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😘IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE😍 😏 Wanted by the mafia lord 😚 😥 He's so cruel,i hate him.😫 I want her with or without her permission. Prologue Fuck you Alaskan, she yell in anger spitting on his face. A resounding slap with devious smile erupts from his smile. Chill girl,he reply her licking her face while she felt more disgusted. Stripped her naked,am hot i need to cool down, he ordered Don't you dare you demon, she yell in anger and tears but that doesn't stop the guards from stripping her naked and pin Guys what's going on? What kind of attraction is this?

Chapter 1 You wanted to die

Marshall lounge

Swimming pool area.

A young well build man diving front in a private pool sector.

A young lady holding a champagne and towel.

Guards surrounded everywhere.

In a secluded area there.

A young lady with camera peeping and videoing.

Don, can i grace your bed tonight, joyce ask seductive.

He collected the champagne as Joyce tied the towel around his waist.

In return? He ask.

I will kill Thompson, Joyce replied.

Failure to? He ask taking his sit as another two ladies apply oil massage on him.

Joyce heart beat twice.

I won't failed you Don, Joyce said.

Alaskan look at her well as a flash of camera ray flashes across his eye.

He was alert.

He took the pistol beside him and aim at the direction.


Xperia shouted unaware as she make haste for a run off.

The guards run towards the direction.

Luckily the gun graze through her thigh showing a little blood.

She manage to escape through her way coming inside.

A car was waiting outside for her which make the guards running after her quit after noting the plate number down.

Xperia you okay, sterling ask concern seeing her whisp in pain.

She nod as she apply first aid to her wounds.

Let me get you to the hospital before it get infected, he said changing his direction.

You wanted to die, Xperia ask.

He nod sideway .

Then go straight to the junk yard and dismantled your car and replaced it with new one ,i will add money for you,she advised.

Understand, sterling said as he goes straight towards the junk yard.

Golf centre at Marshall lounge

She escaped, guard said with fright.

He smirked.

Not stopping on his aim for the next target.

Blaze,he called.

Rules he ask

Forgive me Don, i note down the number, he said in fear.

Forgiveness is a sin, Blaze reply.

So? Alaskan ask still concentrating on his game.

Give me an hour her details and everything needed would be provided, he reply in hope.

Count down start now, Alaskan reply with a smile.

A devious smile escape from his lips as his mind flash across Xperia face.

I want her,he thought within himself.

Don , Andro said bowing in respect.

Wing 1 need your attention, Andro said politely.

Note: Blaze



They normally called them B3 they are Alaskan most trusted guards which own a den of their own.

Andro is Alaskan sub quarter mafia den head whichs Wing1

Joyce Alaskan bed warmer and slow poison for men.


Who's Alaskan Marshall

People called him warlord

Some the devil they shouldn't have encountered with.

Death prince.

The most fearful mafia lord that rule the owe Mafia nations

President give him tribute like a king.

Kings honour him like Emperor.

Wealthiest meets lord of wealth.

He's a sword with a sharp edge.

His presence means danger for some and fear.

He's nation

He's the rule

He's ruthless, stinky rich,super handsome, extremely wicked,super rude,incarnation of devil.

Lord of the underworld.

He makes the law.

His name his Alaskan Marshall.

The owner of Marshall export and import companies

He deals with arms and machinery

Marshall lounge

Marshall casino

Marshall horse filled

Marshall island

Marshall oil and petroleum.

Wherever you see Marshall don't doubt it,it's him.

Who dares do photocopy?

Who dare impose as him?

Andro am i paying for report,he ask coldly.

No Don,Andro replied.

Who heads the four wing's, He ask extremely cold.

Brunt, Andro replied in fear understanding his statement.

Blade point gun at Andro who almost pee.

A mistake repeated twice is count as ? He ask authoritatively.

Intentionally deed, Andro replied.

Then the punishment is? Alaskan ask as he brake the rod with his hand without any force.

Death penalty, Andro reply falling on his knees.

A leader that easily subsidise is called what? Alaskan ask taking his seat as a bitch manfucked him while no sounds of moan escaped from his lips but he groans sometimes which make the bitch thanks her star.

A failure, Andro replied confused .

You may leave, Alaskan said.

Andro breathe a sigh of relief as a gunshot was heard .

It's Andro been shot but intentionally graze through his skin.

He dare not yelp in pain.

He looked back and said thanks.

He knew that's a warning to him.

He regret listen to Rachel advised of curry the lord favour as he ordered fir Rachel bundle to him.

Note: Rachel is one of Andro girlfriend.

Any updates, Alaskan ask impatiently as the bitch continue her job.

Blade nodded sideway.

Point? He order.

No traces of the car anymore.

The trace end at junkyard.

The cctv footage is nulled.

He's in the hospital with the blood for test to identify her.

Alaskan look at Blade as the bitch mistakenly hit the G-spot she shouldn't have reached yet without his permission.

Her blood was soaked with her clothes.

Dispose her Blade ordered.

I want her now or you bear my anger, Alaskan said coldly and orderly.

Oh my God !

Who's Xperia?

Why is she taking his pictures.?

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