he decided to attended his own wedding.

Steve was a 30-years old man, and any event involving gathering of people, he didn't liked it as he normally avoided home, knowing the huge crowd waiting for him and more likely, he was a prince and his wedding was supposed to be bigger than the supposed. But his parent weren't aware as before one could rule Bababa. The prince must be married and with a child.

"Welcome the new bride, of Steve Douglas. Anasta Douglas."

The crowds gathered to withnessed the ceremony cheered happily. but Steve wasn't smiling to any and as it was supposed of him.

He was supposed to stood up and unveiled his new bride veil, but Steve wasn't ready to do that and so, Anasta nervously sat beside him, while the priest did all their marital rite and blessed their union.

Some of the villagers frowned, seeing that Steve didn't touched his wife's veil nor tried to saw the lady he was marrying face, but Anasta was more than happy that her husband was handsome. Rich, tall and everything she wanted in a husband.

Anasta smiled sweetly as she finally took up the blessed wine to served her husband.

But Steve rejected it. With a simple waved of his right hand.

Louis reached to collected the cup of blessed wine from Anasta but she refused.

Anasta face became gloomy and she was ready to rejected Steve at that very moment. He hadn't unveiled her veil. He didn't also wanted to accepted the blessed wine.

Anasta stood while the murmuring increased.

Steve finally stood up as he was pissed off.

Traditional rite irritated him, and he was no saint to be involved in holiness.

"Let's leave."

Steve voice was cold as ice, but Anasta screamed out, "No!."

Anasta still held the blessed cup of wine, as heartbroken as she was. It was the last marital rite left. And Steve wouldn't rejected any, if he wanted their marriage to last.

Steve strode away to his car parked, not waiting for his bride and Anasta ran ahead to meet him, with her blue wedding gown flying in the air and sweeping the floor.

"No!, Please you have to accept this," Anasta cried while the villagers and onlookers stood staring ahead.

Louis bowed pitiful to Anasta and he said to her, "Madam, you have to get in the car now as we are leaving."

"No! Am not going anywhere if he doesn't accept this."

Steve stopped, almost getting into his car.

And he stared back to meet Anasta gazed on him.

Her light yellow veiled still covering her head, as she held the blessed cup of wine and stared up to meet Steve gazed on her.

Tears wheel down her eyes. And Steve strode up to meet her.

Steve stopped in front of her.

And he collected the wine from her hand, and poured it away.

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