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Miriel Oye


"Hazel you don't understand," Karson groaned, his hips jerked forward as her hands brushed against his pants, intimately. He could feel it. The beast within, aching, raging to burst free and take her like a madman against the walls. "Fuck, You should stay away…" "I don't want to," She whispered seductively, sliding down to her knees. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips and Karson knew he was fucked. Big time. ***** Karson MacAlasdair was a beast. He had known that for as long as he lived, right from when he was born. Yet everything changed when Hazel Gilbert stumbled into his life. He understands that she is his one true mate. But there are complications that Karson wishes to avoid. Hazel is too young for him and worse, she is the daughter of his good friend. Besides, he was in danger, staying away was the best way to protect her When Hazel is sent to spend her vacation in Karson's home, his strength and restraint become tested beyond all comparison because the little girl has fledged into a warm-blooded woman that threatens to crack the ice around his heart. But what happens when Hazel is put in danger? Will the Berserker be able to let her go or will he allow his beast to roam free, risk losing Hazel in his bid to protect her?

Chapter 1 One

Fourteen-year-old Hazel trembled in the dimly lit room, her heart pounding in her chest. Her once vibrant golden blond hair hung disheveled around her face, partially obscuring her hazel eyes filled with fear. She wore a torn and dirty dress, a stark contrast to her usual pristine appearance. Her hands were bound tightly with rough ropes, chafing against her delicate skin.

As she huddled in a corner, Hazel strained to hear the voice on the phone, the voice of the kidnapper demanding a ransom from her father. The sound crackled with menace, sending shivers down her spine.

"Please… please, not my little girl," Her father's panicked voice pleaded and promised to do whatever it took to ensure her safe return. The weight of the situation pressed down on Hazel, the realization that her life now hung in the balance.

Driven by a desperate surge of courage, Hazel's fear transformed into a fierce determination. With trembling fingers, she covertly searched for a sharp edge in the dimly lit room. Her heart raced as she spotted a piece of broken glass near her feet. Ignoring the pain in her wrists, she began to saw away at the rope that bound her, careful to keep her movements silent.

Time seemed to stand still as Hazel's heart swelled with hope. She needed to get out of there. She had seen the leer on one of the men's faces, she had seen what he was capable of when he killed her nanny. If she remained there, a minute longer, she shuddered at the thought of what would happen.

The rope began to give way, the fibers fraying under her persistent efforts. But just as she was about to free herself, A burly figure lunged toward her, his face twisted with rage. The room filled with the sound of Hazel's scream as he brought down a heavy blow, catching her across the cheek. Pain exploded through her face, and she recoiled against the wall, dazed and disoriented. Her vision blurred momentarily, tears mixing with the dirt on her cheeks.

The kidnapper towered over her, his eyes filled with malice. He grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her into a submissive position, taunting her with the knowledge that her escape had been in vain. Fear and helplessness washed over Hazel once again. She screamed and he laughed harshly, relishing in the power he held over her. "Scream all you want, little girl," he taunted, his voice laced with sadistic pleasure. "We're in an old, rotten cabin deep in the woods. No one can hear you. No one will save you."

Hazel's breath came in ragged gasps as she fought against the pain and fear that threatened to consume her. Summoning her inner strength, she summoned a primal scream, defying his attempt to silence her. Her cry reverberated through the dilapidated cabin, echoing in the silence of the desolate woods.

Startled by her sheer defiance, the kidnapper released her, his grip loosening for a moment. Taking advantage of the brief respite, Hazel stumbled backward, her hands instinctively protecting her wounded cheek. She pressed herself against the wall, eyes darting around for any means of escape.

The kidnapper, recovering from his surprise, lunged toward her again, his rage reignited. Hazel's heart raced as she dodged his attack, narrowly avoiding his grasp. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, fueling her determination to survive.

In that heart-pounding moment, Hazel's instincts kicked in. She spotted a nearby window, its glass long shattered, offering a glimmer of hope. Without a second thought, she sprinted towards it, desperation propelling her forward. With a burst of strength, she dove through the empty frame, shards of glass scraping against her skin.

Hazel crashed onto the forest floor, the impact stealing the breath from her lungs.

She ran through the dense woods, her feet stumbling over uneven terrain. Fear coursed through her veins, urging her forward even as her breath grew labored. But the pursuit of her captors was relentless, their heavy footsteps growing closer with each passing moment.

Exhaustion took its toll on Hazel, and her body finally gave in to fatigue. As her legs grew weak and her vision blurred, darkness closed in around her, and she succumbed to the overwhelming strain. She collapsed onto the forest floor, her body trembling and her mind clouded.

"No,"she whispered weakly. "Help… save me,"

"Get up you bitch!" Her captors loomed over her, their grins sinister and their intentions clear. A renewed surge of terror welled up within her, and she unleashed a piercing scream, hoping against hope that someone, anyone, would hear her cries for help.

In the distance, a low, guttural growl reverberated through the trees, carrying an air of primal power. It sent shivers down the spines of both Hazel and her captors, momentarily freezing them in place. The growl grew louder, closer, as if in response to her plea.

As Hazel strained her eyes in the darkness, she caught a glimpse of piercing blue eyes watching her from the shadows. The growl intensified, drowning out the sounds of the forest, until it reached a crescendo, and then...

Everything went black.


Hazel's eyelids fluttered open, her breath catching as she emerged from the depths of a vivid dream. Disoriented, she blinked several times, her gaze adjusting to the soft glow of the room. As her senses sharpened, she realized she was lying in her own bed, engulfed by the familiar comfort of her bedroom.

A gentle voice cut through the haze of her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. "Miss Hazel, it's time to wake up, my dear," her nanny, Mrs. Jenkins, said with a touch of urgency in her tone.

Hazel's gaze met Mrs. Jenkins' worried expression, and she instinctively knew that something was amiss. She pushed herself up on her elbows, casting a puzzled look around the room. The remnants of her dream still clung to her mind, mingling with a sense of foreboding.

"What's the matter, Mrs. Jenkins?" Hazel asked, her voice laced with grogginess as she tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.

Mrs. Jenkins paused, casting a sympathetic glance towards Hazel. "Your father requests your presence downstairs, my dear. He wishes to speak with you. It seems there are urgent matters to discuss."

A knot formed in Hazel's stomach as apprehension coursed through her veins. She couldn't help but wonder if her dream held any connection to the urgency in her father's summons. With a mixture of curiosity and unease, she followed Mrs. Jenkins' lead and made her way downstairs.

As she entered the study, her father, Malcolm Gilbert, stood near the window, his brow furrowed with concern. He turned as Hazel entered the room, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and worry. Without wasting a moment, he stepped forward, his voice tinged with urgency.

"Hazel,darling," Malcolm began, his voice gentle yet firm. "I have received some distressing news, and I believe it's in your best interest to take a trip to the Alasdair estate for a while. It will provide a safe and secure environment for you."

Hazel's heart sank at her father's words. The mention of the Alasdair estate triggered a surge of conflicting emotions within her. She had been infatuated with Karson MacAlasdair for years, but his rejection and her own sense of unworthiness had pushed those feelings aside.

"I-I don't want to go to the Alasdair estate, Father," Hazel protested, her voice tinged with both defiance and vulnerability. "I...I don't understand why you're sending me there. Can't we resolve whatever this is here?"

Malcolm's gaze softened as he reached out to place a comforting hand on Hazel's shoulder. "I understand your concerns, my dear. But trust me when I say that it's for your own safety. There are… There are bad men after me, Hazel. The Alasdair estate is well-guarded, and you will be protected there."

Confusion and frustration warred within Hazel as she looked into her father's eyes.

What on earth did he mean by bad men? Was it the men who had kidnapped her years ago? She still had no idea who they were. Hell she had no idea how she had survived in the first place. All she could remember from that night were those eerie blue eyes. They were startling, a bright contrast to the darkness that had covered the woods then.

Hazel shuddered and rubbed her arms absentmindedly. Her father noticed this and pulled her into his arms for a hug.

“The world is dangerous, my darling.” Malcolm murmured. But if there's one who can protect you from all the dangers, It’s Karson. I trust that bastard with my life.”

Hazel signed wistfully. “I don’t doubt that,”

What she doubted however was how she would react when she saw him. Karson Alasdair was a loyal, fierce friend of her father. But he was also the man who had stolen her breath away ever since he appeared in her life when she was fourteen. The thought of living with a man who had rejected her, made her feel small and tossed aside made her cringe.

“I really do not want to go, Dad!” She cried. If throwing a tantrum would save her from that humiliating fate, then she would do that rather gladly.

Malcolm pulled away, evidently frustrated. “You’re going! And that’s final!”

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