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Shh... On Our Command Kitten

Shh... On Our Command Kitten



Daniella would have a life of luxury if she agreed to live the way her parents say. The life of luxury isn't one she craves. As she tries breaking free from her parent's watchful eyes, they push men into her life to try and tame her. Only Daniella, prefers her men to be older. On Our Command Kitten - a group for people looking for advice and help in a particular area of their love life and Marcello is the one to give them it. Daniella comes across it one night as boredom seeps in and agrees to a meeting without fully understanding the context. Only she finds herself going further than others and wanting Marcello. As Marcello refuses her, her parents are pushing her and telling her she needs to settle down; feeling like everyone is right, she rushes into a relationship with Alesandro, and while he seems sweet and kind, secrets are lurking behind him at every turn. As she fights to free herself from Alesandro and his abuse, Marcello and his best friend Adrian try to get her out safely, and while they keep her hidden to protect her, Daniella's feelings grow for both of them. Much to her family's disapproval, Daniella begins a relationship with both Marcello and Adrian and knowing, pushes her father to the extreme in his plans to Daniella away from them with a man he see's as worthy.

Chapter 1 Finding On My Command Kitten

Falling back, I shake my head, a laugh escaping my lips as my eyes roll. Just another day of the same shit, really. My mind replays the events of today, and it is just a repeat of yesterday. Moving, I kick off my shoes and sit up, my eyes falling on the laptop.


Turning I smile at Clyde as he stands at the door. "Hi, good day?"

He walks in laughing, shaking his head. "As good as can be, so tonight?" His smile grows as he becomes hopeful.

"No, don't really feel like it." I shrug my shoulders. This deal works for him but leaves me feeling frustrated and bored. To start with, it was fun; now though it isn't. Clyde looks at me waiting - he thinks I am joking? I laugh slightly. "Honestly, Clyde, me and sex tonight isn't happening. Sorry." Nodding, he walks out.

The arrangement works. My eyes roll at my own thoughts. It doesn't work. We are busy. We finish work and come home, friends with benefits, although the arrangement only seems to benefit him these days. Sex has just become part of my daily routine with him. Nothing fun or different, and it is boring, but I can't say that.

"We could go out for a drink instead if you want?" Turning, I look at Clyde. He isn't getting the hint. I feel slightly annoyed.

"Clyde, no. Not tonight, and to be honest, no offence, but the sex is getting boring." My words are soft as I try smiling at him. Why did I say that? "It isn't your fault Clyde, it's me." He nods, walking away. It is me. Sex can be amazing, but most of the time, it isn't. Tapping on the laptop, I open it, boredom apparent on my face as I scroll through one social media website after another.

Hitting the search on the website, I type in ‘sex’ and search, slowly looking through groups. My eyes stop on one, clicking ‘join’, and I wait. Boredom isn't good, clearly. I laugh at myself. I just joined a group about sex. Instantly, the laptop pings telling me I have been accepted into the group.

Scrolling through, I look at the posts, the announcements and everything else. My eyes stopped on one. ‘Meet and greet, ask questions on my command date’. I look at it, confused. There is nothing else about it. Nothing to say about what the ‘meet and greet’ is for or about. I glance at the clock. It starts in an hour. Clicking the name, I send a message asking if there is space.

Sitting, I wait; ten minutes later a message appears.

It's one-to-one, and slots are between 6 pm and 11 pm, every hour - what time would you like? Not six as that is gone.

I glance at the message confused, ‘one-to-one’? Hitting reply, I say eleven; afterwards, I shake my head - why did I say eleven? Why not seven or eight? Why didn't I even ask what it is for? Laughing, I shake my head.

My eyes glance down, seeing the reply.

Great, here is the address, see you at eleven. You don't need to bring anything, just an open mind and willingness to change your sex life.

I read the message over and over. This could be some crazy serial killer. Clicking on the group, I scroll through the posts. He talks to people a lot. There is no picture on his account. A lot of people thanking him for the advice? Maybe he is okay?

Walking around, I begin to get ready, unsure of why I am putting effort in. It is a one-to-one, not a date. Sitting, I glance through the group again, yet there is nothing. Maybe I am missing where the information is on what this is about. I glance through others’ profiles, trying to see if there is anything on them that helps.

"You out tonight?"

Turning, I look at Clyde.

"Yeah, just with some friends from work, that is all." Why did I lie? It is Clyde. We aren't dating or anything like that.

"Anywhere good?"

I look at him, my head shaking. I know where he is going with this, and it won't work.

"One of their houses to celebrate her engagement. So private party sort of thing." I smile at him, watching as he turns to leave, then stops.

"You realise it is past nine, right? What time was this party starting?" Clyde stands looking at me like he senses I am lying, maybe because I am lying?

"Okay, so I am not meeting work friends or going to a private party. I am going to a one-to-one for something personal." I smile at him. Lying clearly wasn't working.

"You mean you're going out with a random guy for sex?" I stare at him shocked.

"Just because we fuck every now and then, Clyde, that doesn't mean you have the rights to ask about my sex life or any portion of my life. And no, I am not going out with a random guy for sex or anything relating to sex." Okay, that is a lie, it was a sex group, but it is still a one-to-one meet and greet. So nothing sexual.

"Okay, enjoy your night."

I watch as he walks out; getting myself sorted, I grab my things. I leave, deciding I should sit in the bar for a bit beforehand to avoid Clyde. It was fun, but now it is boring, and boring doesn't draw me in. Sitting, I watch the time pass before leaving the bar and walking to the address.

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