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Stay Away From Me

Stay Away From Me



Alice traveled to her best friend Viola's house to prepare for her college entrance exam. However, Viola was not at home, and Alice found herself waiting with Viola's brother, Sam, who had long harbored feelings for her. Sam offered Alice a drink, secretly adding some substances to it to incapacitate her. Regrettably, Alice fell asleep, and Sam engaged in non-consensual sexual ( Rape) activity with her. Following this traumatic experience, Alice has struggled emotionally, making it challenging for her to trust men. She has even faced moments of despair, attempting suicide multiple times due to the aftermath of the incident. She deeply regrets her visit to Viola's house, especially since she had previously chosen to remain abstinent but was violated by Sam. The question remains: Can Alice ever open herself up to love again? She has turned down numerous suitors and developed a significant mistrust of the male gender.


Alice had not really eaten food for about 3 days and its beginning to crawl back to her because she was consistently weak and dizzy, something awful had happened to her and once in a year she remembers it and crawl into depression, she hates her life and hold a strong notion about men and trust.

“How do I get myself to swim when I am drowning in this hurtful memory and illusions that are conjured by my experiences? My therapist said that I need to conquer love over this built-in hatred but its so funny because how does one conquer what he cannot see, believe in or even agree with? He took my life from me, my pride, and he left me bare to fry. He took my kingdom and rendered hopeless, yet he walks round the face of the earth with his innocent face as though nothing was wrong. I thought the traumas and sleepless nights would have ended but why does it increase in every phasing of the time? Why do I have to appear toothless and harmless when I have been harmed in multiple ways at once? ‘’Alice could not believe that her life seemed as though it has ended because at a younger age, she already planned out her life but this incident left a thick mark on her, one that she may never recover from.

Thinking aback, One funny incident had occurred some months back, Alice went to the hospital pleading that they use injection or any medical procedure and surgeries to disfigure how she looks because her appearance kept on drawing attentions to her in ways that she does not like. She had witnessed two good friends exchanging brawls because of her and the sad truth is that she was not dating any of them as at then. In high school, the younger teachers were constantly asking her out, bringing her to their offices just to stare and talk with her, the students were not left out too because everyone wants to be her friend. The truth is that Alice was not even making any effort to look the way she does because it’s natural for her, many brands approached her for deals, many modelling agencies came for her too but her mother turned down every deal because she believed that Alice was too young to be exposed to the world outside there.

Two years ago, she had travelled miles away from home to her friend’s house for college entrance examination and it happened that Alice registered at that center because of her best friend who persuaded her to put the same exam center and pick same date as her, so that they could write at similar time and similar hall.

A day to the entrance exam, Alice packed a bag and fold her mother that she was going for the entrance exam before heading to her best friend’s family house but when she got there, she found out that nobody was home except her best friend’s brother who was playing video game as at when she arrived.

Sam has always admired Alice right from when she was much younger, he didn’t hide his intentions from her because he was consistently sending her messages and gifts to Express how he feels about her, but Alice was not ready for the drama especially with her best friend’s brother.

Sam was excited to see Alice as he welcomed her in, he informed her that her sister ( Viola ) was not around, she had gone into town to pick up some groceries and would be back much later at night. Alice relaxed her mind and called Viola who validated the information that Sam portrayed and this made her to relax and feel at home, besides, it’s her best friend’s family house and nothing could possibly go wrong.

While Alice was in the room trying to take a nap because of the journey she embarked on, Sam came in with a game of chess and a glass of cold milk, he offered her the milk and offered to play the game with her but Alice was tired to play the game, so she collected only the milk and drank from it before turning down the chance to play with Sam.

After a while, Alice noticed that her eye was beginning to lose vision and she felt quite dizzy, she knew that she was tired but tiredness shouldn’t be able to knock her off to sleep in that manner, she was struggling to open her eye but she was losing control very fast and immediately feel off to sleep.

Sam had drugged Alice’s milk and was thinking of what to do with her. His primary intention was to just undress her and see what she looks like from inside, he had earlier stolen one of her undies and had gone into hiding to sniff it but that was not enough because the more he did that, the more aroused he became; he called of his friends that deal on drugs and he gave him a drug that would definitely knock her off.

Sam Frist of all kissed Alice, then ran his hands around her tender breast and slightly caressed her nipples, then he ran his tongue round it which made him to let out a gentle moan. He went down her belly button and carefully unfolded the gown she was putting on and kissed the region gently, then he swiped his hands in and grabbed Alice soft ebony ass and squeezed it calmly.

Sam’s dick was already standing erect and he was hungry for what he was seeing, so he dragged Alice’s undies down and saw what he described as “ the hidden beauty “, then he took a picture of it and zoomed it in to see what she looked like in picture, she then went back to her and swindled his tongue around her dark nipples and it was standing as though she wanted to to be sucked on the boobs.

Sam dropped his phone and swiped his finger ( the smallest one ) in between Alice’s thighs and caresses the tip of her pussy. It made Alice’s body shake even though she was unconscious, then he repeated it over and over again until he could literally hear her moan from sleep.

He then inserted his smallest finger into her finely straight shaped ebony pussy but it was hard for the hand to go in freely even though the hand was the smallest of the five fingers but he kept on trying gently until he noticed natural wetness that gushed out like a fluid from Alice’s pussy. This made it easy for him to penetrate with his hand and gently he went in, he saw some blood stain but was not bothered because he was really horny.

So Sam increased the number of fingers he inserted in Alice’s pussy to two and it went in deep after minutes of struggle, when he was sure that he has made a way for his dick to enter. He turned Alice around with her face down and facing the bed and then he lifted her ass up like a doggy an then placed her already erected Dick in between her thigh.

Although he heard a cry, he was not interested provided he was satisfied. Sam went on and on into Alice’s pussy and it was the most pleasurable thing he ever experienced until he accidentally cummed inside of her and he didn’t know how to remove the cum, the plan was to just have sex with her, dress her up as though nothing happened and move on but that would definitely not work because Alice would experience real pain when she gets up.

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