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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1973    |    Released on: 27/07/2023

s eyes widening in surprise at the sight that greeted him. T


own. Hazel stood before him, her figure accentuated by the slightly revealing summer dress she wore.

t his hands a

rm, enhancing her natural beauty and evoking an

king in every subtle detail. His gaze traced the gentle curve of her hips, the swell of

enchanting seductress! His gaze shifted to his desk and he felt the beast within roar, c

r neck and shoulders and he swallowed the groan that almost spilled out. He couldn't help but b

the dangers that lurked within his world. He tried to tear his gaze away, to maintain the boundaries he had set

d between them, but he also couldn't shake the fear of tarnishing the innocence he saw in Hazel's eyes. The weight of responsibility b

waged within him, torn between the longing for connection and the need for self-preservation. Hazel had ignited

d to his desk and sat behind it, partly so he could stop himself f

on broke the silence, his voice laced with a cold detachment. "You wanted to see me, now you have," he s

t of warmth, but instead, she received a cold brush-off. Her hurt was evident in her eyes, but this time, she refused to let it go unanswer

." His words stung, and Hazel felt a wave of insult wash over her. The rejection she had once experienced as a teen

de. "If you don't want me around, then just send me back home. I won't be a bother to you." Her suggestion seeme

ng out of his reach, sent a wave of irrational rage surging through his veins. But he couldn't bring himself to voice his true fe

re by offering a small compliment. Her voice was gentle as she spoke, her eyes reflecting ge

e yearned to tell her that she, too, was beautiful, that her presence had the power to captivate him. But the fear of crossing

er. Somehow she was sure he would. Perhaps because his eyes were a startling blue, similar to the one she had seen in the woods. But whatever it was,

throat, his voice colder than intended. "Be a good guest, Hazel. Let Edmund att

er words, although spoken in a teasing tone, carried a hint of defiance. "There's no need to get worked up, old man," she qu

r between them. Karson's eyes narrowed for a moment as he fought to conceal his

nce. With a brief nod, he composed himself and walke


away the frustration that plagued his mind. Hazel's teasing remark echoed in his thoughts, aggravating him further. The w

ipped from his hands, ricocheted against the bathroom wall, and droppe

ion that would shatter any notion of age between them. Age? Ha! He was a hundred and thirty-nin

r that beneath his exterior, a dormant intensity simmered, ready to be unleashed. The thought of tasting her lips, her swee

onjured vivid images of Hazel's alluring figure, her body blos

er innocence and the bewitching allure she now possessed. The contrast between the girl he had once know

room acted as a veil for his desires, allowing h

ose full perky breasts to his gaze. Her nipples. Fuck he wanted to see them. Were they pink? Or m

re was

member. Nothing had prepared him for the curvy goddess

ed. Take her. She wants it too. You

nd his shaft and began working it. Her scent had nearly driven him mad with desire. If he had stayed in that

is world. That he wasn't in danger. That Hazel was just a woman and he was just a man, unbound by

aw close. Her familiar scent reached his nose and


t. It wrapped around his head like a drug a

wel around his waist, he stormed out of the bathroom into his bedroom. His ro

gling to drag himself back to the bathroom.

relief she ached for. Following her scent, he walked out of


pen the door to see Hazel arch in her bed, her hands r

er hungrily. He watched her open her eyes, Hazel's eyes peeked at him surreptitiously as she pa

I… I can

and spread

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