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Happily Ever Mate

Happily Ever Mate

Meg Elly Gerena


Louise grew up knowing that she was chosen by a man, of her kind, whom came as a King for a title, her family being in good standing with the Dukes family, dreamed that the husband to be was the Dukes twin son’s, while the Duke wanted her, no one knew who would be her mate. Until the night of the welcoming ball.

Chapter 1 Louise POV


His lips kept dominating mine, sucking each other like we had never eaten anything else. I couldn’t stop rubbing myself on his chest; my concealed moans from being devoured by his were driving him to the edge. I could feel his pre-cum in my hand. We weren’t ever supposed to mix; a black wolf mixing with a white wolf was the devil’s work at hand, yet here we were, ravishing each other as if we needed one another like we needed air.

We were of the same height, yet built almost opposite; as a white wolf, my complexion was white as dark snow, my eyes white as pearls, the moon shined through them, as tall but slim in body, I was no match for the man that roamed my now exposed chest with his though hand taping over my sensitive, sore breasts, stretching my bare skin till he heard my cries muffled in his mouth, all as his other hand rubbed my front lower abdomen reaching enough to grab in between my legs pumping into me his thick finger, he kept rubbing my clit against his harsh palm, a man built as one of the gods, muscles covered his body, white, pale skin with his clan's black hair, eyes as black as night with ice white Iris that would tear up your soul.

Lost in my mind, he backed; I whimpered, enticing him with a growl; I could feel the damp moist in between my legs; I have been married to my chosen mate for years; never once had we laid together; our marriage was a simple agreement to win the war against the man who has been ravishing me. With his exposed body, he takes my thighs, lifts me against my dresser, and rips what’s left of my silver-colored silk nightgown, exposing my entire naked body. After raping me with his eyes, I couldn’t contain myself as I started to touch my foreskin. He removed his garments, not leaving him with my now moist fingers, and he took my hand out of my aching body, taking me up against his hips. My legs wrapped around his lower abdomen. I felt his member pressing on my hot core.

Laced with lust, his voice spoke, “I need you now more than when I laid eyes on you, my mate.” Moving his hips, he runs his shaft on my core, and my body moves to meet his, covering more of his post with my juices. “If we do this, there is no turning back,” I had half asked him. I wanted him more than anyone in my life; how could fate be this evil to me?

My fated mate, who was so close to taking my virtue, just as before the man who had declared his desire for my flesh now as he did when we were but young in youth, was the current King, the King of the east side, yet just like my own pack, none who live in either kingdom know of our existence. To them, we are but their rulers; in any accident, we are but their frightening story of werewolves. “I hold no queen; you hold but a failed marriage; to a pathetic excuse for a ruler, who will you come to choose in the end? You belong to me! Mine!” He slowly rubbed his tip against my entrance; the heat of his coated cock made me quiver. As I whimper, the heat starts to become unbearable.

I took his hair firmly in my hands and pulled him closer. “It may be true that I am to be yours, but my marriage cannot fail; do not mistake my desires for my duty, I.” He started to kiss me passionately. I had never kissed a man; I had kissed a boy, had him take my first, and after such, I never saw the bare body of any man, for I laid every night after I had been wed in the comfort of my solitude. As a young woman, I had my intimacy with his youth, which I believed would serve me as my everlasting memory. “Leave him, leave him, or I’ll steal you away as my queen.” I couldn’t bear to leave him again, yet I knew he meant his words. A knock on the door stopped us both, and as we looked at the door, my white, long, thick hair fell over my sweating chest. “Who calls?” I asked in authority; I was still Queen.

“My Queen, your King wishes you to visit his chambers this instant,” came the voice of his favorite servant. My heart is sinking; he never sends Isabella; under no circumstances does he ever send the love of his life to me. “Remain where you stand; I shall not be long,” I ordered her in my aura; if I didn't, she would do as she pleased, the spoiled rat of my husband.

Letting go of my mate, he held tight to my hips. Looking deep into my eyes, I could see his pain. My heart felt heavy from the choices that were given to me. He knew my favorite was his. As he lets me go, walking away to take his ripped garments, my heart races. If Isabella sees him in the state he is in, no doubt I will end up enduring the pain of my husband's wrath. Taking my robe on, I ran towards him, taking his shoulder. Leonidas,” I said as the door opened to reveal Isabella, who now had a devilish expression.

Gulping, my fears would consume me. I must not allow this watch to control me; she has no power of a queen. Using my aura, I commanded her, “You shall not speak of this to no one, that includes your King and lover. Head my words, you servant. I shall end you if you even try to fight my orders.” She growled as she did when Leonidas took her by the neck. “You dare to growl to your Queen?” He snarls, returning all the arousal desires of our previous short encounter.

Isabella started choking on her breath. “Let her live; my King would punish me for harming his lover.” After finishing the last line of my command, Isabella was dropped. I laughed as she started to move backward. This entire reason for remaining faithful will not last, and knowing this, I took my mate's hand. The sparks warmed me, soothing my fears that he had pulled me to his naked chest. A purr escaped me as I leaned to reach him with sweet kisses to his collarbone, and he growled in agreement. “Mark my words, servant, you harm my mate, and I end you,” he threatened.

I gave him a slight squeeze on his hand, making him look back at me, his expression softened, “I will return, it may not be tonight, but I will return to you,” he pulled me to his lips with passion; I eagerly allowed his mouth to devour me, letting go he looked at Isabella stating a silent death threat, he hasn’t let go of my hair, turning it sideways where my bare neck was exposed, with his mouth he sucked on where his mark would be exposed too, I bit the insides of my mouth not to moan, even if the scent of my arousal was thick in the air.

As his lips left my neck, he placed his thumbs on my lips and caressed them softly. Holding my small frame in his hands, he spoke almost out of breath, “If you do not return to me, he will not save those who have harmed what is rightfully mine.” Goosebumps rose all over my skin from his words. Taking a step away from this, he let me go. He was walking out with my long hair, smelling it as he slowly let it go from his hand. I could feel the tenderness behind his actions; he loved me.

Walking out of the room I was given, Isabella looked and decided to try something, she wanted to make sure I knew what she was capable of, but I refused to allow her any control; she and I grew together. Before we arrived, I felt the strength I had lost years ago. She was my most trusted maid; now, in my eyes, she is the gift I send to my pig for a husband. They live their happy crystal globe of love for mates. While I now live the life my heart desires, I needed to remind this servant of her place; taking my nails, I extend them towards her neck.

Isabella held the door knob. My nails extended when she started to move in, announcing us; my nails touched her mate mark, the same one I did not accept. After everything the devil did to me, wearing his mark would be the same as hating myself. She gulped, “A reminder Isabella, do not taunt me. You are not the ruler, and never will you be Queen, remember your place, and all is good.” She gulped once more when she then announced us. “My King, your Queen is here, as you requested.” A growl was heard from the inside of the room. Many would say I should not fear my husband because he is not as strong as my mate, but his mind is frightening. The doors opened to his room, and Isabella walked towards her mate. All while his eyes were on the map on the table he had set up in the middle of his room, he looked awful.

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