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Entangled Seduction.

Entangled Seduction.

Kevin Pope


As a writer I'm implored by instinct to put forth pieces of art for people to be entertained, educated, and reason beyond measure. Entangled Seduction is an inspiration of the pattern of nature as regards to romance relative to coercion of money and affluence as has become the norm among the youth within my surrounding. Entangled Seduction introduces a rare combination of love and science as it fathoms a calamity befalling a little city, setting scientists up on heels as they seek to discover the epicenter of a mysterious virus that wreaks havoc, leaving nothing of option but pursuit of a cure. It's Alex and his incredible doctor and revered scientist, Dr. Bell, who connives discreetly to venture into quicksand, and as result, a cure beckons whereas the master of the plot, Alex, smiles in perpetuity albeit in a different form—his clone.

Chapter 1 Preface

A deadly infectious virus, the ADV drives Alex’s desire to create an immortal personality by financing The SEPP, a cloning program that would grant him perpetuity.

He wishes not to leave his son Ryan without a family as the only surviving family member after growing with the nightmare of a mother’s absence who Alex had contributed to her death years ago. He tries to cheat the ADV virus he has been living with for decades and fails. Alex churns his money into The SEPP to clone a different individual albeit in similar personality to succeed him upon death.

Dr Bell, Alex’s friend and confidant bribes his way into the hearts of fellow scientists coercing them to develop a clone of his financier in secrecy. He leads a team of ambitious scientists into propagating a complete replica of Alex and as if killing two birds with a single stone, he discovers an Anti ADV vaccine that could prevent infection by the virus. Alex dies of cardiac complications and brain damage and his clone is let loose to assume his place.

A saying goes not all that glitters is gold. It should be put into contemplation what the other side of the coin looks like. There is always the other side of the coin that lies in disguise. On the flip side, another image is remarkably encrypted and nevertheless, forms part of the coin. Try and find out what is encrypted before settling on an implication.

People follow money to satisfy their monetary urge at the expense of their own safety. Money is the root of all evil and transgressions. It harbors immorality, deceit and other extensive vices that come to haunt us. However, money being good, contentment is paramount to ones safety and healthy living. Do not be deceived by money, looks or fame. Let your conscious work harmoniously with your heart. Be at peace with your mind and flesh and we shall all be at peace with each other. I have written this content to pass a message and form a voice of reason with the reader. I believe that a lesson shall be learned and implanted into the reader's mind for a positive society that is beckoning at the verge of decay. The youth form the foundation of a prosperous society and need to embrace a good cause of morality. I therefore dedicate this piece of work to the youth to embrace a moral apt society. Let those shackled break free.

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