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The Duplicate Wife

The Duplicate Wife

Angel ann


***Prologue*** "how many times do I have to tell you that mind your own business! and don't touch things inside my house!" He screamed angrily at the same time he carelessly fell on the table I had just bought I immediately grabbed my chest when I felt its rapid beating because of the nervousness I feel now "I just want to fix it--" "Shut up! fix what! what you say is that you just want to delete all the memories that my wife has of this household!" he shouted angrily at me I immediately hid my shaking hands behind my back and took a deep breath before looking directly at him "no..why would I do that --" "because you want to replace her!" he shouted again, making me stop replace her?...how can I replace her? I closed my eyes and took another deep breath before staring into his eyes again "Hannah is dead" three words that made him angrier, he immediately slapped me hard and carelessly pushed me against the wall while holding my neck tightly "what!?" I can see the anger in his eyes "H-Hannah i-is dead ack s-so m-m-move on" and because of what I said I received a severe slap from him and I also felt his stranglehold on me tighter "so the truth also came out! that you really want to replace her!" I saw the deep disappointment in his eyes "That doesn't change, you're still the slut who begged in front of my house four years ago" he said before letting me go. "I'm your wife now" I don't know where I got the courage to say that in front of him "but my heart belongs to her only, I don't even like nor love you" but my heart belongs to her only, I don't even like nor love you my heart belongs to her only I don't even like nor love you like nor love you love you love you I immediately looked up to stop my tears, but they started falling on their own and I couldn't stop the little cry the pain is pain, it's like my heart is being crushed with fine fines He turned his back on me when he heard my cry and the last thing I heard was his loud closing of the door I immediately looked at the big frame with our wedding picture I was smiling there while he was a ruler away from me as if he didn't want to touch me, I just bowed down and cried softly I was surprised to hear something fall so I immediately stood up because I was afraid that Hiro might be the one to get angry. leaving the room, the broken vase near the stairs immediately appeared to me, that vase..that's the vase that I really didn't change because it was made by Hannah herself "what happened!?" I looked at Erren who had just arrived my eyes immediately landed on my son who was crying on the side of the broken vase I saw that Erren's eyes landed on Hiro and when he saw the broken vase that Hannah made himself, he angrily grabbed Hiro's other shoulder. "do you know how important that thing is!!" he shouted causing the child to cry even more "E-Erren" I stopped him but he ignored me and pressed his grip on Hiro even more "Don't you f*ck*ng cry in front of me!" he said angrier "i-im s-s-sorry d-daddy" said my son holding back his tears as I slowly approached them because I felt sorry for my son "don't call me daddy!" "T-That's right Erren!!" "i-im s-sorry s-s-sir.." I immediately grabbed Hiro from him and the boy quickly hugged me while softly crying on my chest I feel hurt for my son, why does he have to experience this thing too "Can you pls be more sensitive Erren! He's just three years old!" I yelled at him angrily "but he broke the vase that Hannah made herself" he said to me dumbfounded I looked at him and picked up my son who continued to cry softly and hug me tightly "it's not just that vase that broke and disappeared tonight Erren...also your son" I made a meaningful promise to him before turning him away just what I have done in the past to experience this situation, to experience being a duplicate of my twin sister Maria Hannah Beunavista, and be a wife of the cold hearted bastard, Marc Erren Beunavista I am Maria Hanni Ramos Beunavista and this is my story

Chapter 1 Dedicated to all of you

who quickly took it and drank it but he stopped in anger as Erren grabbed it from him and approached me

"s-s-seriously d-dude -hmm" Ethan looks like he's going to die because Nomie looks like he can't breathe anymore

"someone is jealous and someone is so poor HAHAHAHA" he said loudly, I was about to ask him who it was when Erren angrily grabbed the bottle that only had water in my hand and put it in the fridge

"Try to give that water and you'll really get mad at me" he said angrily

I swallowed and snorted

I saw him sigh and touch my snoring lips

I saw the lifting of one side of his lips as if he was smiling

I blushed and tried to remove his hand from my mouth

"Don't give him water okay?" he said like a child and snorted

'shit is cute'

I said blushing in my mind, he let go of my lips and kissed it with just a touch

"Ehem" Nomie said with a pissed off look at us

Erren and I immediately separated and I immediately returned to my seat

"I'm going to get water, maybe later my brother will die because of that one's jealousy" Nomie said with a smile and went to the fridge to get her brother some water

I just blushed and started eating

after a few minutes the four of us left the house together

"Let's go shopping, you're going on a date tomorrow," Nomie said

I was surprised when someone suddenly hugged my waist and pulled me away from Nomie

"Just find a boyfriend to go shopping with and you're not bothering my husband" said Erren gruffly.

I blushed and pinched her waist

"What!? I just don't want to share you to anyone" she said

I feel the strength of my heart beating again

"Hey! What kind of boyfriend is that boyfriend! He's not even allowed to have a boyfriend! He's still young!" Ethan said softly

"Hey! I'm already 19 years old!" Nomie said annoyed

I laughed when Ethan pinched Nomie's ear

"You're too young for us! You can't have a boyfriend yet!" shouted Ethan

"You're unfair! You and brother Kean can flirt but I can't!" Nomie shouted in annoyance

"Ah, you're not allowed yet!" Ethan said annoyed

"That's an older girl, go ahead haha, you're very protective," Erren said with a smile

I laughed out loud at the same time the brothers frowned at what Erren said

"Wow you spoke not protectively! It's like not turning into a tiger every time a man approaches Eliza" Ethan said still in a daze

I saw Erren frown causing me to laugh again

"because she is just 14 years old..she is still too young for that" Erren said seriously

"Oh Nomie is like that too! He's still too young!" Ethan shouted again

"You said I'm 19 years old! I'm a girl!" Nomie shouted in annoyance

I just shook my head and pulled Erren

"come on" I said laughing because the brothers kept arguing about that 'boyfriend' thingy

"wow, I didn't know you were so protective of Eliza" I said with a smile while we were on our way to an unknown place

"she is our little princess so we should protect her" he said seriously while driving

I was quiet...yes, Eliza was the only girl

maybe that's why the three of them are so protective of the youngest brother

I was surprised when suddenly someone grabbed my hand that was on my thigh

I looked at him and saw him smiling at me too

causing my heart to beat faster again

Erren, you're messing with my mind and heart too much

I said in my mind while looking at our holding hands

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