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My Girlfriend Is A Serial killer

My Girlfriend Is A Serial killer

Osayamwen B


This follows the life of Sasha, the last survivor of the Cavani werewolf clan who had passed through a past of sorrow and bloodshed and was trying to find her inner piece when she met Casey, an inspector who also wanted justice for everyone no matter the gender. The both of the work together to bring the law breakers to book and began to develop feelings for each other leading to another page of love for them but it all starts to shatter when Sasha finds out about his dark past which has a certain connection to her life. Will Sasha try to resolve their differences and leave his past to die or will she join him to the list of her sworn enemies.

Chapter 1 Wooden oak door


This is the third time this week," I have lamented as I inspect the body of a torn-apart thug who was constantly disturbing the city.

My Name is Casey Robert an inspector from the state office investigative district and I found bodies lying everywhere in the attic of a farm house.

I had left for work in the morning and drove my black Toyota down the main street before stopping at the crime scene I was called for the day before the inspection.

It was an old wooden house in which termites had started infesting it. To be precise, it was a story building. I got out of my car and took ten steps to the wooden oak door.

" hello! "Is anybody home?" I had called from the outside, but there was no reply except for the creaking of the door and the echo coming from inside the building.

It was as quiet as a graveyard—even quieter than that of a graveyard. "Who lives here anyways?" I taught to my self as I inspected the dusty rooms and found only heaps of biscuit litter lying on the floor.

I turned to retire to the door step when I made eye contact with a werewolf.

I couldn't move and I was just wondering what i was going to say to the human monster staring quietly at me.

"Sorry to intrude but can I go now?" I asked hurriedly as I wanted to leave this place in one piece but I stopped as the huge white wolf turned into a beautiful young lady with the qualities men wanted in their women. The beautiful young lady collapsed on my body, and it sent a shever down my spine.

"Hey! "What are you doing, she's a flesh eater," my instincts eliminated the fantasy as i carries her to my car.

Only God almighty knows what i would have been in for, if not for this tinted glass as I passed through the main street the second time this morning. My house was on the outskirts of town, near the beach—a glass house, to be precise.

On getting in, I laid her on my warm and cozy bed and spread a blanket over her smooth skin. As I went in to get a face towel and soaked it in warm water. I squeezed the excess water out of the towel and placed the towel on her forehead.

I was still thinking about what I would tell the sleeping beauty in my bed when she woke up when my cellphone rang.

The speaker had a harsh tone and was ordering my immediate arrival. I knew I had to go to work and made the decision to come home as early as possible after the close of the day's work.

I got out of my glass house and entered my car to drive back to the state police department, where I was confronted by my boss, Simon. "I don't know what you are doing or your main aim, but if you aren't careful you will lose your job, and I am serious about it this time. Simon yealed

" My head started aching and my knees started shaking as I held my query letter with both hands. Each query stood for a particular punishment; sometimes it's my paycheck being cut or buying food for the entire interrogation staff for lunch.

"I am sorry, sir, Simon, it wouldn't happen again," I said as i went to the interrogative district.

The inspection district is the special department in which all information about crime scenes acquired by the state is deposited. "Come take a look at this," Thomas called my attention to the CCTV footage of last night.

The CCTV footage showed three human figures trying to rape a pretty girl in an alley down the street when a white werewolf pounced on them and tore their flesh to shreds. But when I thought the werewolf allowed the girl to move out of the alley, I was surprised.

"Zoom in closer," I ordered Thomas as my order was implemented. "Stop," i couldn't believe my eyes. At that moment, my blood started to rise. I thought of the young lady sleeping in my bed and her wild form.

After a tiring day of inspection after inspection, i was finally given permission to go rest. After an hour's drive from work, I was back at my house and was too tired to remember that I had a visitor lying on my bed. I took off my trousers and hopped on the bed, awaiting a better tomorrow, and let the wind of sleep take me away.

The bed was broken into pieces, and foam was scattered all over the ground when h

I woke up. I couldn't yell for help or do anything else because my memory was still booting at the moment.

When I finally regained consciousness, I looked around for the young lady I had rescued, only to find a huge and fierce-looking werewolf making dinner.

Yes, he fainted. "Wake up sleepy head," i could hear a faint noise as he regained consciousness.

"Breakfast," the werewolf had me my breakfast in bed. "If you want to kill me, don't stuff me with food; I am poisonous.

" "If you eat me, you will die of food poisoning," i told the werewolf in front of me.

"Nonsense, I only eat rascals," the werewolf said as it changed into its human form. "So you are the werewolf," I said, pointing to the female figure.

"Our names are Sasha and I don't appreciate being called a werewolf because I've got a fucking name," Sasha replied.

"How am I supposed to be sure you wouldn't eat me for breakfast because there's no food on your side?" he interrogated.

"I have eaten one of your white-furred rabbits that you kept in your garden. "It tasted a little liquidish and delicious too," Sasha had explained her reason to him.

"My rabbit is liquid, how will I taste it then?" I couldn't take it anymore; her interpretation of flesh was driving her crazy. She went closer to him and said, "Let's test it."

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