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One night stand with Mr Vamp

One night stand with Mr Vamp

Author: Zee Zah


Word Count: 3125    |    Released on: 09/01/2024

ot as childish as you are, who cares about business than her fiance" Rad

d into the club, as the club light danc

ay of her hips, and the elegance

eering glimmer to her face, as her blonde hair which

s going to prove how chil

row, It was sure going to be

mal girlish life, she was the only different female here who

w very well that it wasn't hiding her feminine beauty in any way b

She slightly shook her head, she hadn't even found anyone eye-cat

inutes, I don't care how much it costs….I need i

not wanting to hear what t

'Joblessness' if they were to have a work, they wouldn't hav

he would be out of here in no time 'but s

he scent of a cigar mixed with someo

ter that, we can…." Her eyebrows furrowed

ell to the ground "What about hell floor hun" Her heels went to the v

the club at that time, those around

lease, let go"

g him 'she needed to get today off this dress and shoes, she was now d

ssed, am adding a 50 sec, just know you will be sacked if




ing the attention she needed taught,

v-cutting of her neck, which exposed her cleavage, and the dangerous shak

lousy in the club, which ca

er with mouth open, his female partner got angry at this,

mber of heartbreaks she would

spot 'She should have chosen a bet

tress came up to her "We have a place qu

e," she said a

ould see bet

y huge door "You can go in miss" the waitress said, as s

had goosebumps run down her skin, and the urge to p

her usual self, she submitted half he

like powerful people, but the dark aura, it seems to be comi

club, had pleasure women with them, som

ure of a thing, is that could even have her

with a smile on his r

t for it, giving a fake s

o s


all an

udging had go

ady walking to another s

er, came running to her, as the dark aura

darkness alone being the curious lady that she was, she wanted to s

checked around the dark corridor, the air

Just a little poison won't kill, it

p echoed in the corridor, with the intimidating aura pushi

eel scared she asked, but the goos

ed along with the hu

sh this further, I won't think twice before finding you, and shooting your fvcking skulls out," sh

tery why they haven't feasted on you,

n parables' Her legs

the voice

she didn't drop the

ft breeze push past her, having he

ke mind pla

he was pushed to the wall, and her body got trapped betwee

to keep still, her eyes met with the man standing in front of her

rk veins drew

r, you think I would fall for this" Her face sud

a lot with not pressing the tr

e whispered huskily with

step on his toes, but the intr

his hand already holding the side

, her eyes widened more when she felt his

oing" The gun suddenly

d, as he let his hand mo

s feeling at that moment, she felt sudde

t she had left, she pushed him off her, and

acts it best now" she smirked, as she pointed the gun to his throat "A bu

plan, you know you deserve death right, why does your gender find fun


ce in hell for all I care," she

red that I can p

ft," he said, making her confused, before realiz

she distanced herself a little, but

kle again "Help me

u in killing a

g of one of them, you kno

said, as he effortlessly took the gun from her, pulling her to him, his e

ed to ignore "Let go, for now, you can hold me b

m her 'Funny enough, he doesn't want to

" she said, with no choice but to let hi

without him even looking into t

you can help me, you'll get anything you want, am rich if

ht to t

we should probably do it close to a bed,

asked close

you are sure good at acting, like I said earl

smirked with a misch

aking sound of a door, and a dimly lit room came to view beside 'em "Good" she said,

said, as she positioned the

ng himself not to chuckle

eyes as if marking out the angle

?" he asked her with how s

stay quiet, a


out any warning, she pressed her lips on his, w

hed her staring at him, with their lips still pressed

't take long," she said, as s

ked, as he watched her

mply said, havi

st playe

he was okay with it" she innocently said,

he walked up to her, taking the ca

uskily, before slam

g from her waist to the side of her boobs, as he gav

n, as he plunged into her mouth

y fast, knowing where i

lt her lips moving with his, and tha

get more sensual with desire, as she moaned into the fast pace

s pinning them to the wall, pulling her clos

he wasn't holding her, her skin would ha

gasping for breath, as they both star

red to black over time and were now a deep red, and t

s lips 'Was this the

writhe, moan louder than you just did in pleasure"

her body with a strong desire,

in your pleasure" she s

it all, I don't want anyone's ghost trailing after me,

e Dracula was real, or y

ext had her eyes wide open, before

age skin before he st

his shirt was gone, as they shook


the warmth was gone, but the memories from t

contacts to pay her debt, she sighed, as s

her face with little touchings of makeup, and he

r mind seemed to be a l

from where she sat, but she didn't even

want nobody hear" Radell

to assist you, and am jus

lla pronounced as she stood up from where s

easiest way to die, and if you can get that done, you will fit in and pass the test of being

t just wait to have you out of this family and have

before moving her lips closer to the woman's ear "No one, no one can manage

you get married and be

your daughter, but the groom is impatient ab

t' Radell

ng to miss her," Fiona said,

holding up the frustrating white gown, which s

desmaids" the woman asked seeing h

ent them off, she could

about the fl

at," Radella asked sarcastically as she w

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