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The Last Lyria

The Last Lyria



A NEWAGE FANTASY In a world filled with magic, in the ruling kingdom. Aleera, adopted by an average family, grows up with extremely shocking abilities that is always discussed all over her home town "Gidore". She is invited to Lumeria high where she is paired with a group of people and discovers shocking revelations and a possible romantic interest.

Chapter 1 The Letter

Aleera!,get up!,its time for school!"... *groans* "wait,school! What! and you're just waking me up now?" she said after looking at the time then jumped out of her bed,before she stopped. "wait... my alarm didn't go off ,it's meant to go off by 6 from Monday till Friday" she said then picked up her phone "mom! its saturday!" "I know that, but what could I have said to get you out of bed early on a Saturday". "why do you need me out of bed early on a Saturday?" "because of this" her mother said then showed her a white envelope with gold and red diamond encrusted on it. "what's that?"...

"its a letter"..."I know its a letter,I mean who is it from and who is it for?,it looks like it came from a rich royal person" " well it's a letter for you, and it came from lumeria!" her mother is exclaimed childishly. " wait a letter for me?,from lumeria?!" "you got that right honey"...

" no way!" "

"yes way baby, we're going to read its content after breakfast with your dad, now clean up and come down" her mother said then exited the room. immediately Aleera went into her bathroom and out, then to her wardrobe, then out of her room,to the dinning table to see her mother placing what looks like a cake on the table before looking up at her and motioning for her to move faster.

"Mom why do we have a cake? " she said while taking her seat, "we need a cake because the letter from lumeria came to us which means a celebration!" her mother said in a high-pitched voice which caused Aleera to frown, "mom a letter from Lumeria, doesn't always mean something good it's going to happen and you know that it. It could be a death threat for treason or something related".

"well as far as I know, our family hasn't done anything bad so it's a good letter" Aleera's mom replied with a scoff and placed the letter next to her plate.

Watching the drama in front of him Aleera's father couldn't help giving his wife angry looks because he had already internally face smacked himself up to four times at his wife's over-excitement.

"Mum you read the letter didn't you?" Aleera asked in a more serious tone.

" Mum!"

she shouted when her mother didn't reply her questions "you said we were going to read it after breakfast" she said in a grumpy tone with her hands crossed on her chest. " baby I'm sorry I just got so excited... I mean it's lumeria!"

"oh whatever so what does it say?" Aleera asked with a mouthful of food ,then looked at her parents when she didn't get a fast reply to see them arguing silently, "I said what's in the letter?" she asked again

"you're going to Lumeria high!" her father blurted out then got a hard hit from her mother, then she said "I said was going to tell her!"...

"well you've already told her enough, its my turn to talk!"

" lumeria high?!" Aleera suddenly shouted which gave her parents a shock and ended their bickering.

"Yes honey and according to the letter" her father said and grab the letter from her mum who was about to read it then continued saying...

"it says here. Good day Aleera Flynn you have been officially invited to be a student at lumeria high for your outstanding results at your current school and in two days from the day's date you will be picked up from your home, so prepare yourself for a life-changing adventure.

* welcome to lumeria high*

"No way! ,it's real,but did you say two days from the day's date that means tomorrow!, the letter came in ye at yesterday" she exclaimed...

"Mum, Dad what Are We Gonna Do


"oh baby your dad and I have got this covered... we're taking you shopping for school... now aren't you happy we read the letter early now let's hit the road" Aleera


"why do we have to go shopping and what are we shopping for?" "Aleera, Lumeria is far away from here so do you think you're still going to be a day schooler?" her mother asked then saw Aleera's facial expression change, then she added "well now that you've realised that, let's go your dad is waiting for us"

" So Mum what are we shopping for? Aleera asked immediately they walked into the mall, "we need to get you a new travelling bag".... "and a few other things" her mum added. They all shopped for a while then they finally decided to go home. Aleera's mum was helping her pack her bag while she sat and watched her when she suddenly spoke up "Mum can I ask you something?"

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