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One night stand with Mr Vamp

One night stand with Mr Vamp

Zee Zah


] Betrayed by her fiance, preyed on by her family and deprived of her wealth. All she wanted was a rich and powerful life with no fvcking stress, a life without her overbearing so called family who she knew where just using her and wasn't their for her, and a beautiful life with her fiance CLAUS EASTON A rich and powerful CEO at day, a mystery person at night, she taught her life was perfect with no one having to tell her. To how perfect she taught she was, everything changed when she caught her promising fiance cheating with her step sister, before their marriage which was supposed to be in two days. Knowing no one would believe her, not even her biological father who was under the influence of her step mother, she needed a way not to get married to her cheating fiance.


"She had it all, she is more beautiful than you, smarter than you, and not as childish as you are, who cares about business than her fiance" Radella smiled, as the memory of the last two nights played back in her head.

Her shoes clicked slightly as she walked into the club, as the club light danced around it, which irked her so much.

Heads turned, with the gentle sway of her hips, and the elegance she puts in the steps she takes.

Her blood-red painted lips had a beautiful and domineering glimmer to her face, as her blonde hair which was packed in a ponytail bounced gently behind her.

"Childish he said" She was going to prove how childish she could be tonight.

Their wedding was just tomorrow, It was sure going to be the happiest day of her life.

She had just realized she was too into business than her normal girlish life, she was the only different female here who had this look, the rest were in shorts, pants, mini skirts.

But she was here in a business suit and heels, even though she knew very well that it wasn't hiding her feminine beauty in any way because if it was, she wouldn't be getting these crazy lustful stares

'but would she be able to get what she wants in a business suit' She slightly shook her head, she hadn't even found anyone eye-catching since she'd come, and she likes her work fast and victorious

"Get me the sexiest clothes you can get in two minutes, I don't care how much it costs….I need it here in two minutes" Radella said into the phone

"Ma'am t…" Radella hangs up not wanting to hear what the other person wants to say.

She watched the people who were dancing happily in the club 'Joblessness' if they were to have a work, they wouldn't have come to a club and do shits, which is just wasting of time.

She just needed a five-minute thing and she would be out of here in no time 'but she was still looking for the perfect guy'

Her nose scrunched in disgust when the scent of a cigar mixed with someone's body odor hit down her nostrils.

"Why don't we go the dance floor, babe, after that, we can…." Her eyebrows furrowed together, as he pressed himself to her back

Before the guy knew it, a punch was sent flying to his face, and he fell to the ground "What about hell floor hun" Her heels went to the v on his pants, and she pressed it on it, having him scream out loudly.

Even with the loud music played in the club at that time, those around 'em could still hear the man scream

"Am a…m sorry please, let go" the man pleaded

"Stinky asshole," she said, as she kicked into his butt, before leaving him 'she needed to get today off this dress and shoes, she was now dirty, having touch with this fvcker here, and she needed to change ASAP'

"I will get a room somewhere, find me, two minutes have passed, am adding a 50 sec, just know you will be sacked if you are not here after that time," she said hanging up again


Man 1; Wow

Man 2; (Drooling)

'unique' Radella was happy to be getting the attention she needed taught, as she matched In, in her killer form

Her milky skin, a skin-tight red dress that fitted like a second skin, the v-cutting of her neck, which exposed her cleavage, and the dangerous shakes and turns of her ass made the men in the club want to crawl on her feet.

She could sense Instant jealousy in the club, which came from most women in their

Her eyes stopped at a couple, seeing the man staring at her with mouth open, his female partner got angry at this, as she sent a ear deafening slap to the once stunned man

'ouch, that hurts, just the number of heartbreaks she would naturally create' she smirked.

She suddenly walked away from the spot 'She should have chosen a better place than this fvcked up place'

You look too classy to be here ma" a waitress came up to her "We have a place quieter and would suit your looks and class"

" Take me there," she said authoritatively.

'maybe she would see better options'

After minutes of walking, they stopped in front of a very huge door "You can go in miss" the waitress said, as she pulled the door open a little bit, as Radella walked in

The dark aura that emitted from this certain place had goosebumps run down her skin, and the urge to pull the door open and walk back out ate through her.

Trying to keep calm, and behave like her usual self, she submitted half her mind to the gentle song which played

The people she had noticed on this side of the club, looked like powerful people, but the dark aura, it seems to be coming from a specific place she couldn't point out in the club.

She watched how most of the men in the club, had pleasure women with them, some rocking, some touching and pleasuring.

What is so interesting in this sexual pleasure of a thing, is that could even have her fiance cheating on her with her step sister

A man walked up to her with a smile on his round face "Hey beauty"

'potbellied' he wasn't fit for it, giving a fake smile, she excused herself

'Too short'

'To fat'

'Too tall and lean'

'Ugly'. Her judging had gone on like that

Not knowing she was already walking to another space in the club entirely.

The unsettling feeling she had felt earlier, came running to her, as the dark aura thickened than before, almost choking her.

The more she walked, the more the air around her thickened with more darkness alone being the curious lady that she was, she wanted to see what gave her goosebumps, what woke the unsettling feeling in her.

'no one was around here' she taught as she checked around the dark corridor, the air had lightened as if she felt nothing before

'Hugh, maybe it was time to go home. Just a little poison won't kill, it was time to go with her second plan'

"You love wandering uhnn" a voice dangerously cool and deep echoed in the corridor, with the intimidating aura pushing through and soaring around her like a thick dark cloud.

"Who are you" without wanting to feel scared she asked, but the goosebumps on her skin said otherwise.

"You could have played along with the humans, why sneak here"

" I wasn't sneaking, come out now and stop playing tricks on me, I have a gun on me, and if you push this further, I won't think twice before finding you, and shooting your fvcking skulls out," she said bringing out the gun she had in her purse, as she outstretched her hand, moving in circles.

"Humans and their toys, it still a mystery why they haven't feasted on you, and a mystery how you made it through"

'why was he talking in parables' Her legs began moving backward

"Scared," the voice asked again

"No" she made sure she didn't drop the hand her gun was in

"Admit it" She suddenly felt a swift breeze push past her, having her blonde hair waver with the force

"I don't like mind plays either"

" And am not playing with your mind" Before she knew it, she was pushed to the wall, and her body got trapped between muscular arms "Does it still feel like a trick signorina…"

An electric bolt thundered through her body, as she helped herself to keep still, her eyes met with the man standing in front of her, his eye held the color of the blood that flowed through her vein.

Trees like dark veins drew down his face

Radella suddenly chuckled "You should be an actor, you think I would fall for this" Her face suddenly turned serious before shaking her head "NO"

"Out of my way, my hand itchs a lot with not pressing the triggers for playing tricks on me"

" Foolish as a human'" he whispered huskily with his rich baritone voice

"Nice act," she said wanting to step on his toes, but the intrusion of his hand had stopped her

A gasp left her lips when she saw his hand already holding the side of her thigh, as he pressed into her

The closeness between them had her shudder, her eyes widened more when she felt his hand going further into her private places

"Wh...what a….are you doing" The gun suddenly felt heavy in her hand

"Acting" he simply stated, as he let his hand move further into her gown

She couldn't just comprehend what she was feeling at that moment, she felt sudden twirls and whirls in her lower abdomen.

"I hate plays" With the little self-restraint she had left, she pushed him off her, and in one swift move, her arm was around his neck

Even though she was on heels, she still had to stand on her tiptoes "Who acts it best now" she smirked, as she pointed the gun to his throat "A bullet should do the killing" she said as she pressed it more into his throat

" For wasting my precious time, when am supposed to have found a better plan, you know you deserve death right, why does your gender find fun in making me agitated hunn, now I wish to kill all your fvcking gender"

"Your dad"

"He can have a VVIP rotting place in hell for all I care," she said before hearing him chuckle

" You aren't scared that I can pull the trigger"

" Hmm, I enjoy the fun coming with it, you re soft," he said, making her confused, before realizing how her boobs were pressed tightly to his back

She felt her cheek heating up before she distanced herself a little, but she made sure her gun was on his neck

She heard him chuckle again "Help me" she suddenly said

"What, help you in killing all my gender"

" No, help me in disposing of one of them, you know any room in this place"

" I know a lot of it what am sure going to do you are about proposing," he said, as he effortlessly took the gun from her, pulling her to him, his eyes ran down to her cleavage, before staring back at her sea deep blue eyes

Not knowing what he had meant earlier, she decided to ignore "Let go, for now, you can hold me back, after I've taken what I need from my purse"

'Naive' he smirked, taking the purse from her 'Funny enough, he doesn't want to let go of the little naive human his arms

"You would see a video camera inside it," she said, with no choice but to let him, because he wasn't ready to let her go

In no sec, her camera was out, without him even looking into the purse "Take a selfie with me"

"No, I just want to explain what I want you to do, and if you can help me, you'll get anything you want, am rich if it's money, you don't have to worry, be it estates, I wo…."

"Straight to the point"

"I need a video of us kissing, that's all, we should probably do it close to a bed, so it would look real, like I had done it"

" What" he asked close to her ear

" Just do as I say, it won't take minutes, and you are sure good at acting, like I said earlier you are free to ask for anything you want"

" Anything I want" he smirked with a mischievous grin on his face

"Can you get the room no…." Before she could complete her sentence, she heard the creaking sound of a door, and a dimly lit room came to view beside 'em "Good" she said, as she pulled away from him, and walked into the room which had a king-sized bed in it

"Stand close to the bed," she said, as she positioned the video camera on the headboard

He did as she said, forcing himself not to chuckle at how serious she looked

"Fyn," she said, staring into his eyes as if marking out the angles she was going to start this from

"Have you done this before?" he asked her with how serious her face seemed to be

"Why not, just stay quiet, and let me focus"


A long sigh suddenly escaped her lips, and without any warning, she pressed her lips on his, with eyes still opened, and that seemed to be all

'is this a joke' he seemed to ask himself, as he watched her staring at him, with their lips still pressed, and that went on for a minute before she pulled away

"Thanks, I told you it wouldn't take long," she said, as she went to pick up her camera

" What was that" he asked, as he watched her stare back confusedly

"A kiss" she simply said, having him speechless

" You just played my lips"

" I did that with that fvcking bastard and he was okay with it" she innocently said, and it took everything in him not to laugh

" Put down the camera," he said, as he walked up to her, taking the camera, as he puts it on the headboard

"learn," he said huskily, before slamming his lips on hers

He began sucking her bottom lips, his hands traveling from her waist to the side of her boobs, as he gave it a slight squeeze, having her gasp into his mouth

He growled in utter satisfaction, as he plunged into her mouth, still wanting to guide her lips

'he loves having his way fast, knowing where it would surely lead to"

He hummed in satisfaction when he felt her lips moving with his, and that was all it took to guide her lips.

As time went on with their lips moving together, it started to get more sensual with desire, as she moaned into the fast pace of his lips on hers, and the way his touch had her brain haywire

She heard him growl as he held both her hands pinning them to the wall, pulling her closer to him, as he ravelled his tongue with hers

The bones in her body were all lost, if he wasn't holding her, her skin would have fallen off, with nothing left on her.

He suddenly pulled away, leaving her gasping for breath, as they both stared at each other, with lustful intent

She had even failed to notice his eyes which went from red to black over time and were now a deep red, and the vein which had formed on his face earlier gone now.

Radella stared at his lips 'Was this the pleasure others felt'

"That nothing to pleasure, I can make you squirm, writhe, moan louder than you just did in pleasure" he whispered huskily, having her shudder abruptly

The pleasure he mentioned left her body with a strong desire, to have him put the word in place

"Make me squirm, writh in your pleasure" she spouted without blinking

" Am a bloodsucker, I can suck you dry on the verge of it all, I don't want anyone's ghost trailing after me, that why am telling you" he said, ending it with a smile

" You should have told me Dracula was real, or you were his reincarnation"

He didn't reply, but what he did next had her eyes wide open, before throwing her head back in pleasure

He bit into her cleavage skin before he started sucking on it.

Minutes later her gown was gone, his shirt was gone, as they shook the night with the word 'pleasure'

Next morning….

He wasn't beside her when she had woken up, the warmth was gone, but the memories from the pleasure-filled night, made her body tingle

She didn't even get to know his name, and contacts to pay her debt, she sighed, as she stared into the large mirror on the wall

"Most beautiful bride ever," she said, looking at her face with little touchings of makeup, and her hair which was adorned with beautiful accessories

'it was her big day' Her mind seemed to be a lover of sarcastic games.

"Radella dear" she heard a feminine voice from where she sat, but she didn't even bother to look at who had entered the room

"I thought I had said I want nobody hear" Radella said in a serious tone

" You need a female here to assist you, and am just not anyone am your mo…"

" Fine if you say so M..O..T..H..E..R" Radella pronounced as she stood up from where she sat, walking up to the middle-aged woman

"If you are my mother, why don't you prove it, by jumping off this building, that is still the easiest way to die, and if you can get that done, you will fit in and pass the test of being my mother" her lips which were pulled up in a one-sided lips was suddenly pulled straight back.

"You are just a damn psycho and nothing more, I can't just wait to have you out of this family and have to company to my daughter," the woman said hatefully

" Wow, only if her dull brain can run it as this psycho does," Radella said, before moving her lips closer to the woman's ear "No one, no one can manage that company except the real heiress Radella Beckwith, mark my words, Fiona"

"Let's see then after you get married and become a full house wi…."

" Fiona…, I know how much you want to talk to your daughter, but the groom is impatient about his bride" a middle-aged woman walked in

'Impatient' Radella scoffed

" Ohh, my daughter, I am going to miss her," Fiona said, as she faked wiping her tears

Radella murmurs "damn this shit" as she tried holding up the frustrating white gown, which she was going to get off in seconds in her hands

"No, no darling, where are the bridesmaids" the woman asked seeing how Radella struggled with her gown.

" My darling daughter sent them off, she could do her thing herself",

" Ahh, what about the flower bouquet"

" I fed it to my cows any problem with that," Radella asked sarcastically as she walked out, leaving the other woman shocked.

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