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The Playboy CEO and his Secretary

The Playboy CEO and his Secretary

Victoria’s Pen


Aloha lane a witty,smart,drop dead gorgeous and hardworking woman, finally gets a job in the reputable Donovan Enterprises with cold hearted Adrian Westwood as the CEO. Aloha thinks her hardworking nature would get Adrian on her side but she is met with the icy wall surrounding Him. His playboy attitude always gives Aloha the I just each time she sees all the female workers drooling over Adrian. She can’t deny she has feelings for him but her restraint is flawless. Read this story and enjoy this thrilling romance.

Chapter 1 Unlikely Encounters

Aloha's heart raced as she held the crisp appointment letter in her trembling hands. The words on the paper seemed almost surreal – she had been chosen as the new secretary at the prestigious company owned by none other than the notorious playboy CEO, Adrian DeLacroix. The excitement bubbled within her, a mixture of accomplishment and anticipation for what lay ahead. In the privacy of her small apartment, Aloha could hardly contain her joy. Her face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes dancing with the possibilities that this new chapter in her life could bring.

She imagined herself making a mark in the company, impressing her enigmatic boss with her dedication and hard work.

However, as the initial elation settled, a new worry crept in. What on earth should she wear on her first day to make the best impression? Aloha's closet suddenly seemed filled with inadequate choices. She paced back and forth, her mind racing through options, each discarded as quickly as it came. She knew the importance of leaving a lasting impression on her first day, especially with someone as influential as Adrian. But she had Denva, her vivacious and stylish best friend. Denva's arrival brought a gust of energy into the room. With an eye for fashion, she meticulously sorted through Aloha's clothes, putting together an outfit that exuded professionalism and confidence. "Denva, I don't know how to thank you," Aloha said, her gratitude shining in her eyes. "I want to look capable and impressive, and you've managed to make me feel like I can conquer the world." Denva chuckled and twirled a strand of her hair. "Oh please, you were always capable. You just needed a little wardrobe boost. Now go and show them what you're made of!"

The morning of Aloha's first day was a flurry of anticipation and nervous excitement. She stood before the mirror, wearing the outfit that Denva had artfully curated. Confidence surged through her veins as she imagined impressing not only her boss but also herself with her transformation. Aloha's heart raced as she entered the sleek and modern office building, each step echoing her determination. But the moment she met Adrian, her optimism collided with a reality she hadn't expected.

The CEO's demeanor was as cold and distant as the rumors had suggested. His piercing gaze swept over her, barely acknowledging her presence, and the weight of his indifference settled on her shoulders like a heavy cloak. Throughout the day, their interactions were minimal and curt. Aloha's attempts at friendly conversation were met with monosyllabic responses, leaving her disheartened and puzzled. As the hours ticked by, it became clear that breaking through Adrian's icy exterior would be no small feat.

Dejected and disappointed, Aloha returned home to her waiting friend. Denva listened intently as Aloha recounted the day's events, offering a sympathetic ear and a reassuring hug. "It's just one day, Aloha. People like him might take some time to warm up," Denva consoled. "I know, but it felt like he didn't even want me there," Aloha sighed, sinking deeper into the couch. Denva leaned back, studying her friend's face. "Maybe there's more to him than meets the eye. Maybe he's been hurt before." Aloha raised an eyebrow. "Hurt? You think that's why he's so cold?" Denva shrugged. "Who knows? But don't let his demeanor discourage you. Remember why you took this job – to challenge yourself and grow. You've got this, Aloha."

As the evening sun cast a warm glow across the room, the two friends sat on the couch, their conversation continuing late into the night. They shared their thoughts and dissected every interaction, determined to unravel the mystery behind Adrian's demeanor. This was just the beginning of a journey that would challenge her in ways she never imagined and bring her face to face with a man whose complexities ran deeper than she could fathom.

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