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The Playboy CEO and his Secretary

Chapter 2 Unveiling Impressions

Word Count: 504    |    Released on: 11/08/2023

ty, yet his eyes were on a mission of their own. Amidst the flurry of activity, his gaze landed upon a figure by the photocopier, engrossed

She turned, a faint blush gracing her cheeks at being noticed by the infamous CEO. "Mr. Westwood," she responded, her voice steady despite the flutter in her chest. Adrian couldn't help but notice the way her soft lips formed his name. He leaned against the edg

Westwood. I strive to ensure accuracy and efficiency." Their conversation continued, their words a symphony of professional dialogue. But beneath the surface, an unspoken tension simmered, a magnetic pull that neither could ignore. Adrian found himself drawn to

heart raced at the intimacy of his tone. She met his gaze, her eyes locking onto his, a silent understanding passing between them. "I'm here to contribute in any way I can, Mr. Westwood." Their eyes held, a charged silence envelo

voice tinged with newfound confidence. As Adrian turned to leave, his heart conflicted, he couldn't deny the fire that Aloha had ignited wi

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