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He pinned her on the wall, and she could see a monster standing in front of her. "On your knees Mirabella" He sneered. "No,no…you're angry" She stuttered and for the first time, tears rolled down her cheeks. "Very Correct,and that's why I need you to suck my dick or I will lose it. On your knees!!" This time he half yelled and she visibly flinched ★★★★ Coming back from school one fateful day, the brothers witness their home engulfed in flames, claiming the lives of their beloved parents. Devastated and alone, they have no one but Antonio, their father's best friend, who takes them under his wing. Antonio, a seasoned and ruthless man, trains Salvatore and Lorenzo, shaping them into formidable monsters with an insatiable thirst for revenge. Driven by the burning desire to avenge their parents' deaths, Salvatore seeks to dismantle the Viper's Clan, the mafia territory responsible for the tragedy. The Viper's Clan, ruled by a notorious gangster, stands as an impenetrable fortress that Salvatore is determined to breach. However, amidst the turmoil, a twist of fate introduces Mirabelle D'angelo, a fierce and unyielding woman with her own vendetta. Mirabelle runs her family's mafia business as the enigmatic Mafia queen, harboring a deep-rooted enmity with Salvatore. As she contemplates forming an alliance to strengthen her position, her pride and ego cloud her judgment. But the past haunts Mirabelle, causing her pain day in and day out, and the only way to ease this burden is by submitting herself as a puppet to the ruthless Mafia lord, Salvatore Vincenzo. What will their fate be like when two egocentric people collide?? "Would he be able to tame her into being his pet? Or will fate bring another thing?

Chapter 1 Pretty Bad Clash


This territory is ruled by a human monster, Salvatore Vincenzo, who's considered as a heartless man. The leading mafia gang with high killing records.

Inside a dim hall is a man who was chained to his seat, he already lost one eye and in less minutes, he might lose the other.

" I didn't do it!!" He cried loudly in pain as his body was being electrified.

" Really? The footage says otherwise" Amazon, one of the gang members said, giving him a cut on his stomach.

Vincenzo who was standing at Amazon's back folded his fist angrily as he was already running out of patience

" The truth is…" He didn't complete his words when Vincenzo shot him on his forehead and he dropped dead.

"Boss, he was about telling the truth," Amazon said, turning around.

"The only reason I didn't kill you was because I still needed your fucking brain" He remarked as he walked away

"Don't forget the motto, kill or be killed" Valeria said coming into the scene.

" Mind your business bitch" Amazon rolled her eyes and took her guns.

"Or what? You should know your stand Amazon,don't let me remind you" Valeria said and Amazon turned giving a smirk.

"The fact that boss's dick fucks your pussy doesn't give you the right to talk shit about me" Amazon retorted.

She tried walking away but Valeria pulled her back and walked to the front.

"At least he fucks my pussy, it's an honour, but yours" she paused and scanned her head to toe. "You're fucking pussy would always be for the trainees and bodyguards" Valeria said and Amazon didn't think twice before pouching her on the face.

"Mind your tongue lady" she glared before walking away.

"Don't mess that bitch, not your regular" Emily, another gang member said coming out from a corner.

She had a cigarette in between her mouth as usual, on her right hand was a bottle of alcohol, her favorite.

" Stay out of this Emily!" Valeria half yelled walking away.

Emily smiled and puffed off smokes from her mouth, her eyes caught Amazon and she licked her lips seductively.

"Hot and sexy" she muttered, leaning her head on the pillar.


Vincenzo stood with his gun ready for bloodshed, he narrowed his eyes as his guards opened the gate for the prisoners.

They all came out like a flood of sheep and suddenly the gate got closed.

A deadly smirk curved on Vincenzo's face as he lifted his gun and started firing, without a second thought or hesitation.

The prisoners started running around, though the place was locked but they tried escaping, climbing on each other and trying to shield themselves.

" Help!! Help!!" They cried hitting their hands on the gate while Vincenzo stood in one place killing them one after the other.

In less than five minutes, about fifty prisoners were all bloody killed. The last man standing was a kid of about Seventeen years old who stood still shaking as he started peeing on his Jean pants.

Vincenzo licked his lips and turned. " Who is the fuck is he?" He asked, turning to face Vernon. His personal bodyguard.

"He is the child of a man who took a loan shark from you" Vernon replied and Vincenzo's deadly face returned to the poor boy.

"Why should I kill you?" He asked the boy and he swallowed hard.

"You should kill or be killed" The boy replied sharply and Vincenzo smiled deviously.

"Take him in. I like him, kill or be killed" Vincenzo said and walked out of the place.

Immediately Vincenzo was out of sight, the little boy fell on the ground and held his chest, his breathing so fast and wild.

"Fuck!!!" He screamed loudly kissing his necklace.

Vernon tried walking fast in order to meet up with Vincenzo, who was ahead of him.

"What time do we have to deal with the Rising Moon?" He questioned taking off his black gloves.

"10pm, Mirabella is also coming, I guess she has business with the rising moon!" Vernon replied and Vincenzo touched his lip.

"What don't I give her a surprise package, something she would never forget" He grinned evilly taking his head back.

"Get me Valeria" He said and Vernon looked down at his dick and looked up at his face.

"Yes boss" He replied walking off.


Walking into the big D'angelo Mansion, numerous guards walked behind her back. She quickly brought out her gun from her pocket and shot the two guards at the door entrance.

"Get these fucking traitors out of mine sight!" Mirabelle D'angelo ordered, and some guards dragged their dead bodies out of the place.

She let out an exasperated sigh and angrily ran her fingers through her hair.

"Ma, your..." Her ever-watchful bodyguard, Santino, interrupted as he emerged from the house.

"Not now, Santino!!" she snapped, spinning around to face him.

"I'm sorry, ma. Your father sent for you," Santino replied with a bow of his head.

"Ugh, seriously? That old man just loves getting on my nerves!" she retorted, storming off, and Santino dutifully followed.

As they approached her father's room, a thick cloud of dark smoke filled the air, permeated with a distinct blend of alcohol, cigarettes, and power.

"Papa," she muttered, taking a seat across from her father, Leonardo.

"Mirabella, how much progress have you made with the tasks?" her father asked, giving her a menacing glare.

She cleared her throat and absentmindedly tugged at her hair, which only seemed to irritate her father even more.

Mirabella, you never seem to get anything right, do you?" Mr Leonardo sneered, a condescending tone evident in his voice.

" I'm sorry" She muttered and rolled her eyes.

"No. No, no" Mr Leonardo said and sat up narrowing his brows. " Wrong way of apologizing" he added and Mirabelle forced a smile.

" I'm sorry Papa" She smiled and Mr Leonardo rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, you should get that file, our family depends on that. Remember, family first" Mr Leonardo said and Mirabelle nodded and stood up.

"I will get going," she said and walked out of the room.

She entered her room and Santino slammed the door behind.

"You seem stressed," He said, taking off her black long jacket. He placed it on the couch and turned and stared at Mirabelle who was taking off her clothes.

He quickly turned and she scoffed, entering into the bathroom.

"I can't scream from here, Santino!!" She yelled and Santino entered the bathroom.

He blinked his eyes continuously as he stared at her silky skin, his eyes got glued at her fat ass and he swallowed.

" This is not the first time, you're seeing me without my underwear, stop acting stupid" she retorted while taking the red wine beside the tub.

She sipped it and exhaled slowly.

"Vincenzo, is going to have a meeting in the Rising Moon hotel by 10pm" He said handing her over her sponge.

"Really?" She smiled, turning and Santino looked away. " Wow… I really want to piss him off, find out what he's there to buy and pay six times or even higher, I want to see that arrogant asshole in distress" She laughed and sighed softly.

" You really do have a grudge against him?" Santino asked.

" Of course, He's arrogant, cold and feels like a god" She sneered and stood up from the jacuzzi tub.

Her body came into view and Santino turned quickly, he handed her over the towel and she wrapped it around her body.

She stepped out and entered into her dressing room.

She wore her black leather pants and black crop top with black leather.

" You look ravishing," Santino said and she scoffed.

" I prefer the word 'deadly' ". She mumbled and took the gun on the table. " Get the cars ready, we leave soon".


Opening the grand glass door, Mirabella was entering inside the clubhouse while Salvatore Vincenzo was coming out.

Both recognise each other, making Mirabelle smirked devilishly.

She finally laid hands on one of their files, she can't wait to see what his grumpy face would look like.

" Did you see the looks on his face?" Mirabelle asked with a grin as she entered the VIP section.

" The files ?" Mirabella asked, bringing out her hand.

" What file?" A dark guy with braids asked and she scoffed.

" My fucking files!!" She half yelled and the guy leaned closer to her.

" Vincenzo has it already" He replied and Mirabella gave two pouches on the face and his tooth fell off.

" What did you say?" She asked, grabbing his hair. " You dare give that idiot my stuff!!!" She yelled and slapped him hard.

" You took his, and besides he paid half a million for that file, what exactly is in that file that got you all wracked up?" The guy asked and Mirabella swiftly took a knife from her jacket's pocket and stabbed him in the throat, making sure it came out at the back.

" Don't ever question me!" She muttered and kicked him on his face with her boots.

" We have to hurry up, that file can't be in his hands" She said, running outside.

She ran faster than her legs could carry, on reaching the packing slot, she brought out her gun and pulled the trigger.

She shot the two tires and Vincenzo, who was inside, smiled deadly.

He was expecting that after all.

He opened his door and walked out with an evil smirk.

Mirabella walked to him and punched him in the face. He smiled like a lunatic and touched his face.

"Hand over the fucking file!" She yelled and tried grabbing his collar but he caught it in the air.

"Or what?" He questioned moving towards her while she struggled to break free from his grip.

He released her hands and turned her over, pinning her on his car.

He tightened his grip on her neck, making sure she struggled to breath.

"First of all, you took mine and I took what's available, secondly. That car is worth more than your fucking life" He said and pointed his gun on her head.

" I dare you to pull the trigger, '' Mirabella said and he chuckled evilly.

He leaned closer to her ear and whispered, " No, wanna play with you" He mumbled and turned her over.

"Want this file?" He asked, bringing out the hardware of the file. " Then beg for it" He said and frowned.

"Seems like you don't know who you're messing with, I never beg any fucking person" she replied and both smiled like the devils they were.

" Fine, I won't ask twice," he said and dropped it on the ground. He raised his shoe to smash it but Mirabella hit off his hand quickly and bent down putting her hands on the ground.

Vincenzo, shook his head and smashing his shoes on her hand, he added pressure to it and Mirabella bit her lip hard fighting the pain

" Let go!!!!" She screamed loudly but Vincenzo kept smashing it.

"Ahhhhh Fuck You!!! lunatic!!!" She screamed loudly and Vincenzo bent down with a grin.

He grabbed her hair and as she was breathing fast.

" Asshole?, Lunatic?, I actually do prefer the word 'monster'. He smirked devilishly and Mirabella moved her hair in pain.

" Beg or I make sure I cut off those pretty hands" He said and she swallowed hard. " Be a good girl," he added.

" Fuck!!!

" Boss!!" Santino rushed in and pointed his trigger at Vincenzo.

The moment he did that, about fifty men dressed in black suits stormed out and pointed their guns at Mirabella.

"Put down the fucking gun!!!" She yelled and Santino dropped it and lifted up his hands

"I'm fucking sorry!!!" She screamed loudly and Santino's eyes widened while Vincenzo smiled widely.


This wasn't part of the plan!" Mr. Leonardo's voice trembled as he slammed his hand on the table.

"Pardon. Remind me of the plan? That I stay hidden for how long? For a crime I didn't commit," the tall guy said, exhaling smoke from his mouth, his eyes locked on Mr. Leonardo.

"Do you want to destroy everything I've built? How do you think Mirabella would feel?" Mr. Leonardo desperately pleaded, hoping to sway the guy.

"You should have thought of that the moment you committed such a grave crime," the guy retorted, a sinister smirk creeping across his face.

As tension filled the room, the guy leaned closer, taunting Mr. Leonardo. "Come to think of it, how do you think she will feel?"

In a last-ditch effort, Mr. Leonardo offered anything to make him leave the country. "I will give you anything you wish, just leave!"

But to his horror, the guy's devilish smirk grew even wider. "No, I won't run anymore. I'm here to stay," he declared, leaving Mr. Leonardo trapped in a twisted and dangerous game of cat and mouse, with no clear way out.

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