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Passionate Embrace

Passionate Embrace

Olivyy_yah stories


Ever seen a girl that's so delusional? Well this is Jasmine. She fall in with Chris. Her first Crush and it lead to to obsession. She was so obsessed with her man and the good part is the obsession was mutual untill someone came in between.. well that's Karen, Chris's ex girlfriend. She had a child with him and she still want him back.. This didn't go well with Jasmine. Chris was confused and was asked to choose between his child and Jasmine.... Karen still love Chris but Chris didn't feel the same way for her... He has made himself clear to her but she turned a deaf ear. Things became chaotic on the long run...... This i all I can say about this story for now🥺. Pls guys this is my first story. All I need is your encouragement. I promise I will do better on the next one ...

Chapter 1 Birthday Gift💌🎉

Story by OLIVIA


It was on a Saturday evening, I was lying down on my mini size bed watching a movie on Netflix. I had no idea how long my face has been glued on the screen , i could tell i was hungry because of how my stomach was grumbling, i didn't mind anyways. Movie first😌. My phone beeped on the nightstand and a message pop up on the screen. I streched to get it and checked who it was...Oh! My crush, I mean my boyfriend. He was my crush and my boyfriend at the same time. My lip cuffed with a smile as i imagine his cute face, i could tell my cheeks were burning cus i was blushing real hard. Earth me😂. I didn't bother to open the message, i kept the phone next to me and focus my gaze on the movie. It wasn't up to 5 minutes when my phone started ringing, i knew he was the one. I paused my movie to answer the call.

"Hi pretty" came his voice on the other side of the phone. " Hi sweety" i replied shyly. I was blushing again☺😚. Guess this is the feelings you get when you're dating your crush. The call went on and on for about 30 minutes. He asked if we could hang out in his place. I didn't even think twice, i said yes almost immediately he said that. After the call ended I went straight to the bathroom to take a lonnnnng shower. I waxed and waxed, we didn't plan having sex but i wanted to look fresh for my babe🙈.

After 2 hours i was already in a cab heading to his apartment. I paid the cab man and went straight to his flat. When i got there, i knocked and rang the doorbell but there was no response, I twiched the doornob and realise it wasn't locked, i pushed the door slightly and went inside his room. The fragrance of his room welcomed me, this guy is just perfect. Everything about him is perfect. The room was silent, the only thing that was heard was his automatic air freshener machine. Hmmmm! I inhaled the sweet smell with my eyes close. I could imagine him walk into the room and wrap his hand on my Waist. My head is just filled with fantasy, romance series really have a huge impact in me😍.

I left his sitting room and went straight to his bedroom, he was not there. I wasn't happy tho😌. I sat down on his comfy king size bed patiently waiting for him.. I dialed his number and his phone rang next to me. Oh! I guess he didn't go far. I thought🤔 .

My heart was beating faster and my stomach grumbled, my palm sweaty. This is me everytime whenever i was around him. I was feeling butterfly on my belly. I pinched my hand to get hold of myself.

"Ta da!" That was him, that funny guy I had always dreamt of......"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. "Yes babe, i'm fine" I replied nervously with a smile. I was fidgeting with the helm Of my gown. " you look beautiful" he complimented coming closer to me. He gave me a tight hug. We remained like that for sometime. I really needed the hug, it calms me down. "I think i really need this babe" he said hugging me more tighter. He always read my mind ..making me feel more comfortable with him...we finally disengage from the hug...".I love you ❤" he said gently grabbing my jaw making me look his cute face...How i wished he knows how much i love him, how much i want to spend the rest of my life with him🥺. He leaned closer planting kisses all over my face. He paused....look at me again, he continue kissing me again, he kissed my neck, collar bone, my cleavage, all part of my upper body. I was enjoying every bit of it.


Let's go for a short break so i can do lil intro about my boyfriend, or i should start from myself. My name is Jasmine, I am from Nigeria. I'm mixed tho. My Dad is a Nigerian while my Mom is from Pretoria South Africa.

I live alone in a very big apartment....A nice apartment in Johns Creek Atlanta. I really worked hard before i finally get to where i am. I'm not at the top but i'm very comfortable with my life. My job and everything. Am a Writter at Starford Coperation in Buckhead. Atlanta. Sounds familiar right?

Travelling around the world has always been my dream and guess what? God blessed me with a nice Job. The best thing about my life is my Job.

I'm 5'4 inch. Brown skin, cute and short, okay I'm petite. Don't do besties shit, i hate dramas and public attention. The only attention i liked and always get is going late for an occasion and get all the gazes fixated on me. Weird tho but i enjoy it. Girls hissing and glaring daggers at their boyfriend for starting at me. I don't have this attractive figure 8 but believe me i'm beautiful. .......Enough about me....

I met Chris in Glorious Suit Hotel at Triple H' Hotel In Accra Ghana and that was during my internship. I had a conference meeting and i was posted to Ghana. Yeah this is me every time, exploring the world is part of job like I mentioned earlier.

I didn't know anywhere or have someone to stay with...so my company lodge a nice suit for me. It was just for 2 weeks.

It was on a Monday Evening, I was just returning from work, i got to the reception and was handed my keys to my lodge. It was indeed a long and stressed day. We had a board meeting and my boss wouldn't let me rest since i was the only female there. I represented and took pictures of the board and also the script. That was part of my work as an office clerk and a Writer.

I walked incessantly to my suit and i saw this long figure 2 doors away from my lodge. I could tell he was cute from his back. His eyes was glued on his phone and he was backing me, trying to lock his door. I looked away immediately when he turned to look at my side....maybe his subconscious mind tells him someone was watching him. I open my door immediately and got inside. I was panting tho. I almost got caught staring at a stranger 🤦🏽‍♀

I pulled off my shoes and sat on the bed, it was half past 6 pm. I heard a knock on my door, or was that my door cus i wasn't expecting anyone. The cleaners already cleaned the room in the morning , guessing it wasn't my door anyways. The knock came again drifting me out of my thought. "Hold on" i said peeking through the key hole but didn't see anyone. I opened the door and gasped .It was the guy i saw some 2 minutes ago. " uh hi, i..i saw this on your door step and i guess it yours" he said kinda stuttering with words....."oh my!" That was my ID card, how could i be so careless "Thanks very much" i said with a smile on my face. "You're welcome, Jasmine right?" he said looking at my lips "oh ye yes" i stuttered and realized he saw that on my ID card. "Thanks tho, i really appreciate" i I was already feeling uneasy with the way he was looking at me. "Oh don't mention....my name is Chris by the way" he replied stretching his hand for a hand shake "Okay, nice to meet you Chris" This guy is really cute. Tall, fair in complexion with his neat cornrow. His hair is nice. "Your hair is nice" Damn I can't believe I just gave him a compliment. I thought. "Oh thanks Jas" Damn . Did he just called me Jas...Hmm

He was dressed in a black t_shirt and gray color joggers with a black and white adidas slides. "Do you mind if we hang out, i was about going to get food in the restaurant next to this suit." He said begging me with his eyes while I hesitated a little. Speaking of food, I was really hungry. This guy is Godsent i said going inside to wear my slippers while he waited outside for me. We walked down the hallway after exchanging contact.

We finally got to the eatery and he told me everything about him.

He's also a Nigerian. He told me how he has lived in Los Angeles (Nyc) and went to Germany

to know more about his fathers company, he said he did his internship in Las Vegas and also lived in Texas. According to him, he own many companies and houses in different part of the country. Hmm rich kids😂 i thought within ....we strolled for a short time and went back to the lodge. He was really fun to be with. " Good Night Angel Face" he said going to his room while i l nodded with a smile. I locked the door and release a hot breath. I didn't know how long i'd been holding it . This is the first time i've liked a guy. Wow! Finalllllly! I've never liked a guy before. I've never dated before cus I can't imagine dating someone i don't like. I don't know how my fellow girls are doing it but i really can't date someone i don't like.

This went on and on for about 1 week and Chris finally asked me out. He said he likes me blah blah blah.....so back to the present

❤❤End Of Flashback🍭🍭

He paused....look at me again, he continue he kissing me again, he kissed my neck, collar bone, my cleavage, all part of my upper body. I was enjoying everything bit of the kiss, "Let's go to the kitchen, I have something for you" he said giving me the last kiss before breaking it. "You look drop dead gorgeous" he said looking at me with a smirk. "Should i carry you" i shoke my head in disapproval. He nodded and wrapped his hand around my waist while he walked behind me. We got to the kitchen and he offered me his home made Cocktail.. I took a sip and was about taking another sip when he stopped me. "Kiss me" he said in a soft tone that sounded like command. He leaned in a haunch since he's taller, i paused for a moment and stair at his cute lips, "babe kiss me" he said again pouting his lips like a 5 years boy. I stand on my toes with my hands on his shoulder and then i lock my lips with his." Mhhhn" He moan softly with his eyes closed. He carried me and put me on the kitchen counter. His lips not leaving mine.

"What did you bring for me?" He asked. I was confused and wondered if i was supposed to get him something on my way coming.

"Today is my birthday, what did you get for me?" He asked again and that was when i knew how stupid i was for never asking to know his birthday🥺. This is really bad, today is my boyfriends birthday and i have nothing to give him.

"I ..i didn't know to..today is your birthday " i stuttered

"Don't worry princess" he said leaning over to kiss me but this time around, it wasn't as gently like it has always been. He kissed me hungrily like i was a food devoured by a prisoner.

"Babe" I called while he moan in reply, his hand grabbing my ass.

'You know i love you right" he said amidst the kiss. His hand was still on my ass. He carried me to his bedroom and lock the door behind and that was when i processed what was about to happen.

He put my down kissing me. One hand on my waist while he was removing his shirt with the other hand. He threw it on the floor while grabbing my ass with his 2 hands. He paused and look at my face.

" should i stop?" he asked looking me in the eye. I shyly look away and he lift my jaw up forcing me to look at him, i gave him a hug instead massaging his nape making he moaned.

"I will take that as a no" he said unzipping my gown and laying me gently on the bed. He sucked my boobs like a hungry baby, giving me that sensational feeling

Oh my god" i moaned loudly....he suck the right breast using the other hand to fondle with the left...we remain in that position and it feels like forever. The feeling was something else, i tried to stop him but he held my hands while his mouth and his other hand does wonders to my breast.

"Ohh babe please" i begged and moan,, ,,, i gathered force and tried pushing him away but he was strong enough to hold me down again. He laid on top of my body kissing me like his life depends on it., he removed his boxers i didn't realized when he removed his joggers. He gently removed my pants rubbing my tities, rubbing my clit while kissing me. He stopped kissing me and asked if i was good, i nodded while he gave me an assuring look that he would be gentle on me.

MHe knew i was a virgin tho. He used his left hand to hold my hands while doing wonders with the other hand. Mhaan this guy is good, the feeling was out of the world. He kissed my neck down to my belly button and moved down...he li*k my clit he used his tongue and play with my clit I don't know how long it was buh i was screaming in pleasure.

He moved up and kissed me again with the mouth he had used to li*k me , giving me that sour taste.Eww! He held my 2 hands tightly with one hand wile still kissing me, he insert his finger In my v while i screen in pains, no wonder he held my hands firmly, he tried thrusting 2 fingers but i was too tight. He tried 1 fingers and then switch to 2 fingers leaving me scream in pains, he tried using kiss to cover up my scream. I was crying , i didn't know sex could be so painful. He placed his lips on mine kissing me for some seconds and then I felt a very sharp pain under my legs. I have never felt that kind of pain in my entire life. He didn't move, he thrust his dick in my v and the pains was intriguing. I kept screaming and screaming. Then he began thrusting in and out. My legs were shaking. He was breathing heavily and steady.This went on and on and he fell down and collapsed on the bed. He put his hands on my boobs and slept off while i cried silently. I didn't regret it tho, I love him guess that was his BIRTHDAY GIFT.❤

I slept after sobbing, sex is indeed painful....

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