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Down for mafia boss

Down for mafia boss

Zee Zah


At the age of 6, Adeline Lopez was sold to a powerful underground illegal drug dealing and pleasure factory, due to the fact that Adeline's mom had being working with this underground factory for long, as a sex slave for the mafian lord. Adeline mom as a lover of money, lent a huge sum of money from the factory which she couldn't pay back, and used her 6 yrs old daughter as a collateral, with the promise that if Adeline turns eighteen she would join the factory fully. As Adeline turns 15, the current mafian Lord died, seeing this, Catherine, Adeline's mom was happy, and flew away with her daughter to another country, hoping the agreement she had with the drug Lord was over, not knowing the factory was an hereditary type. The cold-hearted, and ruthless son of the ex drug lord Mike Brown, took over his father's place after three years, and promised to continue from where his father stops. What would be the fate of Adeline in the hand of the Mafia Lord? Let roam in this world together

Chapter 1 Taking Debts

"Mom" Adeline a 19 years old bellibone knocks the door of their home which was close to the sea shore.

"Knock, knock" she said for the 5th time, as she held the fruit basket which she went to get from the market in her hands.

"Creak" she heard the door open gradually.

" Mom" her face contours in disgust as she saw an elderly man pushed pass her, and her mom stood close to the door in a towel, with sex stench coming from her.

"Welcome back dear" Catherine smiled at her, extending her arms to hug Adeline, Adeline slapped her hand off before it could get to her, Adeline walks pass her into the house.

"Hey baby, Ayda darling, wait up" Catherine said as she chased after her daughter who was wallowing in anger.

Adeline suddenly stopped and turned back to her mom who also stopped in front of her "Am sorry to say this but mom you disgust me" tears rolled down Adeline's eyes.

" Am sorry dear, I didn't mean to this time, but the money with it was really tempting for me to say no to" Catherine explained, seeing her daughter in tears breaks her very own soul.

Catherine was a very beautiful woman, with nice feminine killer figure, who a man wouldn't dear to refuse, even in her early 40's, she still looks young and like someone who hadn't given birth at all.

The beautiful Adeline also took the feminine figure of her mom and beauty also, but even more beautiful and shapely, her hourglass figure was eye catching and mind blowing.

Women who sees the pair of mother and daughter always get jealous of them, and calls both mother and daughter whore, all because of Catherine taking there husband and bedding with them, but Cathy didn't mind, but Adeline did her best to stay away from them.

"Money, money Everytime, that why I had to stop highschool, and work for you, I quit college all because of you mom, but you don't appreciate it, all you do is bring men into our house and get yourself fvcked by them, aren't you tired" Adeline screamed out of rage.

" Am sorry darling, it for our sake, this as being my work from age 13, and it hard for me to quit, I just can't Ayda darling" Catherine said as tears streamed down her eyes.

"Won't you then think about me, you have a daughter now mom, what if I was influenced by you or even get raped by the men you bring home, you do see the lustful eyes I get from them mom, and the disgusting gazes from our neighbors" Adeline said trying to calm her voice down.

"They won't dare rape you darling, and since you are not influenced from childhood till noe, you can't, fvck the neighbors, I also won't let you leave my kind of life honey" Catherine said softly and Adeline calmed regretting she had shouted on her mom.

"Am sorry mom, for raising my voice at you" she apologized as she wiped her tears and her mom's.

" It okay dear, let me quickly go wash up" Catherine said as Adeline nodded, with her falling on the couch as her mother left the living room.

*. *. *.

"So you forgot paying his money right, father was too gentle with fool's like you" a raging voice erupted, in one of the basement of the famous underground drug dealing factory and of pleasure MONSTERO.

"I... I a..m, I really wasn't aware of Castillo having an Underboss, please forgive me, I promise to pay it back please" a man cried out as he coughed out blood, with deep opened cuts on his body, exposing raw flesh.

He was kneeling in the dark room, and in front of the ruthless, remorseless Mafia Lord Mike Brown.

"It too late now" a smirk left his lips as he shot the gun into the man's head, whose body immediately fall limp to the ground.

"I want his Ash" he commanded and left the place know as the torture room.

After walking out of the torture room, he walked into his office, usually know to be the other ex Mafia Lord's office before, he his the fifth generation and he would be the hope of the sixth and more to come.

He went to his sit which had his desk and a stack of file on it, he stared coldly at the files as he took a file from the stack.

"Now who is next" he said to himself as he glanced through his father's debt list.

" Catherine Lopez" he said and another deadly smirk glued to his lips.

His finger hits the green button on his desk, and a man clouded in black walked in and gave a straight bow to Mike.

"Who is Catherine Lopez, and what her debt, and how does she intends to pay" Mike asked as he gently twirls the pen in his hand.

"Catherine Lopez was the ex boss most favored sex slave, who we took as the boss's goomar (Mafia Girlfriend), the boss would give her anything she wants without a rethink, but her wants was getting too much of her, that the boss changed towards her, and took her like other sex slaves, instead of giving her money, he began lending her instead, the money got piled up, which she couldn't pay, and she promised the boss her 6 years old daughter to work under him when she turns eighteen, which the boss accepted" the man explained.

"Her daughter" Mike said in disbelief as he puffed out smoke from his newly lit cigarettes "so where is she or her daughter, and as the girl not reached the agreed age"

" She flee with her daughter to another country, not expecting a new boss, and her daughter clocked 18 last year" he explained.

" Waw, a debt of 13 years, Great" he said as he clicked his tongue.

" What time now" he asked the man, not bothering to check his watch on his wrist, or the wall clock.

" 3:45pm sir"

"I want them here before 6:45, 3hrs is enough time to get them here" he said as he picked his coat and walked of the office, leaving the used cigar on his desk.

The man left the office immediately, to start his search.

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