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I Told Rachel About You

I Told Rachel About You

Dancing fingers


Rachel, a young woman with amnesia, returns to Nigeria after four years abroad. As she struggles to piece together her past, she bumps into Michael, her first love, in a writing workshop. But with no memory of him, she must navigate the sparks between them while unraveling her forgotten life. Can she uncover the truth and rediscover her lost love?

Chapter 1 Love knows no amnesia

Chapter 1

Daniel was cruising down the wet street on his motorbike, humming along to the beat of the

music in his headphones. The rain had made the roads sick, and Daniel was having fun driving around in the damp weather. Suddenly, he hit muddy patch, and the bike skidded to a stop, sending a splash of dirty water on to the person walking behind him.

"Damnit!" the stranger exclaimed, scowling at the muddy stain on his white shirt. He was a

young man about Daniel's age, with skin the same shade of medium brown.

The man was tall and lean, with dark, coarse hair that was pulled into neat, tight dreadlocks

that hung to his shoulders.Two thick strands of hair framed his face, which was strong and

masculine, with high cheekbones and a square jaw. His eyes were dark and piercing, and

they seemed to bore into Daniel's as he glared at him.

"Sorry, man," Daniel said, quickly dismounting his bike. "Are you okay? I didn't see you


The man's expression softened slightly, but he still looked annoyed. "I'm fine," he said, trying

to leave.

Daniel's eyes widened in surprise as the man turned to leave, a scowl on his face. Daniel

hurriedly hopped off his bike and rushed after him, calling out, "Hey!Hey!" He grabbed the

man's arm, stopping him in his tracks. "I didn't mean to make you angry. I was just having

some fun. I'm sorry."

The man looked down at Daniel's hand on his arm, then slowly up at Daniel's face. He

seemed to consider his words for a moment, then spoke, his deep, rich voice full of


Michael's face remained impassive as he listened to Daniel's apology. He finally spoke, his tone sharp. "You think I have time for your fun? I have an exam at 8:00am, and I don't need

your foolish distractions."

He glared at Daniel, his jaw clenched.

Daniel's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. "Oh, I'm Sorry! I didn't realize you were

in a rush." He glanced at his watch and saw that it was already 7:35am. "I can take you to

your exam, if you want.

Michael hesitated, but then he realised that he didn't have time to waste. He sighed and

climbed onto the back of the bike, holding on tightly as Daniel started the engine.



Daniel read the name broadly written on the signboard aloud. "So you attend this tutorial."

Michael gave no response as he hurried down from the bike. He muttered a quick thanks and Daniel nodded.

Daniel brought out his phone from his pocket and gave it to him. Michael dialed his number and extended his hand. As Daniel took the device, Michael's eyes darted to the silver pendant hanging from Daniel's neck. He knew he'd seen that symbol before.


Michael memories goes back to four years ago.

"Michael, we were informed that the student who followed group A bus had an accident.

A girl said as she wiped her eyes continuously, her voice quivering. "The principal said none of them escaped. They're all gone."

Michael's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?"

"Rachel was there, too," she said, her voice breaking as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Michael asked. "I don't understand.

Who did you say was among?

He asked but she could only reply him with a cry.

Michael stood still, a single tears rolled down his cheek as he stared at the pendant in his hand. She had carelessly dropped it during sport. He was going to return it to her.


" Could he be?"

He immediately looked at the pendant again then back at Daniel trying to put the puzzle together. "Could this guy be her brother?" he thought to himself.

In that moment, Daniel gave Michael a sly smile and a wink. Then, he ran his fingers over the back of his neck, almost flirtatiously. "I didn't know I was that cute," he said with a laugh.

Michael rolled back his eyes.

"No way!

He sighed deeply, as he slowly withdrew his steps.

"It could just be a coincidence

After all, there are different types of this in the world."

"Wait! you haven't tell me your name yet!"

Daniel called out but could only watch his retreating back as he made his way in.


" Morning, Uncle," Daniel said as he walked into his uncle's office and slumped into a chair. He looked tired and disheveled, and Mr. John immediately sensed something was wrong.

"What's going on?" he asked with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's been a really rough day," Daniel mumbled.

"Okay, let's start with the basics," Mr. John said.

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next class period. Mr. John gathered his materials and prepared to leave the room. He gestured toward the small fridge in the corner. "You can grab a drink from the fridge if you'd like,"


"So I believe you are all prepared for the mock exam?"

Master John asked and the class chorus"Yes sir"

"It's a shame that many of you are not present, and they're expecting to pass their waec and Jamb in one sitting. That is.....

"Yah, what the hell?" Hannah whispered in a low voice, her eyes darted from Mr John and then back at Christian who was busy playing with her braids.

Mr Paul Johnson popularly called Mr John by the student is the owner and founder of JUST DO IT TUTORIAL. A man in his 30's.

He was wearing a simple white shirt on a pair of black pants. He has one hand in his pocket, while holding some sheets with the other; a handsome gentleman standing by the entrance of the classroom.

His gaze moving to and fro making sure the student pays attention to his words.

"Why are you disrupting my class?"

The student stared at one another wondering who Mr John was referring to.

His gaze fell on Christian and he stood up immediately.

"I'm sorry sir, but she took my pen."

"I didn't"

Hannah said raising her upper brow at Christian.

"But you did. "

"Sir, I didn't"

Mr John folded his arms staring at the scene displayed.

"Save me." Christian whispered biting his lower lip.

"You owe me" Hannah sighed as she grinned on her lower teeth angrily before looking at Mr John.

She smiled sheepishly and said "Oh! yeah, I did."

The classroom falls into complete quietness. Mr John was also struck dumb.

Then followed by the thunderous sound of laughter. Mr John heaved a long sigh and turned to face the students.

"They are what?"

"They are stupid" the class chorus busting out another laughter.

"Alright, that's enough."


After what seems like forever, the student submitted their scripts exiting the class one after another.

👥 Ah!! I thought I was gonna die

👥 Can't believe I answered the whole questions!

👥 I hate maths!


"So have you talked to your sister today?"

Mr John was discussing with a man who looked more like the younger version of him.

He leaned his back on the chair, with his legs crossed. His gaze is serene, and his posture is composed.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and a student entered carefully placed the answer sheets on the desk.

"Alright Mich. I guess everyone has submitted?"

He asked and Michael nodded a yes.


Michael turned his head at the sound of the voice and was welcome by a pair of eyes.

He averted his gaze to take a closer look. When he looked at him again, he was staring back.


New York City

Rachel stood at the window of her uncle's apartment, looking out over the busy streets of New York City. The city was a constant flurry of activity, with cars and people rushing by, horns honking, and the sounds of voices shouting and laughing. At seventeen, Rachel was still getting used to the pace of life in the big city. But there was one thing that always brought her a sense of peace: the piano.

She sat on the front steps of her brownstone in Brooklyn, playing her favorite song on the piano. The ivy-covered brick walls of the house were bathed in golden afternoon sunlight, and the sound of her playing carried down the quiet, tree-lined street.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and Rachel was no longer in front of her uncle's house. Instead, she was standing in a field of wildflowers, the sun beating down on her face. She looked around, trying to make sense of where she was, but everything was a blur.

Then she saw an image from afar, with a flute in his hand playing the sound one that sounds so familiar to her. As Rachel tried to get a better look at the man playing the flute, the field suddenly shook and swirled around her.

On the other hand, Ella was practicing her dance steps when she noticed the disturbance as Rachel played the piano. She quickly ran to where she was "Rachel, are you having trouble with your memory again?"

Rachel found herself back in front of her uncle's house, the music fading away as she blinked her eyes in confusion. The sound of her niece calling her name brought her back to reality.

Ella's brow furrowed in concern, and she leaned in closer to Rachel, She rested her head on Ella's shoulder, as she felt a sense of calm and safety. "It's okay now."

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